Match_Table_494.doc: Combined Batches of Formatted Match Records with DB Maint Columns and Sorted by SORT ITEM
[A]h[V]ahR / Ayin-Bhet-Resh / Finished in time, or across in space. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / ENGLISH /
/ Mozeson / 80101 / A1hV1ahR[A]hVeL / Ayin-Vav-Lamed / Injustice. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / ENGLISH / EVIL / Mozeson / 80101 / A1hVeL
[A]iT / Ayin-Tahf / Occasion, time. / Dental Shift. / 6 / ARABIC /
/ Holiday / Mozeson / 80601 / A1iT[A]iTS / Ayin-Tsadi / Tree, wood. / The Cherokee tree is nasalized to ATSINA. / Nearly Identical / 7 / ARAONA / (Northern Bolivian jungle) /
/ Tree / Mozeson / 80901 / A1iTS[A]LeH / Ayin-Lamed-Hey / Go (up). / As via an ALLEY. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / FRENCH / ALLER / To go / Mozeson / 80101 / A1LeH
[A]MaL / Ayin-Mem-Lamed / Labor, travail. / A sound-alike work animal is the GaMaL/CAMEL. / Reversal with Nasal Shift. / 3 / BASQUE / (between Spain and France, but not Indo-European) / LAN / Work, labor / Mozeson / 80601 / A1MaL
[A]PHaR / Ayin-Phey-Resh / Dust. / Bilabial Shift. / 6 / HUNGARIAN /
/ Dust, powder / Mozeson / 80101 / A1PHaR[A]RaBHaH / Ayin-Resh-Bhet-Hey / Willow tree. / Like English ARBOR. / Bilabial Shift. / 6 / FRENCH /
/ Tree / Mozeson / 80901 / A1RaBHaH[A]RaKH / Ayin-Resh-Khaf / To set in order. / Nature’s architect is the ARACHNID (spider). / Nasalization with Guttural Shift. / 5 / ENGLISH / ARRANGE / Mozeson / 80101 / A1RaKH
[A]TeeYQ / Ayin-Tahf-Yod-Koof / Very old, ancient. / Nasalization. / 5 / GERMAN / ANTIK / Antique / Mozeson / 80101 / A1TeeYQ / 1
[A]TeeYQ / Ayin-Tahf-Yod-Koof / Very old, ancient. / Like English ANTIQUE. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / SALISHAN / (NW American Indians) / TIK / Old / Mozeson / 80601 / A1TeeYQ / 2
[A]TSahR / Ayin-Tsadi-Resh / Restrain. / Like English ARREST. / M132 with Dental Shift. / 4 / FRENCH /
/ To stop, arrest / Mozeson / 80901 / A1TSahR[A]YiN / Ayin-Yod-Noon / Eye. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / NAVAJO / (SW American Indians) / AH-NAH / Eye / Mozeson / 80601 / A1YiN
AB[A]BOO[A]H / Aleph-Bet-Ayin-Bet-Vav-Ayin-Hey / Boil, blister, pimple, wart. / Bilabial shifts. / 6 / PROTO POLYNESIAN /
/ Pimple, acne / Mozeson / 80601 / ABA1BOOA1H / 1AB[A]BOO[A]H / Aleph-Bet-Ayin-Bet-Vav-Ayin-Hey / Boil, blister, pimple, wart. / Nasalization with Bilabial shifts. / 5 / ENGLISH / PIMPLE / Mozeson / 80601 / ABA1BOOA1H / 2
/ Aleph-Bet-Aleph / Daddy. (Similar AhBH means “father.”) / Nearly Identical. / 7 / JAVANESE / BABA / Father / Mozeson / 80601 /ABAh
/ Aleph-Bhet-Koof / Dust; powder. / M312 with a Bilabial Shift. / 3 / JAPANESE / KABI / Mildew; dust / Mozeson / 80101 /ABHaQ
/ Aleph-Bet-Vav-Bhet / Hollow reed; pipe. / Water is PIPED out. BOMBS, also Nasalization with Bilabial shifts, were PIPE BOMBS. / Nasalization with Bilabial shifts. / 5 / ENGLISH / PUMP / Mozeson / 80101 /ABOOBH
