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Family history
/Our Mougenat lineage has been traced back to Claude Mougenat, our 10th great-grandfather. Claude was probably born around 1600 in the Ban de la Roche area of western France. He died in 1670 at the village of Solbach located within the French canton of Schirmeck. We are descended through his daughter Marguerite Mougenat born at Neuviller la Rochealso located in Schirmeck. In 1663, Marguerite married Christian Christmanin the local church at nearby Waldersbach. Between 1666 and 1680 at least six known off-spring were produced of this union. Our descendancy continued through Marguerite’s son Nicholas Christman born at Solbach in 1666. Marguerite Mougenat lived for over 62 years until she passed away at Solbach in 1705.
Direct ancestors
/Additional information about the persons in our database as well as a complete listing of / / individuals with this surname may be reviewed by clicking on this LINK.
CLAUDE1 MOUGENAT1was born before 16001. He died on 28 Oct 1670 in Solbach, Molsheim,Bas-Rhin, France1. He married MARGUERITEMOUGENAT(NEE?). He married CLAUDETTEMOUGENAT(NEE?).
Claude Mougenat and Marguerite Mougenat (nee?) had the following children:
- CLAUDETTE2 MOUGENAT1 was born before 16401.
- ESTHER MOUGENAT2 was born about 16402. She married George Vouliat on 27 Jun 1663 in Waldersbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France2.
MARGUERITE2 MOUGENAT(Claude1)3was born on 03 Apr 1643 in Neuviller la Roche, Molsheim,Bas-Rhin, France3. She died on 09 Jul 1705 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France3. She married Christian Christman, son of Christian Nicholas Christman and Catherine Cloue on 01 Nov 1664 in Waldersbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France3. He was born on 14 May 1637 in Barr, Bas-Rhin, France3. He died on 12 Nov 1699 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France3.
Christian Christman and Marguerite Mougenat had the following children:
- NICOLAS3 CHRISTMAN4 was born on 04 Feb 1666 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France4. He died on 22 Oct 1749 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France4. He married Eve Loux, daughter of Nicholas Loux and Claudette Loux (nee?) about 1692 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France4, 5. She was born on 24 Feb 1666 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France4. She died on 02 Dec 1741 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France4.
- MARGUERITE CHRISTMAN6 was born on 13 Oct 1667 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6.
- JEAN CHRISTMAN6 was born on 18 Sep 1670 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6. He died on 21 Mar 1737 in Neuviller la Roche, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6. He married (1) MARGURITE MOREL on 27 Apr 1694 in Waldersbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France3. He married (2) ANNE BARBE MOREL on 21 Aug 1728 in Rothau, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6.
- CHRISTIAN CHRISTMAN6 was born on 28 Sep 1673 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6. He married Marie Parmentier on 19 Apr 1701 in Fouday, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6.
- CATHERINE CHRISTMAN6 was born on 13 Dec 1677 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6.
- JEANNE CHRISTMAN6 was born on 29 Feb 1680 in Solbach, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6. She died between 1712-17166. She married Benoit Loux on 02 Nov 1700 in Fouday, Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France6.
1Christman, Charles and Neva, The Christmann Heritage (Name: 102 Lawrence 2075, LaRussell, Mo. 64848;), p. 13.
2Christman, Charles and Neva, The Christmann Heritage (Name: 102 Lawrence 2075, LaRussell, Mo. 64848;), p. 14.
3Christman, Charles and Neva, The Christmann Heritage (Name: 102 Lawrence 2075, LaRussell, Mo. 64848;), p. 10.
4Christman, Charles and Neva, The Christmann Heritage (Name: 102 Lawrence 2075, LaRussell, Mo. 64848;), p. 9.
5Siler, Frederick G., Footnote (Name: 889 Dante Court, Mantua, NJ 08051;), Location of marriage event is most likely Solbach because researchshows that both Eve and Nicolas were born and died there.
6Christman, Charles and Neva, The Christmann Heritage (Name: 102 Lawrence 2075, LaRussell, Mo. 64848;), p. 11.
The WorldConnect Project is a set of tools, which allow users to upload, modify, link, and display their family trees as a means to share their genealogy with other researchers. / / The WorldConnect Project continues to grow, as it now contains several hundred million records thus it offers researchers the single largest collection of family trees on the Internet.
Use this free genealogy site to help you get the best genealogy searches from Google™ by using your family tree, for your research. It will create a series of different searches using tips or "tricks" / / that will likely improve your results. The different searches will give you many different ways of using Google and the Internet to find ancestry information about this or any other Surname.
Source documents
/The documents contained within this “Source Documents Archives” have been located during our research of this family, and used as evidence to prove many of the facts contained within the database of this family’s record. We have source documents related to the following persons within our database with this surname.
