Office of Cultural and

Civic Development

City of Mobile

Mobile, Alabama



The City of Mobile requests proposals for management, operation, administration, promotion, and maintenance of the Saenger Theatre for the City of Mobile.

For details and copies of the Request for Proposals (RFP) information, contact:

Robert O. Bostwick, Jr.


Cultural and Civic Development Department

City of Mobile

P. O. Box 1827

Mobile, Alabama 36633

(251) 208-7970

Please send by regular or electronic mail a letter of intent to respond to the RFP by April 22, 2013, to Robert O. Bostwick, Jr., at the above address.

A pre-proposal submission meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., April 18, 2013, at the Saenger Theatre, on Joachim Street in Mobile, Alabama, between Dauphin and Conti Streets.

Attendance at the pre-proposal meeting is encouraged but not mandatory.

Sealed proposals will be received until 5:00 p.m., CST, May 24, 2013, at the following address:

City of Mobile

City Clerk’s Office

Mobile Government Plaza

9th Floor, South Tower

205 Government Street

Mobile, Alabama 36602








1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to provide interested parties with guidelines and information to facilitate their submission of proposals on the project entitled “Facility Management, Promotion, Operation, and Maintenance of the Saenger Theatre.”

1.2 Issuing Office

Robert O. Bostwick, Jr., Cultural and Civic Development Department Director, City of Mobile, P. O. Box 1827, Mobile, Alabama 36633, hereafter known as the Project Director, or designated representative, will coordinate the issuance and evaluation of the RFP. All contacts regarding this RFP should be directed to: Robert O. Bostwick, Jr., 251-208-7970, .

1.3 Description of Facilities

The Saenger Theatre is a City-owned performing arts facility located in the Central Business District of downtown Mobile. The 1,921 seat facility was opened in 1927. In 1999, the theatre was purchased by the City of Mobile and subsequently renovated and reopened in 2001 under its current use.

The Center for the Living Arts (CLA), a non-profit corporation, leased and managed the theatre from 2001 to March 2013, when the City took over its management. The City now seeks a management firm to handle the day to day theatre operation. This includes both renting the facility to community organizations for special events and using the facility as a venue to promote professional performances.

The Saenger Theatre is also home to the Mobile Symphony Orchestra, which presents 20 concerts and 3 Mobile Youth Orchestra concerts per year. The MSO is the Saenger’s major tenant and has performances scheduled into 2014.

1.4 Contract Consideration

It is contemplated that the negotiated management contract with the successful Respondent will entail an enterprise fund which will require approval on a year-to-year basis of any annual budget based on projected revenue and expense. The anticipated term of such management contract is three (3) years, with an option by the City to renew for up to three one-year terms.

1.5 Contract Administration

The administration of any contract, on behalf of the City of Mobile shall be accomplished by the City’s Cultural and Civic Development Department, Robert O. Bostwick, Jr., Director.

1.6 Rejection

The right is reserved by the City to accept or reject any or all proposals or to waive any informality, if any, existing in any proposal, or to accept the proposal which best serves the interest and intent of this project, which may or may not be the lowest cost to the City.

1.7 Costs

The City is not liable for any costs incurred by any party responding to this RFP.

1.8 Inquiries

Questions by regular mail, telephone or e-mail should be directed to the Project Director, (251) 208-7970, e-mail address . An attempt will be made to answer those questions which are pertinent to an understanding of the RFP.

1.9 Addenda

Any changes in the RFP will be brought to the attention of all persons who have provided the proper notice of interest in performing this facility management, operations, and maintenance contract.

1.10 Schedule

The following schedule will be strictly adhered to in all actions relative to this procurement.

