User-led Organisation (ULO) Steering Group

Terms of Reference

Aims and purpose of the steering group

The group’s overall aim is to support, assist and guide Disability Nottinghamshire to develop, embed and build upon their user-led work in Nottinghamshire.

The purpose of the group is to monitor, evaluate and discuss the performance of Disability Nottinghamshire against the outcomes in the project plan. The group will also be champions of user-led work and disseminate this where appropriate.

What is a ULO?

Disability Nottinghamshire is an impartial and confidential information, advice and advocacy service run purely by, and on behalf of, disabled people in Nottinghamshire. They can provide opportunities for individuals to access volunteering, work experience, peer support, training, engagement and consultation.

ULO’s can help local authorities to meet broader policy requirements, such as the Disability Equality Duty 2010. They add value, help deliver effective services and commissioning, tackle social exclusion, and are based on the authentic voices of service users.

A typical ULO will have the following attributes and/or services:

  • Value base (e.g. promoting the social model of disability and independent living)
  • Governance and management (e.g. Management Committee or Board of Trustees being made up of a minimum of 75% service users)
  • Services provided by disabled people/carers (e.g. advocacy, peer support, advice)

Key partners of Adult Social Care Health Public Protection are service users and their carers for which Disability Nottinghamshire would be the tool/vehicle to effectively engage, consult and involve.

The ULO will be required to support the Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP) agenda Nottinghamshire County Council’s TLAP team is working to complete and embed the national Think Local, Act Personal priorities in its work streams.

The national TLAP priorities are;

  1. Personalisation and personal budgets
  2. Developing cost effective and efficient solutions
  3. Developing the provider market and workforce
  4. Building community capacity
  5. Improving information to the public
  6. Importance of co-production

Terms of reference

  • The group will meet 4 times a year and will last approximately two hours.
  • Membership of the group will consist of a Commissioning Manager, TLAP Project Manager, Commissioning Officer, ULO Development Officer for Disability Nottinghamshire, Chair of Disability Nottinghamshire, Co Production rep, user rep, Community Access Worker and a Market Development Officer.
  • Members will agree, monitor and evaluate the project plan and ensure contractual obligations are met.Any contractual issues to be discussed in a closed section of the meeting.
  • They will guide, support and advise Disability Nottinghamshire on a wide range of topics from national initiatives (TLAP) to local projects (commissioned services).
  • Members will use their networks and contacts to help promote and embed a user-led approachin organisations across Nottinghamshire.
  • They will also raise awareness of the support, skills and knowledge that Disability Nottinghamshire has regarding user-led work, co-production, brokerage, information and advice.
  • Meetings will be chaired by the Commissioning Manager in a convenient location.
  • Where possible the agenda, previous minutes and any associated papers will be sent to members of the group, two weeks prior to the next meeting date.
  • The steering group is accountable to the TLAP Project Board. The Board is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the TLAP work streams and provides direction, clarity and decision making on a range of areas to enable delivery of the TLAP priorities. The TLAP Project Board is accountable to the Senior Leadership Team.

Ground rules /
  • Respect the views of others
  • Only one person to speak at any given time
  • Indicate if you would like to speak
  • Allow time for relevant questions
  • Treat everyone how you would like to be treated yourself
  • Confidentiality
  • Use your own judgement on what you would like to share
  • Keep to the point and be concise
  • Tolerance / forgiveness / patience
  • Not to be overtly confrontational towards others in attendance

Expectations /
  • For everyone to understand the current and future needs of service users, carers, service providers, support organisations and Nottinghamshire County Council within the present economic, political and social environment
  • To engage with Nottinghamshire County Council in effective and open dialogue regarding self directed support, personal budgets, brokerage and peer support
  • For representatives from Nottinghamshire County Council to attend and update the group on any questions or concerns raised in relation to self directed support, personal budgets, brokerage and peer support
  • To consult members on any changes to self directed support, personal budgets, brokerage and peer support
  • Collectively work out how we can move forward to effectively influence decisions and implement change

Date approved: 7/5/2013