Bullitt Lick Middle School Handbook


1 / Student Handbook | Bullitt Lick Middle School
1 / Student Handbook | Bullitt Lick Middle School

This handbook for students and parents is organized alphabetically by topic. Where appropriate, the Bullitt County Board of Education policy statements have been included.


Kentucky Revised Statute 159.150 defines truancy as: Any pupil who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three (3) events or more, or tardy three (3) days or more, is a truant. A pupil who has been reported as a truant two (2) or more times is a habitual truant. An event is defined as more than 60 minutes absence from school at any time during the school day.

Bullitt County Board Policy 09.123 states: Pupils are required to attend regularly and punctually the school in which they are enrolled.

Excused Events: An excused event or tardiness is one for which work may be made up, such as:

  1. Student illness
  2. Death or severe illness in the student’s family
  3. Appointments with a health professional
  4. Test for driver’s permit or license
  5. Court appearance required by subpoena or citation
  6. Religious holidays and practices
  7. One (1) day for the Kentucky State fair
  8. Documented military leave, 1 day prior to departure or return of parent/guardian to military duty
  9. Other valid reasons as determined by the Principal/designee

Unexcused Events: An unexcused event is one that may result in truancy charges being filed. Work may be made up for unexcused events at the discretion of the teacher. Examples of unexcused events include, but are not limited to:

  1. Parent notes beyond the allowable limit of 6.
  2. Unapproved vacations.
  3. Haircuts, shopping, or other leisure activities.
  4. Babysitting

Bullitt Lick Middle School will make a personal call to the parent/guardian when the student is absent from school.

Students are expected to attend school regularly. If a student must be absent, parents should phone the school to report the reason for the absence before 10:00 in the morning. The school phone number is 543-6806. WHEN STUDENTS RETURN TO SCHOOL, THEY SHOULD BRING TO THE OFFICE A NOTE FROM HOME OR FROM A DOCTOR EXPLAINING WHY THEY WERE ABSENT. The note will determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused. Notes are kept in the office for reference.

BULLITT LICK MIDDLE SCHOOL WILL ACCEPT UP TO SIX (6) PARENTAL EXCUSE NOTES EACH SCHOOL YEAR. We realize that there are times when students are too ill to come to school, but not ill enough to go to the doctor. Any time your child must miss school for an appointment, be sure to request a doctor’s note or official statement in order for the absence to be excused.

Parents will be notified by mail when their child has accumulated 3 or more unexcused events. Students who accumulate six (6) unexcused events are in violation of Kentucky’s compulsory attendance laws. We are obligated to report these students to the Director of Pupil Personnel. Once the DPP has sent a final notice to the parent, the school has the option of filing a truancy petition with the courts should the poor attendance continue.

Students who have four (4) unexcused tardies to school will be assigned after-school detention after each fourth tardy. A tardy is defined as an absence from school 60 minutes or less. Signing out before dismissal is considered a tardy. School clocks are set to WHAS time. Truancy will also be filed for excessive tardiness to school (more than 15).

If a student is absent the day of an extracurricular event, the student will not be allowed to attend the event.

The length of time for make up work shall be equal to the period of absence plus one day, unless scheduled otherwise by the teacher. Students need to remember that it is their responsibility to request missing assignments from their teachers.

Suspension: Projects or homework assigned prior to suspension shall be accepted for credit. Students shall be responsible for submitting assignments due during the time of the suspension.


Bullitt Lick Middle School offers a variety of after-school activities for students. Involvement in school helps students feel more a part of the school community and enjoy school more. The following is a list of current/ future clubs, some of which may have participation requirements. Parents are encouraged to work out travel arrangements to give their child the opportunity to participate. Some activities/clubs may not be offered every year depending on student participation.

Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP)

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

Yearbook Academic Team

PTSA Future Problem Solving

Junior Beta Club Band

Archery Team Student Council

Art Club Musical Theater

Energy NEED Team BLMS Broadcast

Book Club Drama Club

Manga Club Chess Team

Math Counts KYA


Athletics and Cheerleading

Bullitt County Board Policies 09.31, 09.311, 09.312

All interscholastic and intramural athletic competition shall be in compliance with the constitution, bylaws, and tournament rules of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association and all local procedures.

The Superintendent shall develop procedures to insure that the safety of the student shall be first in consideration in all athletic practices and events.

All athletic practices and events shall be under the direct supervision of a qualified employee of the Board.

Each student must pass a medical examination as a prerequisite to eligibility for interscholastic athletics. All students participating in interscholastic athletics must present evidence of accident insurance. Insurance must meet minimum criteria established by the Superintendent.

Bullitt Lick Middle School offers basketball, track, cross country, archery, volleyball, and cheerleading programs. Students must try out for these activities and obtain the following:

1.  A completed “Athletic Participation Form” which must be signed by parent/guardian and notarized.

2.  An athletic physical no more than one year old.

3.  Proof of medical insurance, either school insurance or personal insurance.

4.  Passing grades with excellent attendance and behavior records. COACHES WILL CHECK GRADES WEEKLY TO DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY FOR PARTICIPATION.

5.  Participate in the random drug screening program (mandatory).

6.  Comply with rules established by the adult coach or sponsor for the activity.

7.  Coaches do reserve the right to deny playing time based on team rules, in addition to any school consequences the student may receive for behavior.


Breakfast is served in the mornings beginning at 7:40. Breakfast is free to all students. If students plan to eat breakfast at school, they should do so before leaving the cafeteria to report to 1st period. Students who do not eat breakfast must report to the gym. Breakfast is also served outside of gym doors.

Lunch is free to all students If students wish to purchase “extras” at lunch must have money to do so. Students may bring their lunches from home. CARBONATED BEVERAGES AND SOFT DRINKS CANNOT BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL FOR LUNCH. Students who bring these items will be asked to dispose of them.

