International and Comparative Law Quarterly

Volume 50, Number 1, 2001


P Muchlinski

Corporations in international litigation: problems of jurisdiction and the United Kingdom asbestos case

M Findlay

Synthesis in trial procedures? The experience of international criminal tribunals

L Longdin

Parallel importing post-TRIPS: convergence and divergence in Australia and New Zealand

R Dunbar

Language rights under international law

R Higgins

Respecting sovereign states and running a tight courtroom

MC Davies

Public policy in the Cayman Islands: driving a cart and (unruly) horses through the recognition legislation

J Hill

The recognition of foreign divorces in Ireland: the return of Travers v. Holley

S Weatherill

Current developments: European Community law. I. Free movement of goods

J Lonbay

Current developments: European Community law. II. Free movement of persons

E Szyszczak

Current developments: European Community law

W Kennett

Current developments: private international law. Family law, civil and commercial matters

M Happold

Book review. The EU, the WTO and the NAFTA: Towards a Common law of International Trade. J.H.H. Wheeler [ed.]

R Gardiner

Book review. The Utilization of the World's Air Space and Free Outer Space in the 21st Century. C.-J. Cheng and D.H. Kim [eds]

S Subedi

Book review. Regional Peacekeeping in the Post-Cold War Era. H. McCoubrey and J. Morris

M.D. Evans

Book review. Theory and Reality in the International Protection of Human Rights. J. Shand Watson

JG Collier

Book review. Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws. L Collins and others

AW Bradley

Book review. Tortious Liability of Statutory Bodies; A Comparative and Economic Analysis of Five English Cases. B.S. Markesinis, J.-B. Auby, D. Coester-Waltjen and S.F. Deakin

GB Ketvel

Book review. La responsibilita degli Stati membri per la violazione del diritto comunitario. L. Fumamgalli

Volume 50, Number 2, 2001


N Lenoir

The representation of women in politics: from quotas to parity in elections

J Cameron and KR Gray

Principles of international law in the WTO dispute settlement body

NSM Antunes

The 1999 Eritrea-Yemen maritime delimitation award and the development of international law

RM Mosk and T Ginsburg

Evidentiary privileges in international arbitration

H McCoubrey

From Nuremberg to Rome: restoring the defence of superior orders

S Tully

The 2000 review of the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises

K Daglish

The crime of genocide?: Nulyarimma v. Thompson

F Spadi

The bridge on the Strait of Messina: 'lowering' the right of innocent passage?

C Byron and D Turns

Current developments: public international law. I. The preparatory commission for the international criminal court. C Warbrick, D McGoldrick [edd]

R Cryer

Current developments: public international law. II. A special court for Sierra Leone? C Warbrick, D McGoldrick [edd]

A Boyle

Decisions of international tribunals. I. The Southern Bluefin Tuna arbitration. MD Evans [ed]

D Sarooshi

Decisions of international tribunals. II. Command responsibility and the Blaskic case. MD Evans

Volume 50, Number 3, 2001


Peter North

Private International Law: Change or Decay?

Rein Müllerson

The ABM Treaty: Changed Circumstances, Extraordinary Events, Supreme Interests and International Law

Jan Wouters and Frederik Naert

How Effective is the European Security Architecture? Lessons from Bosnia and Kosovo

Anthony A. Tarr and Julie-Anne Tarr

The Insured's Non-Disclosure in the Formation of Insurance Contracts: A Comparative Perspective

Matthias Ruffert

The Administration of Kosovo and East-Timor by the International Community

Look Chan Ho

Pragmatism Rules

Stéphane Jeannet

Non-Disclosure of Evidence before International Criminal Tribunals: Recent Developments Regarding the International Committee of the Red Cross

J. G. Merrills

I. The Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India), Judgment on Jurisdiction

Dino Kritsiotis

II. Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda): Provisional Measures

III. Case Concerning the Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium)

Sophie Boyron

I. Constitutional Aspects

Lammy Betten

II. Human Rights

Robert Lane

III. Competition

Catherine Seville

IV. Intellectual Property

The Brussels I Regulation

Beverley McLachlin

The Business of Judging. By Tom Bingham [Oxford: OUP. 2000. vi + 434pp. ISBN 0–19–829912–5. £35. (H/bk).]

Vaughan Lowe

Droit International Public. By Joe Verhoeven. [Bruxelles: Larcier. 2000. 856pp. ISBN 2–8044–0630–X. Price not given].

Hazel Fox

International Commercial Arbitration and State Immunity. By K. I. Vibhute. [New Delhi: Butterworths. 1999. xviii + 173pp. ISBN 81–87162–15–5. No price given. (P/bk.).]

