Project Charter: EBL xxxxxxxx vs.1, 9/05/2014

Prepared by: Thomas De G., Project Coordinator


M. De R., Project Leader &

Jan V.D.B., Sponsor

Project Scope

Project Objective

Open a first xxxxxxxxxxx Shop (“centres de proximité”) by late 2015-early 2016, for Residential and Soho Clients and prospects, to perform customer care services, sell xxxxxx products and services and inform visitors on their xxxxxxx questions. Have a blue print for rollout of other shops in 2015-2016

Project Customers

xxxxxxxxx residential/soho customers & other visitors of the xxxxxxxxxx shops.

Customer Needs

  1. Have a regional Point of Sales (POS) access to qualified staff for customer care issues
  2. Have POS access to information & expertise about their xxxxxxxxx related queries
  3. Have the convenience to purchase xxxxxxxxxx products and services at POS.

Customer Requirements (SMART)

-  Access to POS during usual business or shopping hours.

-  Convenient access to POS for its catchment area by various means of transportation

-  Availability of qualified staff within acceptable waiting times

-  Availability of systems, SW and HW (ITS) to address customer needs

-  Availability of expert advice and info on their energy queries

-  Pleasant, informative environment

Final Deliverable

Opening of a pilot xxxxxxxxx Shop.

Life Cycle Stages

  1. Launch/Initiate Project : Feb14-May14
  2. Concept/ Planning of project: May14- 9 July 14
  3. Implementation/ Execution of project: 10 July14 – Jan14
  4. Closing/Handover of project: Jan 14

Customer’s Criteria for Acceptance

shop visitors CSI of > 90%

Organizational Deliverable

-  High Street meeting place of xxxxxx brand & products with RESI & SOHO clients and prospects

-  Blueprint for consecutive shops.

Organizational goal

Company “owned” highly visible channel for brand communication, sales, technical expertise & high value customer care(MoT) activities.

Reviews & Approvals Required

Principle: Reviews and Approvals are made in a collaborative way on each of the following levels.

Reviews / Review by / Approval by / Reason
Project Status Meeting & Report - Bi-weekly / MDR+TDG+ Project team / MDR / Project Team meeting to circulate/share info and views, decision making at track level, maintain project momentum
Sounding Board Status Meeting & Report- Monthly / MDR+sounding Board / JVDB / Update departments on status, decision making at concept level.
Steering Committee – Ad hoc / MDR+ Steering Comm. / AJ +JC+ +JVDB / Decision making at top level on finance, business level & stage/gate.

Project Scope Risk

Risk Limits

opening of first xxxx Shop by dd/mm/YYYY: limit = level 1

Rating scale ( for information only)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk

Low Uncertainty Mod. Uncertainty High Uncertainty

Project Resources

Team Assignments

We suggest to work in this project according to RACI-role assignment matrix: Responsible (=Track Leader) , Approver (=sign-off for qualitative completion), Consulted ( two way communication), Informed (one way communication). Only R & A ‘s are project team members at this stage. A review of Project Team composition may be altered at planning and execution stages.

Project Sponsor: JVDB

Project Team Leader: MVH

Project Team Coordinators : TDG/FDP

Other project team members in concept/planning phase : VM, AK, YH, SVR, AP, JD, LM.

Consulted ( in concept/planning phase) : LG, BDB, BW, GS, LD, BC, HV, PJ, LL, VT, JLS.

Organizational Priorities

To be Ranked( top priority, medium, low) :

Earlier delivery ?

More features ?

Lower Cost ?

Organizational Constraints

Labour agreement with unions on EBL staff in shops:= validated ?

Safeguard “consensus decision making” model while working towards tight deadlines


-  Opening 1st Shop by : 20 Jan. 2015 ?

(1st dry run/ Modif. after 1st dry run / second dry run)

-  1st Shop with fittings/furbishings/systems/trained staff delivered by: ?

-  1st Shop available for fittings/furbishings by: ?

-  If Shop leased /bought, contract/purchase signed by: ?

-  Shop Staff identified and trained by: ?

-  Various deadlines for final specs and briefing for EBL Facilities / EBL ITS / Fitch / HR/Staffing/Training /Mktg Communication

Staffing Limit

Internal staffing only + contracted Fitch+ contracted BWMS + contracted ITS/Facilities

Spending Limit

-  Project Costs: 1.250 k€ up to opening 1st shop

-  Estimate Setup Costs/ per shop : 252 k€ ( x 10)= 2525 k€ ( excl.depreciation) ( Infrastructure,Comm., Training, Site support)

-  Estimate Yearly Operational Costs/per shop:650 k€ (x10)= 650k €