/ 1ABOOBH / Aleph-Bet-Vav-Bhet / Hollow reed; pipe. / Like English FIFE and PIPE—also from Bilabial shifts. / Bilabial shifts. / 6 / HUNGARIAN / FUVOLA / Flute / Mozeson / 80101 / ABOOBH / 2
ABOOBH / Aleph-Bet-Vav-Bhet / Hollow reed; pipe. / Tube-fed ducks were considered PAMPERED. / Nasalization with Bilabial shifts. / 5 / FLEMISH / PAMPERIN / Feed with a tube / Mozeson / 80601 / ABOOBH / 3
ADaM / Aleph-Dalet-Mem / Man, Adam. / Yes, weDO all know each other from Adam. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / URDU / (Dravidian, India) / AADMI / Man / Mozeson / 80601 / ADaM / 1
ADaM / Aleph-Dalet-Mem / Man, Adam. / Like Proto-Eastern Polynesian TAANE (man). / M321 (Reversal) with Dental Shift. / 3 / MYSOL / (Malay) / MOTU / Man / Mozeson / 80601 / ADaM / 2
/ Aleph-Dalet-Mem / Man, Adam. / Like Proto-Eastern Polynesian TAANE (man). / Nasal Shift. / 6 / NAVAJO / (SW American Indians) /DENE
/ People / Mozeson / 80601 /ADaM
/ 3ADaMaH / Aleph-Dalet-Mem-Hey / Land, country, earth, soil. / M321 (Reversal) and Nasalization. / 2 / SPANISH /
/ World / Mozeson / 80101 / ADaMaHADOAM
/ Aleph-Dalet-Vav-Mem / Red. / Polynesians often double words. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / FIJIAN / (Austronesian, Polynesia) / DAMUDAMU / Red / Mozeson / 80601 /ADOAM
ADOAN / Aleph-Dalet-Vav-Noon / Lord, mister. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / SPANISH / DON / Sir, mister / Mozeson / 80101 / ADOANAHaBHaH / Aleph-Hey-Bhet-Hey / Love. / Nearly Identical / 7 / ARAONA / (Northern Bolivian jungle) / A-ABA / To love or feel friendship / Mozeson / 80901 / AHaBHaH
AhBH / Aleph-Bhet / Father. / Like Aramaic ABBA. / Bilabial Shift. / 6 / HUNGARIAN / APA / Father / Mozeson / 80101 / AhBH
AhDeeYR / Aleph-Dalet-Yod-Resh / Noble. / German ADOLPH is related. / Liquid Shift. / 6 / AFRIKAANS / (South African Dutch dialect) / A’DEL / Nobility / Mozeson / 80601 / AhDeeYR
/ Aleph-Phey / Nose. / Nasalization. / 5 / ARABIC / ANF / Nose / Mozeson / 80601 /AhF
AhK[H]OAR / Aleph-Het-Vav-Resh / Rear, back, buttocks. / Like Hawaiian HUELO (tail) and OKOLE (buttocks). / Guttural and Liquid shifts. / 6 / NORWEGIAN / HALE / Tail / Mozeson / 80601 / AhKH1OARAhNeeY / Aleph-Noon-Yod / I (pronoun) 1st person sing. / The G in NG is often pronounced like Y. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / ZULU / (Hamitic, Africa) /
/ I (1st person sing.) / Mozeson / 80601 / AhNeeY / 1AhNeeY / Aleph-Noon-Yod / I (pronoun) 1st person sing. / With a Nasal Shift, you can hear ME. / M231. / 3 / TIBETAN / NYA / I (1st person sing.) / Mozeson / 80601 / AhNeeY / 2
/ Aleph-Noon-Yod / I (pronoun) 1st person sing. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / ARABIC / ANA / I (1st person sing.) / Mozeson / 80601 /AhNeeY
/ 3AiM / Aleph-Mem / Mother. (Similar EeMaH means “mom.”) / Nasal Shift. / 6 / BATUMERAH / (Malay) / INAO / Mother / Mozeson / 80601 / AiM / 1
