MPDS Assessment Report – Student Placement

1.This must be completed jointly by the Mentor and the trainee and by discussion with line managers as required

  1. The report must be signed by both the mentor and trainee and returned without delay to IMechE, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, SW1H 9JJ. You should keep a copy for your records.
  2. The MPDS trainee must notify IMechE in writing about any delays to the return of the report. If reports are not returned, the trainee may be removed from the scheme
  3. If there is a change of mentor, notify IMechE in writing of the changes. The new mentor must be a Chartered Engineer and registered as a mentor with IMechE.


MPDS Trainee’s Surname / Forename/s
Class of Membership / Membership Number
Company Name
Mentor’s Name / Membership Number
Report from (month/year) / to (month/year)

Assessment – Mentors should refer to the statements overleaf and make the assessment, relative to the trainee’s stage of development.

Personal development
Self management
Communication skills
Problem solving
Personal and social skills
Technical development /
Engineering practice
Engineering principles
Problem solving
Technical achievement
Business development /
Commercial financial Implications
Organisation skills
Mentors recommendation for improvement.
If necessary, what remedial action is proposed?

Trainee’s signature (I have read and understood this report) ………………………………………….

Personal development

  1. Self Management – the ability to control and direct own training, career and efforts

confident, able to negotiate own requirements & accept responsibility4

works towards personal goals using available resources, with minimum guidance 3

accepts responsibility but requires prompting to work towards goals 2

has difficulty identifying personal goals and appropriate resources 1

  1. Communication skills – the ability to give a complete and concise account of a situation, either orally or written

always clear and accurate, high standard of presentation; can communicate 4

with people at all levels

reasonable presentation and generally accurate in content; rarely has 3

difficulty making a point

usually easy to understand; has difficulty presenting to people at all levels 2

tendency to be in-accurate and has difficulty conveying information in any form 1

  1. Comprehension – the ability to understand and interpret instructions

understands well at first attempt, readily grasps new ideas and concepts4

does not normally require additional information or explanation to complete 3

a task

sometimes requires additional information or explanation 2

frequently needs additional information or explanation and takes time to grasp

new ideas and concepts 1

  1. Personal/social skills – the ability to work with others and gain respect

works well in a group or team and establishes good relationships with people 4

at all levels

works in a group or team, good relationships at own level 3

attempts to mix and make a contribution 2

prefers to work alone and has difficulty establishing good relationships 1

Technical development

  1. Engineering practice – the ability to apply sound engineering practices

fully able to select materials, processes and components to customer specification4

able to advise on suitable materials, processes and components 3

able to select and specify from organisation’s own capabilities of manufacture2

has difficulty selecting suitable materials, processes and components 1

  1. Engineering principles – the ability to apply sound engineering principles and technical judgement

fully able to apply engineering principles to design, development and research4


able to apply established procedures 3

needs some guidance on the application of engineering principles 2

needs frequent guidance on the application of suitable engineering principles 1

  1. Problem solving – the ability to originate new and improved uses of people and resources

excellent problem solver; can propose innovative solutions4

good understanding and useful innovator 3

puts forward some ideas but has difficulty with decisions 2

usually able to follow set procedures but shows little capability at proposing new 1 solutions

  1. Technical achievement – the ability to translate knowledge and skills into achieving results

quickly develops skills and achieves excellent results without prompting4

achieves well with little supervision 3

average ability in achieving results but hesitant with little initiative 2

usually needs supervision and assistance to achieve tasks 1

Business development

  1. Commercial and financial implications – the ability to see engineering in a business environment

fully aware of the commercial and financial implications of the task in hand4

generally aware of implications but sometimes needs clarification on particular 3


only aware of the business environment when seconded to a commercial department 2

limited awareness of any commercial / financial ramifications 1

  1. Organisation skills – the ability to structure circumstances to a given objective

fully aware of the importance of planning and scheduling dependent on changing

circumstances and tasks4

usually organises well but sometimes needs guidance on some areas of planning 3

average ability but needs reminders on critical factors 2

muddled approach and unable to set priorities 1

Detail the main training objectives met for this period of time

  1. What contributions were achieved for the company and were the company objectives met?
  1. Mentor’s general comments

Mentor’s Signature Date

January 2006