A. April 1, 2013 – Request for Proposals published and issued.

B. April 1, 2013 through May 10, 2013 – Proposer’s questions answered by mail, telephone or e-mail.

C. April 22, 2013 – Respondent submits a Letter of Intent to respond to this RFP to Robert O. Bostwick, Jr., Cultural and Civic Development Department Director, City of Mobile, P. O. Box 1827, Mobile, Alabama 36633. The letter should identify at least one contact person and provide his or her address, email, phone number, and fax number. All persons or entities submitting a Letter of Intent will be included on a distribution list for any communications, comments or revisions during the RFP process. Failure to provide a Letter of Intent will not disqualify a respondent from submitting a proposal, however, respondents should be aware that by failing to submit a Letter of Intent, a respondent will not be on the distribution list for any communications, comments, or revisions.

D. April 18, 2013 – A pre-proposal submittal conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. at the Saenger Theatre, on Joachim Street in Mobile between Dauphin and Conti Streets. At this conference, all interested parties will be allowed to ask questions regarding submission of proposals. An on-site visit will be conducted at the facility.

E. May 31, 2013 – All proposals due by 5:00 p.m., CST, at the office of the City Clerk, 9th Floor, Government Plaza, 205 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama 36633. No substantive amendments or additions to the RFP will be accepted after 5:00 p.m., CST, May 31, 2013.

F. June 3, 2013 to June 21, 2013 – Proposal evaluation and notification of selected firms to make proposal presentations.

G. June 24, 2013 to July 2, 2013 – Presentation of Proposals by selected firms.

H. July 16, 2013 – Announcement of selection of successful respondent.

I. July 16, 2013 to July 31, 2013 – Negotiation of professional services contract.

J. August 8, 2013 – Notice of Award of the project by the Mayor subject to City Council approval of a negotiated contract.

1.11 Proposal Content and Signature

A cover letter will be submitted with response to RFP that:

· identifies the partners, consultants, or contractors in your company.

· provides the names of individuals who prepared the RFP response and their relationships to your company.

· confirms that the management company will have sole and complete responsibility for performing the services as defined in the RFP.

· provides a statement signed by the representative who has authority to legally bind the management company, verifying the identification of the company as a corporation or other legal entity.

Six (6) copies of the proposal will be required with all copies having been signed by a company official with the power to bind the company in its proposal. All proposals must be completely responsive to the RFP for consideration, although minor irregularities may be waived at the discretion of the City.

1.12 Negotiations

The contents of the proposal of the successful respondent will become the basis for contractual negotiations.

1.13 Recommended Proposal Preparation Guides

All Respondents will provide a clear and concise description of their ability to meet the requirements of the RFP. Ornamental bindings and promotional material within the RFP are not desired. The proposals must show clearly the technical and management approach to include work tasks, estimated time phasings, and the proposal approach rationale.

1.14 Time Period for Proposals

Terms and conditions of proposals should be valid for a minimum of ninety (90) days from submittal deadline.

1.15 Responsibilities of Selected Respondent

The selected Respondent will be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in the proposal; and to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the contract.

1.16 Disclosure

Any information other than cost and price which the Respondent does not wish to have disclosed, other than for purposes of evaluation, shall have each applicable sheet or part marked “This data shall not be disclosed or duplicated, used or disclosed, in whole or in part for any purpose other than this evaluation; provided that if the contract is awarded to this offeror, or as a result of or in connection with the submission of such information, the Project Director shall have the right to duplicate, use or disclose this information to the extent provided in the contract.” This restriction will not limit the Project Director’s right to use information contained herein if it is obtained from another source.

1.17 Delays

The Project Director reserves the right to delay scheduled due dates if it is to the advantage of the project.

1.18 Plan Control

Control of the plan being developed shall remain the total responsibility of the Project Director.

1.19 Method of Payment

Payment schedule and basis for payment will be negotiated.


Proposals MUST be submitted in the format described below.

2.1 Business Organization and Credentials

Provide a synopsis of the Respondent’s qualifications in accordance with the Alabama Statutes and City Ordinances governing business licenses and requirements to conduct business in the City and the State, including financial, organizational and corporate status.

2.2 Understanding the Project

Provide a precise written rendering of the Respondent’s understanding of the project.

2.3 Management Plan

The Respondent must provide a narrative rendition of the technical/management work plan. Show how all required tasks are to be accomplished. Include a work plan and schedule showing the relationship of events.