AiM / Aleph-Mem / Mother. (Similar EeMaH means “mom.”) / Reversal with Nasal Shift. / 3 / WAPPO / (California Indians) / NAOA / Mother / Mozeson / 80601 / AiM / 2
AiSH / Aleph-Shin / Fire. / Like Chinese SHAO (burn). / Nearly Identical. / 7 / AWAIYA / (Malay) / AOUSA / Fire / Mozeson / 80601 / AiSH
A[K]HahT / Aleph-Het-Tahf / One (feminine). / M321 (Reversal) with Guttural Shift. / 3 / TAHITIAN / (Austronesian Oceanic branch with 9 consonants) / TAHI / One / Mozeson / 80601 / AK1HahT
ALOOPH / Aleph-Lamed-Vav-Phey / Ox; champion. / Implies training and superior might, as in men of OLYMPIC Games. / Nasalization with Bilabial Shift. / 5 / GREEK / OLYMPUS / Greek meaning unknown / Mozeson / 80601 / ALOOPH / 1
ALOOPH / Aleph-Lamed-Vav-Phey / Ox; champion. / Implies training and superior might, as in men of OLYMPIC Games. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / GREEK / ELIPHAS / Elephant / Mozeson / 80601 / ALOOPH / 2
AMNaH / Aleph-Mem-Noon-Hey / Truly. / When AMEN is borrowed, people are affirming that something is true. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / SAMOAN / (Austronesian, Polynesia) / MONI / True / Mozeson / 80601 / AMNaH
/ Aleph-Noon-Vav / We (pronoun), 1st person pl. suffix. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / FRENCH /NOUS
/ We / Mozeson / 80101 /ANOO
APHaH / Aleph-Phey-Hey / Bake. / Baking is done in an OVEN. / M132 with Bilabial Shift. / 4 / THAI / OHP / Bake / Mozeson / 80601 / APHaHARB[A]h / Aleph-Resh-Bet-Ayin / Four. / Like English FOUR. / M312 with Bilabial Shift. / 3 / AFRIKAANS / (South African Dutch dialect) / VIER / Four / Mozeson / 80601 / ARBA1h
AReTS / Aleph-Resh-Tsadi / Earth, land. / Like English TERRAIN. / M321 (Reversal) with Fricative Shift. / 3 / FRENCH /
/ Earth / Mozeson / 80901 / AReTSARYeyH / Aleph-Resh-Yod-Hey / Lion. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / ARMENIAN / ARYUDZ / Lion / Mozeson / 80601 / ARYeyH
A$ahR / Aleph-Samekh-Resh / To put in bonds or prison. / BeT A$OORiM is a house of bondage or prison. / Nearly Identical / 7 / BAMBARA / (Mali) / SIRI / Tie up / Mozeson / 80901 / AS2ahR
A(S)OAN / Aleph-Sahf-Vav-Noon / She-donkey. / Denying Sahf/(S) as a variant ofTahf/T is now ASSININE. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / LATIN / ASINUS / She-donkey / Mozeson / 80601 / AS3OAN
ATaH / Aleph-Tahf-Hey / You (pronoun), 2nd person sing. / Like French TU, English THOU, THEE. / Nasalization. / 5 / JAPANESE / ANATA / You / Mozeson / 80101 / ATaH / 1
ATaH / Aleph-Tahf-Hey / You (pronoun), 2nd person sing. / Like English THOU, THEE. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / FRENCH / TU / You (2nd person sing.) / Mozeson / 80101 / ATaH / 2
/ Aleph-Tahf-Hey / You (pronoun), 2nd person sing. / Nasalization. / 5 / ARABIC / INTA / You (masculine) / Mozeson / 80601 /ATaH
/ Aleph-Tahf-Vav-Noon / Donkey. / AYTahN means firmness as in TONE and steadfastness. / Nearly Identical / 7 / ARAONA / (Northern Bolivian jungle) / ATONA / Obstinate, still, immobile / Mozeson / 80901 /ATOAN
