Editorial information

Publishers: Ecquid Novi is based in the Department of Journalism, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, and is published in cooperation with Innovatio Publishers (Germany), Media Tenor (South Africa) and the Institute for Media Analysis in South Africa (Imasa).

Affiliation: Ecquid Novi is affiliated to the Southern African Communication Association (Sacomm) as a peer-reviewed research journal for journalism. It also serves as a publication outlet for the Media and Society Division of the African Council for Communication Education (ACCE). In 2003 it sponsored the best paper award of the International Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).

Accreditation: Ecquid Novi is accredited by the South African Department of Education for the purpose of university and technikon research output.

Editorial staff: Founding Editor: Arnold S de Beer, Department of Journalism, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Managing Editor: Lizette Rabe, Department of Journalism, University of Stellenbosch;. Deputy Editors: Elanie Steyn, School of Communication Studies, Potchefstroom University, South Africa; Herman Wasserman, Department of Journalism, University of Stellenbosch. Advising Editors: Roland Schatz, Innovatio Publishers, Germany, USA; Wadim Schreiner, Media Tenor, South Africa. Foreign Editor: Heidi Saliba, Department of Communication, Indiana-Purdue University (Fort Wayne), USA. Administrative Manager: Nicolette de Beer, Imasa, South Africa.

Editorial Board: Graeme Addison, former head, Department of Communication, Northwest University, South Africa; Gene Burd, School of Journalism, University of Texas (Austin), USA; George Claassen, Die Burger, South Africa; Mark Deuze, School of Communication, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Pedro Diederichs, Department of Journalism, Pretoria Technikon, South Africa; Festus Eribo, Department of Communication, East Carolina University, USA; Anthea Garman, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa; Anthony Giffard, School of Communications, University of Washington, USA; Sean Jacobs, Department of Political Science, University of London, UK; Ullamaija Kivikuru, School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Finland; Eric Louw, Department of Communication, Queensland University, Australia; Gary Mersham, Department of Communication Science, University of Zululand, South Africa; Francis Nyamnjoh, Department of Sociology, University of Botswana, Botswana; Charles Okigbo, Department of Communication, North Dakota State University, USA; Chris Paterson, School of Communication, University of San Francisco, USA; Karen Ross, Institute for Communication Research, University of Coventry, UK; Lynette Steenveld, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa; Les Switzer, School of Communication, University of Houston, USA; Ruth Teer-Tomaselli, Graduate Programme for Cultural and Media Studies, University of Natal (Durban), South Africa; Donn Tilson, School of Communication, University of Miami, USA; Ton Veen, CHE School for Journalism, The Netherlands.

Editorial content: The focus is on journalism as it relates to societal issues. Volumes 20 to 25 deal with the role of media in society, and more specifically media issues such as journalism education, international and national news flow, the impact of new/digital media, content analysis and agenda setting as it relates to gender, race, minorities, globalisation and development. Though the focus is on Southern Africa and Africa, articles dealing with the above issues else-

*Continues on the inside back cover

*Continues from the inside front cover

where in the world, are also welcomed. Articles from all methodological points of view and research measures are invited, though there is a trend towards publishing more critical and analytical articles within the context of qualitative research.

Format: Ecquid Novi is published twice a year and comprises of a research and an academic overview section on aspects of print and electronic journalism, and mass communication in general. There is also a discussion forum for contributions from the field of journalism, a section on on-going research, as well as a section for book reviews.

Guidelines for contributors are available on the back pages of Ecquid Novi and at: [www.sun.ac.za/journalism/ecquidnovi]

Referees: All research and academic overview articles are externally peer-reviewed.

Book reviews: Books for review purposes should be sent to Dr Herman Wasserman, Book Editor: Ecquid Novi, Department of Journalism, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa.

Honorarium: No honorarium is paid, but contributors receive complimentary copies of Ecquid Novi.

Indexing: Ecquid Novi is indexed by, amongst others, The Index to South African Periodicals (ISAP). Contact: [.

Financial support: University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; Innovatio Publishers, Germany; Media Tenor Ltd (UK) - Institute for Media Analysis; Southern African Communication Association, South Africa; and at times other sponsors.

Ownership and Copyright: Copyright of all published material rests with the owners of Ecquid Novi, the Institute for Media Analysis in South Africa (Imasa), PO Box 106, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa. Copyright: © Imasa KN/99/53796/23.

Subscription: Ebsco, PO Box 749, Cresta 2118, South Africa: [ or: [www.ebsco.com]. Rates for 2003: South Africa: R60-00 (individuals), R180-00 (institutions); outside South Africa: US$30-00 (individuals), US$120-00 (institutions). Subscripton includes web access to the journal through Sabinet [http://journals.sabinet.co.za/ej/ejour_novi]. Electronic back-numbers are available from Sabinet from 1999 - paper copies from the Ecquid Novi Editor.

Editorial address: The Editor, Ecquid Novi, Department of Journalism, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)21 808 2625 or +27 (0)21 808 2141; fax: +27 (0)21 808 3487; mobile: +27 (0)82 332 8658.

Editorial e-mail address: [. Web: [www.sun.ac.za/journalism/ecquidnovi].

Business address: Prof Lizette Rabe, Managing Editor: Ecquid Novi, Department of Journalism, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)21 808 3488; fax: +27 (0) 21 808 3488. E-mail: [.