- None
This Link will take you to our / / archive of source documents.
You are welcome to download any of the documents contained within this archive that does not cite a copyright. Should you encounter a problem obtaining a copy you may get in touch with us via the contact information found at the end of this web-page.
Most of these documents can be considered as primary or secondary evidence. Primary evidenceis usually defined as the best available to prove the fact in question, usually in an original document or record. Secondary evidence is in essence all that evidence which is inferior in its origin to primary evidence. That does not mean secondary evidence is always in error, but there is a greater chance of error. Examples of this type of evidence would be a copy of an original record, or oral testimony of a record’s contents. Published genealogies and family histories are also secondary evidence.
Classifying evidence as either primary or secondary does not tell anything about its accuracy or ultimate value. This is especially true of secondary evidence. Thus it is always a good idea to ask the following questions: (1) How far removed from the original is it, (when it is a copy)?; (2) What was the reason for the creation of the source which contains this evidence?; and (3) Who was responsible for creating this secondary evidence and what interest did they have in its accuracy?
SOURCE: Greenwood, Val D., The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy, 2nd edition, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD 21202, 1990, pgs. 62-63
Migration routes
/Tracing our own family’s paths of migration can prove crucial in identifying previous generations and eventually, figuring out where and how they arrived in the “New World” as well as where they eventually settled. Knowing the network of trails American pioneers traveled can help you guess where to start looking. The trail map(s) provided below may assist you in understanding the routes that our direct ancestors of this family may have taken to find new homes and opportunities in the vast area now encompassed by the United States.
During the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries hundreds of thousands of Europeans made the perilous ocean voyage to America. For many it was an escape from economic hardship and religious persecution. For most it was an opportunity to start over, own their own land, and make a better future for their descendents.
Immigration records show a number of people bearing the name of MOUGENAT, or one of its variants, as arriving in North America between the 17th and 20th centuries. Some of these immigrants were: Jules Mougenot who arrived New Orleans, Louisiana in 1855, AugustinMougenot who arrived at New York, New York, in 1865, and Emile Mougenot who sailed from Le Havre, France to New York, New York in 1896
Use the following links to find more early immigrants with this surname:
$Search Immigration Records; orFree Ship’s Passenger lists at
The Development of an Historical Migration Route
It is understood that in many if not all cases we do not know exactly what routes our ancestors took as they migrated throughout the United States. As such certain assumptions have been utilized to re-create the migration path presented above. With regard to 18th and 19th century land routes we assume that they travelled along few trails and roads that were in existence at the time. Research shows that a great many of these old paths and trails are today designated as U.S. Highway Routes. For example, a major east-west route of migration known as the National Road is now U.S. Route 40, and a primary north-south migration route of the 18th century followed the Great Indian War and Trading Path is now U.S. Route 11. In some situations the re-created migration route may travel along state routes that connect or run through the seat of a county as that populated place is probably the oldest settlement in the area. The use of water as a migration route is also likely. For example, during the late 18th and early 19th centuries many families travelled west on the Ohio Riveras they moved on the new lands in Missouri or the Old Northwest Territory. As such when applicable water routes have been included as the possible migration route.
Images gallery
/During our research we have collected images and photographs that are of general interest to a particular family. Some of them are presented on this website because we believe they tend to provide the reader with additional information which may aid in the understanding of our ancestors past lives. We have images related to the following persons within our database with this surname.
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Use the power of Google™ to find more interesting images about this topic. This button will link you to the Google Images Search page. Enter the topic you are / / searching in the box and click “Search Images”. At the “Images” display page you will see the image, as well as the website of which it is associated.
Ancestral locations
/Researching the locations where our ancestors lived has provided us with valuable evidence needed to fill in the gaps in our family trees. It has also led us to many interesting facts that enhance the overall picture of each family group.
Locations of
Direct Ancestors / Locational Distribution
of this Surname / Where In the World
are my Ancestors?
Locatiof Direct Ancestors
The names of states and counties on the following list were derived from the known places where the Direct Ancestors in the “Ancestral Lineage” (see above) were born, married, and / or died.
FRANCE / BAS-RHIN / Molshiem
(Neuviller la Roche, Solbach)
Use this LINK to find out more about this / / ancestral family and the locations listed above.
Locational distribution of Surname
Knowing the geographical areas where the surname you are researching is clustered and distributed is an indispensable tool in deciding where to focus your research. We believe that the “Public Profiler” website will open up to you a wide range of solutions which implement current research in spatial analysis. This site provides an array of local spatial information tools useful to the genealogist.
