Registered Number A0000225D

P.O.Box 258 Blairgowrie VIC 3942


Held in the Harbour Room of Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, Pier Road, St Kilda on Wednesday 6th August 2014 at 6.30 pm


Bruce GriffithsJohn Day

Vic MulderRod Dunn

Graham CunninghamScott Davies

Richard and Carmen BellAndrew Plympton

Robert KimptonJohn Ross

David ParenthoinePeter & Cheryl Taylor

Vernon PowellTony Weeks

Peter TuttonDanny and Pauline Porter

Robbie HiamHarley Moffatt

Jeffrey RichardsonBill Davis

Russel BarrettOllie Manfield

Rob TuckerKen Matthews

Mark Abbott

The President, Wayne Parr opened the meeting at 1840hrs by welcoming Members and guests(attendance sheet attached)


1The Minutes of the 11thAGM held on 7th August 2013.

Were tabled and approved – Proposed Barry Dawes, Seconded Russel Watson

2The President’s Report. Was tabled and approved (see attached) Proposed Russel Watson, Seconded Chris Malkin

3The financial accounts of the Association for the year ended

31 March 2014and the Treasurer’s Report. Were tabled and approved (See attached) Proposed Grant Smith. Seconded Fred Haig

4Pursuant to clause 28.2 the following committee members were re-elected unopposed

  • Hon TreasurerBill Davis
  • Ordinary MemberTim Phillips
  • Ordinary MemberRussell Watson
  • Ordinary MemberPeter Sydes
  • Ordinary Member Peter Golding

The following committee members retain office until the 2015 AGM:

  • PresidentWayne Parr
  • Ordinary Member Rod Martin
  • Ordinary MemberRobert Tucker
  • Vice President & SecretaryAndrew Skinner

5The meeting agreed it was not necessary to appoint an Auditor for the financial year ending 31/3/2015 Proposed David Birkhill. Seconded Peter McKeand

6General Discussion followed and is summarised below:

A)Bernie O’Hanlon – Does the Committee have a strategy to address the ageing membership of the sailors and any tactics to introduce new younger members

B)Richard Buxton – is there potential to approach owners of boats that largely sit unused on moorings and for the CBA/SSCBC to make them available to younger Members to sail/race

C)Peter Costolloe (CYAA) suggested a collaborative approach between CBA and CYAA to address these issues and also the public profile of both fleets

D)Rod Martin/Max Chester re the use of facebook and SSCBC website to more dynamically allow for owners and crews to nominate for a sail on race days

E)Peter Hannah/Tim Phillips regarding the development of a Heritage Division to encourage more use of the original heritage Couta boats

F)Olivia Stewart re the difficulty of retaining younger members at sscbc due to the high cost of entry and annual subscription

G)Mark Turnbull then addressed ther meeting to promote the IDSAF World CUP event at Sandringham form 7/12/14- 14/12/14

The meeting was closed by the President at 1930hrs and Guests were invited to the Dining Room to hear an after dinner talk by Russell Kenery on the open water voyages of Matthew Flinders

Dated 06/08/14

Andrew Skinner

Honorary Secretary