2.4 Manpower

The Respondent must identify key personnel to be assigned to the project, their qualifications, education, and representative experience.

2.5 Budget

Respondents must submit proposed first year budget for the facility.

2.6 Artistic Vision

Respondents must describe the numbers and types of performances it will bring to the Saenger, including its plan to grow the use of the facility.


The evaluation of all proposals will be made under the direction of the Project Director and will include the following:

1. Experience related to professional services provided for other like facilities.

2. Past performance on previous and present management contracts.

3. Available staff and ability of a Director or day to day manager to be on-site.

4. Current work load – number of facilities under contract.

5. The ability to develop and maintain a relationship with a charitable organization (either existing or to be formed) capable of accepting and managing tax exempt gifts to the Saenger.

6. Volume of facility work – Listing of facilities under contract.

7. Understanding of job requirements.

8. Proposed approach to the project.

9. Interest and artistic vision for the use of the facility.

10. Amount of time needed to begin the contract work.

11. Ability, as reflected in submitted proposal, to cover all direct operating costs including routine maintenance and to produce a positive revenue flow from the facility.

12. Ability, as reflected in submitted proposal, to accommodate the facility’s major tenant, the Mobile Symphony Orchestra, and to insure reasonable and affordable use of facility by local community groups for various events.

13. The term and renewal provisions of any management agreement shall be the subject of negotiation based upon the submitted proposal.

Although important, lowest price is not the sole or even dominant determining factor in making an award of contract. This determination will be made based on the totality of the factors listed above. The foregoing notwithstanding, the City encourages and will accept creative proposals that may deviate from the listed factors. Proposals will be evaluated based on the overall benefit to the City and the preservation of the Saenger Theatre as a cultural arts center.


4.1 Background

The City of Mobile is seeking proposals to manage, administer, maintain, promote and program the Mobile Saenger Theatre.

4.2 General Work Statement

The selected Respondent will address the following key issues in providing for the operations, management and maintenance of the Saenger Theatre.

1. Technical stage services normally associated with an operating theatre. Such services shall be understood to include knowledge and resources to facilitate the use of the stage area; sound system, lighting system, stage rigging, dressing area, stage equipment, load in and load out and other associated services.

2. Audience services as indicated by the nature of the event. Such services shall be understood to include knowledge and resources necessary to accomplish ticket taking, program distribution, crowd control, orderly seating, proper emergency procedures, concession operations, resolution of disputes, security, and patron services including handicapped.

3. Box office services as required by the rentor. Such services shall be understood to include knowledge and resources necessary to accomplish efficient ordering, selling, and accounting of tickets, and ticket revenues for a given event for each rentor of the Saenger Theatre. Proper cash and credit card processing, complete auditing and accounting for each event, and timely exchange of income less expenses are understood to be included in these services. Reporting and payment of taxes on ticket sales, concession sales, souvenir sales, and other taxes as appropriate.

4. Consultant services as appropriate. Such services shall be understood to include knowledge and resources necessary to understand the needs and expectations of a potential user of the Saenger Theatre and translate

those needs and expectations into measurable and quantifiable estimates of costs, service, and personnel required.

5. Contracting services as requested. Such services shall be understood to include knowledge and resources necessary to create, negotiate, and conclude written agreements for the use of the Saenger Theatre and its equipment, personnel, and services.

6. Promotional services sufficient to make the Saenger Theatre available to as many users as practicable. Such services shall be understood to include knowledge and resources sufficient to advertise the Saenger Theatre, communicate its capabilities, staff and organizational services, and achieve the highest and broadest community use and involvement.

7. Establish and carry out policies and procedures to govern the operation of the Saenger Theatre. Such policies and procedures should include scheduling procedures, user rates, contract negotiations and contract agreements. Such policies shall be consistently applied to all users of the facility, whether profit or non-profit. Copies of policy procedures, rate schedules, and contract forms shall be supplied to and approved by the City’s Project Director as well as changes thereto.