/ Aleph-Bhet-Hey / Desire, as in nasalized ENVY. / Nasalization with Bilabial Shift. / 5 / FRENCH / ENVIE / Wish, desire / Mozeson / 80101 /AV1aH
AyBHeH / Aleph-Bhet-Hey / Reed (hollow, nature’s 1st pipe). / The PIPEline connects to IMBIBE, BIBLE, FIFE, and PAPER. / Bilabial Shift with Bilabial doubled. / 6 / ARAMAIC / (Ancient Semitic) / ABOOBHA / Pipe / Mozeson / 80601 / AyBHeHAyPHeR / Aleph-Phey-Resh / Ashes. / M132 with Bilabial Shift. / 4 / BOUTON / (Malay) / ORAPU / Ashes / Mozeson / 80601 / AyPHeR
BaBHaH / Bet-Bhet-Hey / Prized miniature. (Similar BooBaH means “doll.”) / Like English BABY. / Nasalization with Bilabial Shift. / 5 / ITALIAN / BIMBO / Small boy / Mozeson / 80601 / BaBHaH
Bah'[A]hDT / Bet-Ayin-Tet / To kick. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / FRENCH / BOTTE / Kick (verb); BOOT (noun) / Mozeson / 80101 / BahA1hDT
/ Bet-Resh / Grain. / Like English BARLEY. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / SULAISLAND / (Malay) / BIRA / Rice / Mozeson / 80601 /BahR
BaiN / Bet-Noon / Son, child. / Bilabial (Bet to W) Shift. / 6 / MORELLA / (Malay) / WANA / Child / Mozeson / 80601 / BaiNB’[A]iRaH / Bet-Ayin-Resh-Hey / Fire, pyre. / Bilabial Shift. / 6 / ENGLISH /
/ Mozeson / 80901 /BA1iRaH
/ Bet-Khaf-Hey / Cry out. / Nasalization with Bilabial (Bet to W) and Guttural shifts. / 5 / JAPANESE /WAMEKU
/ Yell / Mozeson / 80101 /BaKHaH
BaMaH / Bet-Mem-Hey / High place for worship. / As in a synagogue platform. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / GREEK / BIMAH / Platform for worship / Mozeson / 80601 / BaMaHBaQaR / Bet-Koof-Resh / Cattle. / M231 with Guttural Shift. / 3 / ENGLISH /
/ Filipino water buffalo / Mozeson / 80101 / BaQaR / 1BaQaR / Bet-Koof-Resh / Cattle. / M132. / 4 / HUNGARIAN / BIRKA / Sheep / Mozeson / 80101 / BaQaR / 2
BaQaR / Bet-Koof-Resh / Cattle. / The Akkadian bull deity was the KARIBU. / M231 with Guttural Shift. / 3 / CANADIAN FRENCH / CARIBOU / Reindeer (artic cattle) / Mozeson / 80601 / BaQaR / 3
BaRaQ / Bet-Resh-Koof / Lightning. / It struck the Dutch as BLIKSEM, the Germans as BELEUCHTUNG. / Liquid and Guttural shifts. / 6 / SWEDISH / BLIXT / Lightning / Mozeson / 80601 / BaRaQ
BaRaTS / Bet-Resh-Tsadi / To break through. / Like English BURST, Spanish PRESTO (nasalized in PRONTO). / Bilabial, Liquid, and Fricative shifts. / 6 / AKKADIAN / (Ancient, extinct Semitic) / PALASHU / Dig through; break through / Mozeson / 80601 / BaRaTS
/ Bet-Resh-Yod / Healthy. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / ITALIAN /BRIO
/ Lively, vigorous / Mozeson / 80601 /BaReeY
BaReeYaK[H] / Bet-Resh-Yod-Het / Protective bar. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / SPANISH / BARRICADA / Barricade / Mozeson / 80101 / BaReeYaKH1BaROOR
/ Bet-Resh-Vav-Resh / Clear truth, VERITY. / Clear as glass. / Bilabial Shift. / 6 / FRENCH / VERRE / Glass / Mozeson / 80101 / BaROORBaSaR / Bet-Sin-Resh / Meat; leather. / Like French BOURSE. / M132 with Liquid Shift. / 4 / SPANISH / BOLSA / Purse / Mozeson / 80101 / BaSaR / 1