Alan Boyle

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. By G. Eiriksson. [The Hague: Nijhoff. 2000. 387pp., including index. ISBN 90–411–1418–1. No price given.].

Malgosia Fitzmaurice

Ordering Anarchy—International Law in International Society. By Rein Müllerson. [The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 2000. xi + 387pp. ISBN 90–411–1408–4. Price not given. (H/bk.)]

Malcolm D. Evans

Continental Shelf Limits: The Scientific and Legal Interface. Edited by P. J. Cook and C. M. Carleton. [Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2000. xiv + 363pp. ISBN 0–19–511782–4. £47.50. (H/bk.)]

Frank Wooldridge

Directors' Conflicts of Interest: Legal, Socio-Legal and Economic Analyses. Developments in European Company Law, Volume 3/1999, edited by Mads Andenas and David Sugarman. [The Hague-London-Boston. Kluwer Law International. 2000. ix + 317pp. ISBN 90–411–9835–0. No price given].

Piers Gardner

Blackstone's Human Rights Digest. By Keir Starmer with Iain Byrne. [London: Blackstone Press Ltd. lxi + 410pp. ISBN 1–84174–153–1. No price given. (H/bk plus one CD).]

Volume 50, Number 4, 2001


Roy Goode

Insularity or Leadership? the Role of the United Kingdom in the Harmonisation of Commercial Law

L. D. M. Nelson

Declarations, Statements and ‘Disguised Reservations’ with Respect to the Convention on the Law of the Sea

Iain MacNeil and Alex Lau

International Corporate Regulation: Listing Rules and Overseas Companies

Thomas Waelde and Abba Kolo

Environmental Regulation, Investment Protection and ‘Regulatory Taking’ in International Law

Andrew Grossman

Nationality and the Unrecognised State

Klaus Peter Berger

Harmonisation of European Contract Law the Influence of Comparative Law

Dominic McGoldrick

The United Kingdom's Human Rights Act 1998 in Theory and Practice

P. Arnell

The Case for Nationality Based Jurisdiction

Shirley V. Scott

How Cautious is Precautious?: Antarctic Tourism and the Precautionary Principle

Philippe Cullet

Human Rights and Displacement: the Indian Supreme Court Decision on Sardar Sarovar in International Perspective

Robert Goff

Cases, Materials and Text on National, Supranational and International Tort Law

John Bell

Japanese Law (2nd edition)

Vaughan Lowe

Liber Amicorum ‘In Memoriam’ of Judge José Mariá Ruda

Phoebe N. Okowa

The Responsibility of States for International Crimes

James Kingston

Sex Discrimination Law

Julian Rivers

Islam and European Legal Systems

Donald Nicolson

The Politics of Transition: A Hidden History of South Africa's Negotiated Settlement

Luke Nottage

Tradition and Change in Australian Law

Lazaros Panourgias

Competition Law and Regulation in European Telecommunications

Yannis Avgerinos

The Reform of the International Financial Architecture

Alastair Mowbray

Human Rights for the New Millennium

Patrick Milmo

Political Libels: A Comparative Study

Lisa Busch

The Evolution of EU Law

Carsten Zatschler

European Union Law. 2 volumes

Rachel Murray

Human Rights from Exclusion to Inclusion: Principles and Practice. An Anthology from the Work of Theo van Boven

Ben Chigara

Building the Rule of Law: Francis Nyalali and the Road to Judicial Independence in Africa

Javaid Rehman

Just War or Just Peace? Humanitarian Intervention and International Law

Volume 51, Number 1, 2002


Emmanuel Gaillard and Isabelle Pingel-Lenuzza

International Organisations and Immunity from Jurisdiction: to Restrict or to Bypass

Jürgen Schwarze

Judicial Review in EC Law—Some Reflections on the Origins and the Actual Legal Situation

Andrew Harding

Global Doctrine and Local Knowledge: Law in South East Asia

Alan Riley

The Echr Implications of the Investigation Provisions of the Draft Competition Regulation

Jessica Gavron

Amnesties in the Light of Developments in International Law and the Establishment of the International Criminal Court

Hazel Fox

The Resolution of the Institute of International Law on the Immunities of Heads of State and Government

Koji Takahashi

Forum Non-Conveniens Discretion in Third Party Proceedings

H L E Verhagen

The Tension Between Party Autonomy and European Union Law: Some Observations on Ingmar GB Ltd v Eaton Leonard Technologies Inc

Richard Aird

The Scottish Arrestment and the English Freezing Order

Stephen C. Neff

Public International Law

Rosa Greaves

European Community Law

Josep Suquet-Capdevila

Foundations and Perspectives of International Trade Law

David McClean

The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction

Paul Eden

Essays on the Modern Law of War. 2nd edn

Geoffrey Marston

Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and the World Crisis: A Legal Adviser in the Foreign Office, 1932–1945

Malgosia Fitzmaurice

The Law of International Watercourses, Non-Navigational Uses

Francis N. Botchway

Reinventing Peacekeeping in Africa: Conceptual and Legal Issues in ECOMOG Operations
International Law and Relations

Volume 51, Number 2, 2002


Beverley McLachlin

Bills of Rights in Common Law Countries

Esin Örücü

Law as Transposition

Steven Wheatley

Democracy in International Law: A European Perspective

Rob McLaughlin

United Nations Mandated Naval Interdiction Operations in the Territorial Sea?

