MEETING MINUTES: Peace Valley School Board Meeting

Date: March 27, 2017

Location: 111 Third St, McMinnville, OR 97128


I.  Call to Order by the President

II.  Approval of Agenda

III.  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

IV.  Set Next Meeting Date/Time

V.  Treasurer’s Report

VI.  Head of School Report

VII.  Admissions Committee Update

VIII. Curriculum Committee Update

IX.  Fundraising Committee Update

X.  Public Relations Committee Update

XI.  Sprint Review

XII.  Sprint Planning

XIII. Trustee Comments/Announcements

XIV. Adjournment


John Hunt / Board Member – President / YES
Megan Corvus / Board Member - Secretary / YES
Jann Tankersley / Board Member - Treasurer / YES
Amanda Countryman / Board Member / YES
Cathie Auvinen / Board Member / NO
Brian Altree / Board Member / NO
Michael McDaniel / Board Member / YES
Molly Lord-Garrettson / Consulting Educator / YES

Quorum Present? Yes


This meeting of the Peace Valley School Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:21PM.

Approval of Agenda:

Agenda is approved.

MOTION by Mandi Countryman to Approve Meeting Minutes. Seconded by John Hunt. Voted. Passed unanimously.

Next Meeting Date/Time:

April 24th – 6pm – First Federal Conference Room

Room is booked last Monday for the rest of the year but May needs to move to May 22nd.

Treasurer’s Report

BEGINNING BALANCE 2/25/17 / $1,914.73
02/27/17 / 500.00 / Paypal transfer (fundraiser)
02/27/17 / $250.00
03/06/17 / 10,120.00 / Donations
03/13/17 / 25.00
03/13/17 / 20.00
Total income / $10,915.00
02/28/17 / -829.00 / Remy’s
03/13/17 / -1,344.61 / Transfer to account
03/15/17 / -33.98
03/15/17 / -89.00 / Debit card, Oregon lithoprint
03/16/07 / -221.99 / Classroom furniture
03/24/17 / -99.00 / Dropbox membership
Total Expenses / -2,617.56
Balance 3/24/17 / $10.212.15

Head of School Report

·  Road replacement is in progress, expected to be completed in July

·  Molly has completed k-12 certification

·  Admissions update:

o  Two student tours have happened, expect two applications in the next few weeks

HR Committee Report:

·  Fair response to job posting. Two followup interviews scheduled

·  Process agreed: committee will do reviews and bring a recommendation to the full board for a vote

·  Brian assisting with interview questions

Admissions Committee Report:

·  Met with Cathie to review Student Handbook plan, deadline is June for final draft

·  Admissions advertising

o  Met to review advertising – created posters, put advertisements in local papers

o  Posters need to be hung

§  Megan & Mike to own McMinnville, Dayton

§  Nay to do Carlton / Yamhill

§  Molly to do Newberg

§  Talina to do Hillsboro

§  John to do Forest Grove

Curriculum Committee Report:

·  Connected with a possible Spanish language curriculum assistant

Fundraising Committee Update:

·  All $10k received

·  Meeting of the grant writing team

Public Relations Committee Update:

·  No updates

Trustee Comments:

·  John suggests wine/food even in North Plains for PVS celebration – board/volunteers/others -> suggest mid-April 15th-23rd

Sprint Review: Sprint 13:

1.  Write screenplay/scene descriptions for publicity video - INCOMPLETE

2.  Identify videographer for publicity video - INCOMPLETE

3.  Press Kit for Student Recruitment - COMPLETE

4.  Create 3 messages (Rotary, Dinner, Youtube) - INCOMPLETE

5.  Film publicity video - INCOMPLETE

6.  Identify detailed "student recruitment resources" to be created- COMPLETE; Handbook remaining task

7.  Review crowdfunding options – INCOMPLETE, remove and replace with grantwriting meeting

8.  Post job opening- COMPLETE

9.  Create MOU for Peace Village fundraiser – COMPLETE. Draft MOU reviewed by board. Board requested legal review by Two Rivers firm. Board requests detail regarding expenditures in excess of receivables.

10.  Write and update job description– COMPLETE

11.  Write and post job advertisement– COMPLETE

12.  Draft a volunteer procedure– COMPLETE. Agreed volunteers cannot work with students until passed background check. Discussed that this will not apply to visiting speakers.

13.  Draft a background check policy – INCOMPLETE

14.  Handbook review - need to start– INCOMPLETE

15.  Meet with Molly to discuss review of Student Handbook– COMPLETE

16.  Interview candidates

17.  Volunteer procedure handbook document

18.  Reserve board room for April 24th 2017 meeting - COMPLETE

19.  Obtain any required building/occupancy permits - INCOMPLETE; deferred while focused on driveway

20.  Obtain county sanitation permit/approval - INCOMPLETE; deferred while focused on driveway

21.  Have school food service plan licensed and inspected by Public Health Department – COMPLETE. No requirement for licensing.

Sprint Planning: Committed stories for Sprint 14 – April 24th

Sprint 13 Committed Tasks:

Task (bite-sized: start with an Action) / Assigned To / What does DONE look like?
Write screenplay/scene descriptions for publicity video / Megan / Draft Overview including Goals, Target audience, specific topic, call to action (ask) for the video
Identify videographer for publicity video / Megan / One or more names of available videographers
Create 3 messages (Rotary, Dinner, Youtube) / Molly / 3 scripts
Present to GOBHI / John / Presentation given, report back to the board
Transfer treasurer-related materials, deposit slips & receipts to Jann / Molly / Jann confirms receipt of materials
Clean up Dropbox / Megan / Dropbox folders reduced and re-organized
Review bylaws around finances & make recommendations / Jann / List of recommended adjustments to bylaws provided to board
Check that operations budget includes board insurance, school insurance / Megan / Confirmed / updated budget file
Add waitlist language to website / Megan / Website updated
Reach out to homeschooling group / Molly / Contact made
Grantwriting meeting / John / meeting held
Legal review of MOU language / Molly / Review from Two Rivers
Update volunteer handbook to clarify out-of-school relationships, mentorships / Mandi / Updated volunteer handbook
Hang posters & spread the word about admissions! / ALL / All posters hung
Write school funding article / Molly / blog posted

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 6

MEETING MINUTES: Peace Valley School Board Meeting

Date: March 27, 2017

Location: 111 Third St, McMinnville, OR 97128


MOTION by John Hunt to adjourn at 7:54PM. Seconded by Mandi Countryman. Voted. Passed unanimously.


XV.  Call to Order by the President

XVI. Approval of Agenda

XVII.  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

XVIII.  Set Next Meeting Date/Time

XIX. Treasurer’s Report

XX.  Head of School’s Report

XXI. Admissions Committee Update

XXII.  Curriculum Committee Update

XXIII.  Fundraising Committee Update

XXIV.  Public Relations Committee Update

XXV.  Sprint Review

XXVI.  Sprint Planning

XXVII.  Trustee Comments/Announcements

XXVIII.  Adjournment

Motion ID / Category / Motion By / Text of Motion
53 / Board Operations / Mandi Countryman / To approve Meeting minutes from February
55 / Board Operations / John Hunt / to adjourn at 7:54PM.

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 6