/ Bet-Sin-Resh / Meat; leather. / Like French BOURSE. / Fricative Shift. / 6 / FRENCH /BOUCHER
/ Butcher / Mozeson / 80101 /BaSaR
/ 2BaSaR / Bet-Sin-Resh / Meat; leather. / M132 with Bilabial, Liquid, and Fricative shifts. / 2 / GERMAN / FLEISCH / Meat, flesh / Mozeson / 80101 / BaSaR / 3
BaSHaL / Bet-Shin-Lamed / Ripe (when fruit is large enough). / Like Russian BOLSHOI (large) ballet. / Fricative and Liquid shifts. / 6 / BAJU / (Malay) / BASAR / Large / Mozeson / 80601 / BaSHaL
BaTSeL / Bet-Tsadi-Lamed / Onion. / The Fricative shifted more than in Yiddish onion TSIBELE. / M213 with Fricative Shift. / 3 / SPANISH / CEBOLLA / Onion / Mozeson / 80101 / BaTSeL
/ Bet-Yod-Sahf / Two; 2nd letter (European pronunciation). / Fricative Shift BaYTH shows in English BOTH. Alt. BaYT has been Romanized to Bet. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / FRENCH / BIS / Twice; over again / Mozeson / 80101 /BaYS3
BaYTOA / Bet-Yod-Tahf-Vav / House of. / Bilabial (Bet to W) Shift. / 6 / WAMPANOG / (Indians of Plymouth, Massachusetts) / WETU / House of / Mozeson / 80601 / BaYTOABeDTeN / Bet-Tet-Noon / Belly, womb. / Bilabial (Bet to W) Shift. / 6 / JAVANESE / (Malay) / WUTAN / Belly / Mozeson / 80601 / BeDTeN
BeT / Bet-Tahf / Two; 2nd letter. / The Bet character looks like a 2. / Bilabial Shift. / 6 / OLD JAPANESE / PUTA / Two / Mozeson / 80601 / BeT
BeYTSaH / Bet-Tsadi-Hey / Egg. / Dental Shift. / 6 / ARABIC / BADYA / Egg / Mozeson / 80601 / BeYTSaH
BHaQ[A]h / Bhet-Koof-Ayin / To split open, divide. / Bilabial and Guttural shifts. / 6 / HUNGARIAN /
/ To cut / Mozeson / 80101 / BHaQA1hBOAQeR
/ Bet-Vav-Koof-Resh / Herdsman. / Even closer is TexMex BUCKAROO. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / SPANISH /VAQUERO
/ Cowboy / Mozeson / 80101 /BOAQeR
Bo[E]R / Bet-Ayin-Resh / To burn. (Source of fry, boil.) / M132. / 4 / OLD PERSIAN / BIRYAN / Fried, roasted / Mozeson / 80601 / BoE1RB’RayKHaH
/ Bet-Resh-Khaf-Hey / Pool. / M132 with Guttural Shift. / 4 / ARABIC / BOUHAYRA / Lake / Mozeson / 80601 /BRayKHaH
DaGaH / Dalet-Gimel-Hey / Whale (Jonah’s). / Catch Moby DICK (“whale” in Polynesian). / M321 (Reversal) with Guttural and Dental shifts. / 2 / RUSSIAN /KIT
/ Whale / Mozeson / 80601 / DaGaHDahG / Dalet-Gimel / Fish. / Reversal with Guttural and Dental shifts. / 2 / GREEK / ICHTHY / Fish / Mozeson / 80601 / DahG
/ Dalet-Tsadi / To rejoice and leap. / Like French DANSE. / Nasalization with Dental Shift. / 5 / GERMAN /TANZE
/ Dance / Mozeson / 80101 /DahTS
/ 1DahTS / Dalet-Tsadi / To rejoice and leap. / Like German TANZE. / Nasalization with Fricative Shift. / 5 / FRENCH /
/ Dance / Mozeson / 80101 / DahTS / 2DahY / Dalet-Yod / Enough. / Yod to J is standard. / Nearly Identical. (Yod is rendered as J.) / 7 / VIETNAMESE / DJ / Enough / Mozeson / 80601 / DahY