Geoffrey Marston

Redrawing the Territorial Sea Baseline in the Firth of Clyde

Claudina Richards

The Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples–The French Perspective

Joost Pauwelyn

The Use of Experts in Wto Dispute Settlement

Malcolm D Evans

Getting to Grips with Torture

Celia Wasserstein Fassberg

On Time and Place in Choice of Law for Property

Michael Byers

Terrorism, the Use of Force and International Law after 11 September

Konstantinos D. Magliveras and Gino J Naldi

The African Union–A New Dawn for Africa?

Sarah Armstrong

Is the Jurisdiction of England and Wales Correctly Applying the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction?

Alastair Mowbray

Duties of Investigation Under the European Convention on Human Rights

Malcolm D. Evans

Decisions of International Tribunals: The International Court of Justice

Wendy Kennett and Peter McEleavy

Current Developments

Sylvia Maureen Williams

The International Law Commission, 1949–1998

Dominic McGoldrick

Human Rights and the End of Empire—Britain and the Genesis of The European Convention

Brenda Sufrin

The Modernisation of EC Antitrust Law

John Bell

The Birth of a European Constitutional Order

Volume 51, Number 3, 2002


Lawrence Collins

Foreign Relations and the Judiciary

Craig Forrest

A New International Regime for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage

Uta Kohl

Eggs, Jurisdiction, and the Internet

Andrea Carcano

Sentencing and the Gravity of the Offence in International Criminal Law

Jean G. Zorn and Jennifer Corrin Care

‘Barava Tru’: Judicial Approaches to the Pleading and Proof of Custom in the South Pacific?

John Gillespie

Transplanted Company Law: An Ideological and Cultural Analysis of Market-Entry in Vietnam

Dirk Staudenmayer

The Commission Communication on European Contract Law and the Future Prospects

Franco Ferrari

‘Forum Shopping’ Despite International Uniform Contract Law Conventions

Malcolm D Evans and JG Merrills

Decisions of International Tribunals: The International Court of Justice

Colin Warbrick, Dominic McGoldrick, and Robert Cryer

Public International Law

JH Dalhuisen

Bank Collections and Payment Transaction—A Comparative legal Analysis

Martti Koskenniemi

The Epochs of International Law

Malcolm D Evans

The UN Committee Against Torture: An Assessment

Financial Sector Law Reform in Emerging Economies

Konrad Schiemann

Restitution und Bereicherungsausgleich in Europa. Volume I

Volume 51, Number 4, 2002


Mads Andenas and Duncan Fairgrieve

Misfeasance in Public Office, Governmental Liability, and European Influences

Jacqueline Hodgson

Suspects, Defendants and Victims in the French Criminal Process: The Context of Recent Reform

AA Oba

Islamic Law as Customary Law: The Changing Perspective in Nigeria

John McHugo

Resolution 242: A Legal Reappraisal of the Right-wing Israeli Interpretation of the Withdrawal Phrase with Reference to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians

Peter McEleavy

The Brussels II Regulation: How the European Community has moved into Family Law

Alexander Thünken

Multi-State Advertising over the Internet and the Private International Law of Unfair Competition

Peter Barnett

The Prevention of Abusive Cross-Border Re-Litigation

Campbell McLachlan

Pinochet Revisited

APV Rogers

The Use of Military Courts to Try Suspects

Antje Pedain

‘With or without me’: The ECJ adopts a pose of studied neutrality towards EU enlargement

Eileen Denza

External Relations

Joanne Scott

Law and Environmental Governance in the EU

Frank Wooldridge

Greece, Turkey and the Aegean Sea

Noel Dilworth

Company Law in Uganda

Noel Dilworth

Law of Contract in Uganda

Haris Kountouros

EC Employment Law, 2nd Edition

Thomas Wälde

Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, Vol. I–IV (1992–2000)

Mark Vinall

L'Effet Direct des Accords Internationaux de la Communauté Européenne: à la recherche d'un concept