The information presented herein shows where the MOUGENOTsurnameis distributed within North America as well as in Francethe probable country of origin of this family. Statistics show that there are approximately 44.82persons per million of population with this surname, within France, and0.02persons per million of population within the United States. The Luxembourg is found to be the country in the world where this surname is the second most highly clustered having approximately 8.5 persons per million of population. The top region in the World where this surname is the most highly clustered is the French-Comté, France with 437.26 persons per million, and / NORTH AMERICA / FRANCE
click on thumbnail for larger image
Le Val-d'Ajol, Lorraine, Franceis the top city where this surname is found.
Click on the LINK to the right to see more information about the World distribution of a surname. You can get /
/ greater detail for any of the following maps by clicking on the area, i.e state, county that you are interested in.
Where are my ancestors Ancestors
/Resources which enhance our knowledge of the places inhabited by our ancestors are almost as important as their names. The LINK to the right will take you to Maps, Gazetteers, and other helpful resources / / that will assist in discovering Ancestral Locations. These web sites comprise only a small portion of what is available for researchers interested in learning more about where their ancestors lived.
An Introduction
to the Surname / Source/Meaning
of the Surname / History of
the Surname / More About
An Introduction to the Surname
The practice of inherited family surnames began in England and France during the late part of the 11th century. Surnames were first utilized in the Germanic region of central Europe during the second half of the 12th century. The custom of taking on surnames began in the southern areas of Germany, and gradually spread northward during the Middle Ages. It took about three hundred years for this tradition to apply to most families and become a constant part of one’s identity. With the passing of generations and the movement of families from place to place many of the original identifying names were altered into some of the versions that we are familiar with today. Over the centuries, most of our European ancestors accepted their surname as an unchangeable part of their lives. Thus people rarely changed their surname. Variations of most surnames were usually the result of an involuntary act such as when a government official wrote a name phonetically or made an error in transcription. /Map of European Languages
Research into the record of thisMOUGENATfamily line indicates that the variations, meanings and history of this surname are most likely linked to that area of Europe where French linguistic traditions are commonly found.
Source(s) & Meaning(s) of the Surname
As in other European countries French surnames developed from four major sources: (1) Occupational Surnames are also very common among French surnames, these last names are based on the person’s job or trade for instance Jean Tailleur i.e. John the tailor. (2) PatronymicMatronymic Surnames that are based on a parent’s name, these are the most common origins of French surnames. The greater part of French patronymic and matronymic surnames are derived directly from the parent's given name like MichelAdolphe, i.e. Micheal son of Adolf. In some cases prefixes and suffixes are attached to a given name to create a patronymic surname such as Jacques de Edmé which means James the son of Edmond. (3) Geographical Surnames are those surnames based on a the place where person came from like Claude from the city of Lyon, becomes Claude Lyon. This type of name may also describe the location where the person resides within a village or town such as Jacques Jardin lives near a garden. (4) Descriptive Surnames are usually based upon a “nickname”(i.e., Moody, Wise, Armstrong); status (i.e. Freeman, Bond, Knight); and acquired ornamental names that were simply made up, for example Charles Leblanc come from Charles the white.Mougenat, Mougenot and various other spellings of this surname was originally from a medieval given name, from the Latin DOMINICUS meaning 'of the Lord'. The name was borne by a Spanish saint (1170-1221) who founded the Dominican order of monks, and whose fame gave an added boost to the popularity of the name, already well established because of its symbolic value. In 1212 St. Dominic founded the Order of Friars Preachers.
History of the Surname
Coming from the Medieval French word 'surnom' translating as "above-or-over name," surnames or descriptive names trace their use back to 11th century France, when it first became necessary to add a second name to distinguish between individuals with the same given name. The custom of using surnames did not become common for several centuries, however.The French surname Mougenat,and its variant spellings, have traveled widely in many forms throughout France. Our Mougenatlineage dates back to at least the 16th century to Claude Mougenat, of heBan de la Roche area of the Alsace region of western France. The Mougenot family of the Lorraine region of France held seat in the former Duchy of Lorraine. Up until 1870 the Lorraine region incorporated the aforementioned Ban de la Roche locale. As such it is most probable that these two almost exact spelling variants extended to the same or closely linked families. Another variant surname associated with northwestern France is Moignat which is also found in the Alsace.
The Moisant spelling variant was first found in the Burgundy region of France. This are approximates most closely with the ancient Duchy of Burgundy wherein this family held seat. The Mognait surname spelling is found in the east-central part France in the Rhône-Alpesregion.
Notable persons who share this surname or close variant spellings are: John BevinsMoisant (1868-1910), United States aviator; Matilde E. Moisant (1878 –1964) was an American pioneer aviator. She was the second woman in the United States to get a pilot's license; Jacques Mougenot a French author and actor; and CélesteBoursier-Mougenot a musical and the visual artist.