Students with special dietary needs must have a doctor’s statement to that effect. The cafeteria does not serve special lunches. Special dietary items must be brought from home.

Students are expected to leave their table as clean as possible. It is the responsibility of all students to clean up after themselves and return their tray. Students should abide by all school rules in the cafeteria. Poor behavior in the cafeteria will result in isolation from fellow students during lunch, or other disciplinary measures.


Bullitt County Board Policies 09.226, 06.33, 06.342

Pupils shall conform to transportation rules and regulations prescribed under state statutes and under state and local regulations. (Please refer to bus policies in the District Code of Conduct Handbook).

School Bus Rules

At the beginning of the school year students are given a form that lists the rules to follow when riding a school bus. Students and parents or guardians are required to sign the bottom part of that form indicating an agreement to read and follow bus rules. The signed portion should be returned to school.

Car Riders and Walkers

Students who are picked up or who walk home on a daily basis must have an authorization form on file in the office. These students will exit the building in the afternoon from the doors at the Southwest end of the building.

Walkers will be held in the gym area until all car riders and busses have been released. FOR SAFETY REASONS, CHANGES IN A STUDENT’S BUS/CAR RIDER STATUS CANNOT BE TAKEN OVER THE PHONE.

Arriving at School in the Morning/Boarding the Bus in the Afternoon

When the bus arrives at school students are to report directly to the cafeteria for breakfast or the gymnasium. Students are to remain in their location until dismissed by school personnel. If a student is late to school for any reason, they must stop by the office and get a Tardy Note before going to their class. If no reason is given for the tardiness, the tardy will be considered unexcused. Parent or Guardian should accompany the student to sign him/her in at the office. It is extremely important that students arrive on time for school. In the afternoons, students should walk directly to the bus.

Other Important Bus Facts

Bullitt County Schools’ Department of Transportation has installed a video monitoring system on some of the school buses. This system has video and audio capability. This system will provide improved safety, security, and another means of monitoring conduct. Parents will not have access to these tapes.

Buses will run daily. Please pay close attention to the time schedule of the buses. Buses will not wait at the bus stops. Students must be at the bus stop when the bus arrives. Missing the bus is not an excused absence.

Students should not ask to ride a different bus unless there is a real emergency situation. Spending the night at a friend’s house is not an emergency. If A STudent is requesting to ride a different bus, s/he must bring a note from parent/guardian stating the emergency causing the change in buses. The note must include a phone number that we can call to verify the emergency. Students should not ask to get off the bus at Bullitt Central. This policy is in place to insure the safety of the individual student.


If school has been canceled for any reason, an announcement will be made on WHAS (840) radio, WHAS 11 TV, or www.whas11.com. This is the only station that is authorized to broadcast a cancellation of Bullitt County Schools. Please do not call the school, the Board of Education office, your teachers, or the Principal to find out about school cancellation.


Bullitt County Board Policy 09.1231

No student shall be dismissed early from the school without permission from the Principal or the Principal’s designee. Any student who leaves the school grounds without permission from the Principal shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action including assignment to detention, ISAP, or suspension. The police will also be notified.

Release of Students

No student shall be dismissed early from school without permission from the parent. If the student is to be picked up, the parent/guardian or parental designee shall report to the main office to sign student out. A note must be submitted for the check-out to marked as excused.


A student may be released to a person with lawful authority to take custody of the student, e.g. a police officer with a warrant. In such cases, the student’s parent will be notified at the earliest opportunity.

Students should be checked out of school early only for emergencies. Routinely checking out early for reasons other than emergencies is detrimental to the student’s education. We ask that parents restrict early dismissals to true emergencies.

Students who are to be dismissed from school early must be signed out of school by their parents or by another responsible adult who has been designated by the parent or guardian in writing as having permission to check the student out of school. The names of all adults so designated must be placed on the form provided by the school for that purpose. Picture identification is required to check out a student.


Bullitt County Board Policy 09.42

Good order, propriety of deportment and attire, and cleanliness of person and attire are required of every pupil. Every pupil is expected to obey the directions of the teachers, to be diligent in study, and to be respectful to teachers and schoolmates.

The Principal of each school, or school council in schools with SBDM, shall develop specific rules of conduct for the school.

The Administration and staff shall distribute and enforce all school conduct rules.

Each student must realize that he/she will be required to respect the rights of other students. Conflicts must be settled in an appropriate manner. When a conflict arises, discuss it calmly. Seek help from your teachers, your counselor, or your principal.

The school staff will treat each student in a fair manner concerning misconduct; however, one must realize that misconduct will result in disciplinary action. In all cases this action will be in compliance with the School Discipline Plan as developed by the SBDM Council, and the Bullitt County Discipline Code Manual.


BLMS implements a school –wide positive behavior intervention plan that will enhance the school culture and climate by implementing proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors that create a positive school environment.

The Bobcat Way

(expected student behaviors)




Bobcat Privilege Pass

Students that meet the expected student behaviors above by having good behavior, good attendance, and good grades will receive a privilege pass. This pass is an ID card on a BLMS lanyard. These card holders will receive extra rewards for doing the right thing and meeting BLMS expectations. For example and not limited to: dress down days, eating outside, treat day, and etc.

Barger Bucks

Students may also earn Barger Bucks during the day for following expectations. They will have the opportunity to turn the bucks in for privileges.
Bully-Proofing Your School

Research shows that bullying is most serious during the middle school years. This year BLMS is implementing a comprehensive school program called Second Steps. This program will help us create the safe and nurturing environment schools are meant to be. The curriculum will be taught at all grades and will focus on skills and strategies to avoid becoming a victim of bullying, as well as developing the caring majority.