Volume 52, Number 1, 2003


Rosalyn Higgins

The ICJ, the ECJ, and the Integrity of International Law

Andrew Evans

Regional Dimensions to European Governance

Yoshifumi Tanaka

Reflections on Maritime Delimitation in the Qatar/Bahrain Case

Ralph Henham

Some Issues for Sentencing in the International Criminal Court

Li-ann Thio

Developing a ‘Peace and Security’ Approach Towards Minorities' Problems

Iwan Davies

The New Lex Mercatoria: International Interests in Mobile Equipment

Wulf-Henning Roth

From Centros to Ueberseering: Free Movement of Companies, Private International Law, and Community Law

Colin T Reid and Gerardo Ruiz-Rico Ruiz

Scotland and Spain: The Division of Environmental Competences

Steve Peers

EU Responses to Terrorism

Elena Katselli and Sangeeta Shah

September 11 and the UK Response

Kevin R. Gray

Accomplishments and New Directions?

Arthur Watts

The Reality of International Law: Essays in Honour of Ian Brownlie

John Bell

Adapting Legal Cultures

Marius Emberland

The Gentle Civilizer of Nations. The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870–1960

Duncan French

International Law and the Environment

Jonathan Rickford

Corporations in Private International Law—a European Perspective

Volume 52, Number 2, 2003


JA Jolowicz

Adversarial and Inquisitorial Models of Civil Procedure

Emmanuel Voyiakis

Access to Court v State Immunity

Malgosia Fitzmaurice

Public Participation in the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

Prakash A Shah

Attitudes to Polygamy in English Law

Clare Ambrose

Can Anti-suit injunctions Survive European Community Law?

Surya P Subedi

The Road From Doha: The Issues for the Development Round of the WTO And the Future of International Trade

Cécile Tournaye

Genocidal Intent before the ICTY

David Lloyd Jones

Article 6 ECHR and Immunities arising in Public International Law

Karen Scott

Institutional Developments within the Antarctic Treaty System

Panos Koutrakos

Legal issues of EC–Cyprus Trade Relations

Rosa Greaves

I. The Community's External Competence: Air Transport Services

Niamh Moloney

II. The Lamfalussy Legislative Model: A New Era For The EC Securities and Investment Services Regime

Eva Micheler

I. Recognition of Companies Incorporated in Other EU Member States

Koji Takahashi

II. External Competence Implications of the EC Regulation on Jurisdiction and Judgments

Don Greig

Legal Rules and International Society

Malgosia Fitzmaurice

Modern Treaty Law and Practice

Steve Peers

The Court of Justice of the European Communities (5th edn)

Julian Rivers

Freedom of Religion under the European Convention on Human Rights

Nelson Enonchong

The Market for Corporate Control and the Investment and Securities Act 1999

MA Sanderson

The Supreme Court on Trial: Judicial Activism or Democratic Dialogue

Frank Wooldridge

An Introduction to the International Criminal Court

Volume 52, Number 3, 2003


David Bonner, Helen Fenwick, and Sonia Harris-Short

Judicial Approaches to the Human Rights Act

Meg Russell and Colm O'Cinneide

Positive Action to Promote Women in Politics: Some European Comparisons

André Nollkaemper

Concurrence between Individual Responsibility and State Responsibility in International Law

Catherine Phuong

Enlarging ‘Fortress Europe’: EU Accession, Asylum, and Immigration in Candidate Countries

Joakim ST Øren

International Jurisdiction Over Consumer Contracts in e-Europe

Look Chan Ho

Anti-Suit Injunctions in Cross-Border Insolvency: A Restatement

Simon Taylor

Clinical Negligence Reform: Lessons from France?

Fons Coomans

The Ogoni Case before the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

Janeen M Carruthers and Elizabeth B Crawford

Kuwait Airways Corporation v Iraqi Airways Company

Chanaka Wickremasinghe

I. Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v Belgium), Preliminary Objections and Merits, Judgment of 14 February 2002

Chester Brown

II. Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (New Application: 2002) (Democratic Republic of the Congo v Rwanda) Provisional Measures, Order of 1 July 20021

JG Merrills

III. Land and Maritime Boundary Between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea Intervening), Merits, Judgment of 10 October 2002

JG Merrills

IV. Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia v Malaysia), Merits, Judgment of 17 December 2002

V. Cases before the Court

Colin Warbrick

Public International Law

Malgosia Fitzmaurice

International Environmental Law in National Courts

Frank Wooldridge

Human Rights Standards and the Movement of People within States

Alexander Orakhelashvili

Recourse to Force. State Action Against Threats and Armed Attacks

Ralph Beddard

The Law of the Sea and Polar Maritime Delimitation and Jurisdiction

Thomas Waelde

Energy Law in Europe. National, EU and International Law and Institutions

Volume 52, Number 4, 2003


Tom Bingham

Personal Freedom and the Dilemma of Democracies