DaRGaH / Dalet-Resh-Gimel-Hey / GRADation, step, rank, DEGRee. / Like French & English GRADE and Italian GRADO. / M321 (Reversal). / 3 / SPANISH / GRADA / Grade / Mozeson / 80101 / DaRGaH / 1
DaRGaH / Dalet-Resh-Gimel-Hey / GRADation, step, rank, DEGRee. / Like English GRADE, Spanish GRADA, and Italian GRADO. / M321 (Reversal). / 3 / FRENCH / GRADE / Grade / Mozeson / 80101 / DaRGaH / 2
DaRGaH / Dalet-Resh-Gimel-Hey / GRADation, step, rank, DEGRee. / Like French & English GRADE and Spanish GRADA. / M321 (Reversal) / 3 / ITALIAN /
/ Degree / Mozeson / 80601 / DaRGaH / 3Da[V]aR
/ Dalet-Bhet-Resh / Statement. / M231 with Bilabial (Bhet to W) Shift. / 2 / ENGLISH /WORD
/ Mozeson / 80101 /DaV1aR
D’BHaSH / Dalet-Bhet-Shin / Date honey. / Date extract was history’s first sweetener. / M132 with Dental, Fricative and Bilabial shifts. / 2 / ARABIC / ATZB / Sweet / Mozeson / 80601 / DBHaSH / 1D’BHaSH / Dalet-Bhet-Shin / Date honey. / Date extract was history’s first sweetener. / M321 (Reversal) with Fricative, Bilabial, and Dental shifts. / 2 / ENGLISH /
/ Mozeson / 80901 /DBHaSH
/ 2DeReKH / Dalet-Resh-Khaf / Way, DIRECTION; to DIRECT. / M321 (Reversal) with Guttural Shift. / 3 / GERMAN / GERADE / Direct / Mozeson / 80101 / DeReKH / 1
/ Dalet-Resh-Khaf / Way, DIRECTION; to DIRECT. / M213 with Guttural Shift. / 3 / MANX /(Spoken in Britain)
/ Directory / Mozeson / 80601 /DeReKH
/ 2DeReKH / Dalet-Resh-Khaf / Way, DIRECTION; to DIRECT. / Nearly Identical, with only the end Guttural dropped. / 7 / BOUTON / (Malay) / DARA / Road / Mozeson / 80601 / DeReKH / 3
DeReKH / Dalet-Resh-Khaf / Way, DIRECTION; to DIRECT. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / GERMAN / DURCH / Through / Mozeson / 80601 / DeReKH / 4
DoaBH / Dalet-Bhet / Bear. / Reversal and Nasalization with Bilabial Shift. / 2 / NEPALESE / PANDA / Panda / Mozeson / 80601 / DoaBH
/ Dalet-Vav-Dalet-Hey / Aunt; any beloved female. / Feminine of DOAD (Uncle). Like German TANTE. / Nasalization with Dental shifts. / 5 / FRENCH / TANTE / Aunt / Mozeson / 80101 /DOADaH
/ 1DOADaH / Dalet-Vav-Dalet-Hey / Aunt; any beloved female. / Feminine of DOAD (Uncle). Like French TANTE. / Nasalization with Dental shifts. / 5 / GERMAN / TANTE / Aunt / Mozeson / 80101 / DOADaH / 2
DOADaH / Dalet-Vav-Dalet-Hey / Aunt; any beloved female. / TOOTSiE is a cognate. / Nasalization with Dental shifts. / 5 / YIDDISH / TANTA / Aunt / Mozeson / 80901 / DOADaH / 3
/ Daled-Mem-Noon / Manure, dung. / The Dalet-Mem appears in earth, soil: ADaMaH. Reverse it for MUD. / Nearly Identical / 7 / ARAONA / (Northern Bolivian jungle) / DOMI / Excrement, dirt; to defecate / Mozeson / 80901 / DoaMeNDTaBH[A]h / Tet-Bhet-Ayin / Immerse, let sink. / A BATH is immersion. / Reversal. / 3 / MODERN GREEK / VATHIS / Deep / Mozeson / 80601 / DTaBHA1h / 1
DTaBH[A]h / Tet-Bhet-Ayin / Immerse, let sink. / Like English DEEP. / Nasalization with Dental and Bilabial shifts. / 5 / ENGLISH / DUMP / Mozeson / 80601 / DTaBHA1h / 2
