This is Rona’s story:
Each week PC Humane Society volunteers remove dogs from the PC Animal Shelter and take them to the KY Humane Society in Louisville. Here they are evaluated for temperament, health, etc., and if they pass these evaluations are put into the KHS system for adoption. On June 30th Rona was removed from PCAS along with several other dogs. After making the long trip to Louisville, Rona did not pass the evaluation because she was terrified & “shut down” according to the KHS evaluator. She did say they loved Rona and would take her back if we could just work with her some & help get her past this terrified stage. So, back to PulaskiCounty she came, but not to the PCAS to meet her fate. Rona was taken for a vet check and shots so she could go into a PCHS foster home. After working with Rona in a home setting, it was decided she would probably do better here in the PCHS foster system rather than in a shelter setting.
Rona remained on the Facebook page for PCAC and a family in Wisconsin saw her. They were searchingfor just the right dog to become part of their family of mom, dad, and one little boy, an eight year old German shepherd, and several horses and cats. They felt Rona was the perfect addition for their family.A volunteer at PCAS put this family in touch with PCHS President Melody Simpson who in turn put connected them with the foster parent. Phone calls and e-mails started, and the family knew without a doubt Rona was for them.
But, this dog was in Bronston, KY and the family wanting to adopt Rona resides in Wisconsin. The problems facing this adoption were numerous: A home visit would have to be made, references had to be contacted as well as the family veterinarian, the adoption papers completed & submitted, and adoption fees paid.AND, transportation arrangements had to be made to get Rona to her forever home. Thanks to Ellie Grant of Mandy’s Mission who just happens to be from Wisconsin, folks were contacted to make the home visit & the family vet was contacted. Ellie was able to get Rona on a transport that the foster family would meet in Lexington and take her to within on hour of her home in Wisconsin.
Rona was spayed June 18th, her health certificate and medical records provided by the local vet, and she went back to her foster home to recuperate and await her transport date. The foster mom and forever mom remained in contact almost daily as there were many questions & concerns by the new family. Everyone involved wanted to make this long distance transport as smooth and easy on Rona as possible. A date was finally set for July 31st.
July 31st arrived and Rona began her long trek to her forever home. She and her foster parents departed shortly after 6:00 a.m. and were joined by two other dogs from Somerset also making this trip. This was Leg 1 of a long journey. There were SEVEN other volunteers who transferred this precious cargo to their vehicles as well as adding a few other dogs along the way. These transports adhere to strict guidelines, timing is of the utmost importance, security is strict, walking & watering is done often, and calls are made to the coordinator when each leg is completed. After this long trip Rona arrived in Janesville, WI around 5:30 (CDT) and was met by her new family. Another hour later Rona and her new family finally arrived to their home.
There is an adjustment period now for this new family; however, Rona quickly shared the couch & cover w/her new boy. Thanks to many people working together Rona has gone from death row to a happy country life with her new family in Wisconsin including wearing her Green Bay Packer collar and leash.
Note: Rona’s story is a happy one thanks to many caring people. However, numerous dogs/cats do not live to tell their story because there is no one to foster or adopt them and they fall through the cracks. It takes lots of people to make these happy endings a reality. If you would like to be part of one of these success stories, please contact us by e-mail or phone. Volunteers are desperately needed to make these happy endings happen.