1422 West DrivePO Box 73Kingsland, Texas 78639

Office: (325) 388-6611Fax: (325) 388-6135Email:


Minutes of March 13, 2018


DANNY STONE, President (Term Expires Jan. 2020)LEONARD LEINFELDER, General Manager

VICKI MOORE, Vice President (unexpired Term Expires Jan. 2018) JOSH SMITH, Customer Service Supervisor

PRESTON MASON, Secretary/Treasurer (Term Expires Jan. 2018) TABITHA WATSON, Billing & Accounts Admin

CHARLES MILLER, Director (Term Expires Jan. 2020) -

DAVID HOWARD, Director (Term Expires Jan. 2018)

  1. 5:03 p.m. - Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.
  1. This meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act 551.043 -

•A quorum was reached.

  1. Public Comments.

•Persons wishing to make public comments must sign in on the sheet provided. When called upon by the Board President or residing Officer, members of the public may speak for three minutes. Inquiries to the Board members may not receive an immediate response.

•No public Comments were made for the March meeting.

The Board took action on the following items:

  1. Approval of Minutes from February 13, 2018: Motion to accept the minutes as is for the meeting made by David Howard. Seconded by Charles Miller and the motion carried unanimously.

•General Meeting of February 2018

  1. Approval for Kallman to Update KWSC CCN- Explanation given by Leonard (no papers in board packet)

•The Board discussed the ballpark amount on the quote of up to $10,000.00. Motion to approve made by Preston Mason and seconded by Charles Miller. The motion carried unanimously.

  1. Operations Reports -December and January 2017

•Operations Report was presented by General Manager Leonard Leinfelder. The Board asked when A&B Services would becomplete on the Elkhorn extension. Leonard explained it would be sometime this month and the bill would follow in April. Leonard also said Kingsland Ranch has been renewed for another five years regarding the groundwater district. Also, Leonard explained that the new truck was rear-ended just 2 weeks after purchase. Mentioning of how the accident happened and that Chris and Leonard would be taking the truck to the dealership in Austin to have it repaired.

  1. Leak Relief for Members –February leak requests were tabled until next month. Board needs clarification on the amount of gallons and the dollar amount before it can be approved.
  2. Financial Office and QuickBooks update: Leonard gave a quick presentation of the Projected Expenses & Income Spreadsheet. New version was given for example. It was reviewed and the board made suggestions.
  1. Treasurer's Reports- Treasures report was not available for March meeting.
  1. Committees Reports:

•Personnel Committee – N/A

•Infrastructure Committee–N/A

•Credentials Committee–N/A

•Rate Committee – N/A

•Tariff Committee – N/A

  1. Request for Future Agenda Items:Euel Moore pipeline pricing updates from West to 2900-upgrading small section, 2-4 inch main.
  1. Executive Session to deliberate the (a) appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of officer or employee; to deliberate (b) the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; or(c) to consult with attorney(s) to seek his or her advice on legal matters, as permitted by Section 551.074, Section 551.072 and Section 551 .071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 55 1 of the Texas Government Code.
  1. The Board may also meet in Open Session to:

•Take action on anypersonnelmatter discussed in the Executive Session,

•Take action on any real property matter discussed in the Executive Session

•Or to act on the advice of attorneys a mandated by Section 551 .102 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 55 1 often Texas Government Code.

  1. Adjournment. 6:03pm Motion made by Charles Miller and seconded by David Howard. Motion passed unanimously

Presiding Officer’sSignatureDateBoard Member’s SignatureDate

Presiding Officer’s Printed Name / TitleBoard Member’s Printed Name / Title

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