DTaBH[A]h / Tet-Bhet-Ayin / Immerse, let sink. / Like English DEEP. / Dental and Bilabial shifts. / 6 / ENGLISH /
/ Mozeson / 80901 / DTaBHA1h / 3DTaRaPH / Tet-Resh-Phey / Seize. / Reversal with Liquid and Bilabial shifts. / 2 / GREEK / EPILEPSY / Seize / Mozeson / 80601 / DTaRaPH
DTeeYRaH / Tet-Yod-Resh-Hey / Turret; fortified town. / Nasalization. / 5 / HUNGARIAN / TORONY / Tower / Mozeson / 80101 / DTeeYRaH
DTePHa[K]H / Tet-Phey-Het / Hand measurement. / Many words for 5 are from hand terms. / Reversal with Bilabial Shift. / 3 / ZUNI / (SW American Indians) / APTE / Five / Mozeson / 80601 / DTePHaK1H
DTOABH / Tet-Vav-Bhet / Good. / Like English BETTER. / Reversal of T-BH. / 3 / JAVANESE / (Malay) / BUTJE / Good / Mozeson / 80601 / DTOABH / 1
DTOABH / Tet-Vav-Bhet / Good. / “Good day” in Eastern Europe begins with DOBRE. / Dental Shift. / 6 / ENGLISH / DIVINE / Godly, heavenly, excellent / Mozeson / 80901 /
/ 2DTOOR / Tet-Vav-Resh / Row, column. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / ENGLISH /
/ Mozeson / 80901 /DTOOR
/ Tet-Resh-Phey / Torn apart. / M132 with Bilabial Shift. / 4 / FRENCH /DIVORCE
/ Divorce / Mozeson / 80101 /DTRPH
/ Ayin-Koof-Resh / Root. / Like English CORE. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / SALAYER / (Malay) /AKAR
/ Root / Mozeson / 80601 /E1eQahR
[E]QOOL / Ayin-Koof-Vav-Lamed / Crookedness. / The ANGLE at the bottom of a leg is the ANKLE. / Nasalization with Guttural Shift. / 5 / ENGLISH /ANGLE
/ Mozeson / 80901 /E1QOOL
/ Ayin-Resh-Bhet / Evening. / M321 (Reversal) with Bilabial Shift. / 3 / AMBLAW / (Malay) /PIRUE
/ Night / Mozeson / 80601 /E1ReBH
/ Aleph-Phey-Resh-Het / Chick. / German FLUGGEWERDEN is a FLEDGLING or baby bird. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / ARABIC /FIRAAKH
/ Chicken / Mozeson / 80601 /EFRoaKH1
EGROAF / Aleph-Gimel-Resh-Vav-Phey / Fist. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / GERMAN / GRIFF / Grip / Mozeson / 80101 / EGROAFEK[H]aD / Aleph-Het-Dalet / Letter and number one. (Similar EGeD means “union.”) / Dental Shift. / 6 / WINTU / (Northern California Penutian Indians) / K’ET / Number one / Mozeson / 80601 / EKH1aD / 1
EK[H]aD / Aleph-Het-Dalet / Letter and number one. (Similar EGeD means “union.”) / Nearly Identical. / 7 / GEEZ / (EthiopIa) / ‘AH-ADU / Number one / Mozeson / 80601 / EKH1aD / 2
EK[H]aD / Aleph-Het-Dalet / Letter and number one. (Similar EGeD means “union.”) / Guttural Shift. / 6 / HAUSA / (Nigeria+) / GUDA / Unit / Mozeson / 80601 / EKH1aD / 3
ELeF / Aleph-Lamed-Phey / A thousand. / Liquid and Bilabial shifts. / 6 / MALAGASY / (Madagascar; related to Austronesian) / ARIVO / A thousand / Mozeson / 80601 / ELeF
EMeT / Aleph-Mem-Tahf / Truth. / Etymology of ETYMOLOGY, really EMETOLOGY. / M132. / 4 / GREEK / ETMOS / Truth / Mozeson / 80601 / EMeT
ENOASH / Aleph-Noon-Vav-Shin / Man, human being. / Nearly Identical. / 7 / CHIPPEWA / (Michigan Indians) / ANISHINABE / People / Mozeson / 80601 / ENOASH