Section 3 activities


Activity – SWOT Analysis

Activity - Follow policy and procedures

Activity– SWOT Analysis

A suggested activity or example presentation - Agency considering applying for funding grant to provide services to an emerging community.


a)What are the agencies strengths? (Include human resources, facilities, experience.)

b)What are the areas where the agency might not be at its strongest capacity and will need to call upon another organisation to fill the gap? (Look at other associated agencies or organisations for partnering purposes or support services.)

c)What new opportunities for the community will the funding grant be likely to draw on? (This might include increased transport services, new schools, etc.)

d)What are the challenges the agency is likely to face in the future which could impact on the delivery of these services? (Change of government, increased population, changing demographics, etc.)

Activity - Follow policy and procedures

Case Scenario (A)

This activity will help you to assess the needs and circumstances of young people. Read through the case scenario below and complete the task.


Specify any legal, procedural or ethical issues you would need to take into account when responding to this young person’s needs.

Case Scenario (B)

This activity will help you to clarify your professional responsibilities and obligations both to clients and to the agency that employs you.

The case scenario below brings about a common ethical dilemma which presents a challenge to youth workers in the course of their work. This common ethical dilemma centres on notions of confidentiality and discretion.


The task you are required to complete is to explain how you would go about resolving this ethical dilemma, while still maintaining clear and honest relationship with the person who is your client including their family, and while still adhering to the policies and procedures of your organisation.

© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services Queensland) 2007.