PROJECT NAME: / Coniston Childcare
the Project helpS to:
Maximise the economic potential of the region’s rural areas / Support sustainable farming and food / Improve access to affordable rural housing / Ensure fair access to services for rural communities / Empower rural communities and addressing rural social exclusion / Enhance the value of our rural environmental inheritance
What is the Project?
Coniston Childcare provides a professional, safe and stimulating childcare service in a home-style environment.
The Ofsted approved nursery provides wrap-around care to cater for parents varying childcare needs. The nursery operates from a private house and cares for up to 12 under 7s every day from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm six days a week. The nursery works closely with ConistonPrimary School which has a limited pre-school service that the children attending Coniston childcare attend for short periods each day.
The project was to expand the childcare facility with a garage conversion, and to landscape the garden area to make a safe, level outdoor play area. An outdoor climbing frame was also purchased, as well as an outdoor store for equipment and improved, secure fencing. The extension provided enough room to employ one new child minder and allow the nursery to cater for up to 25 children from birth to 11 years.
Where is the Project based and what area does it cover?
Why was it set up?
The scheme has wide community support and the parish plan highlights the need to expand current childcare provision in Coniston. The nursery has a waiting list, and insufficient childcare provision in the area has forced parents to take their children to other facilities in villages/towns towards Kendal and Barrow. This means children are not integrated into the community and it has been noted that this has a knock on effect on the future viability of ConistonPrimary School, as parents often choose to send their children to the school attached to their childcare provider. Apart from a limited service at the school (open for 2 hours a day), there is no other nursery in the village.
How is the Service Funded?
Total project cost: £11,000
CRISP grant: £5,500
Match funding for this project was in the form of a business loan.
Who has benefited and how?
- 1 Full-time post created
- 100% increase in number of people using the service.
What are the key factors for success?
Too early to assess
What lessons have been learnt?
Too early to assess
What are the Project’s plans for the future?
This was a one-off grant to extend the facility, enabling additional childcare places to be offered at the nursery. Childcare fees will allow the nursery to become self-sustaining in the future.
Contact details for Project
Amy Clement, Cumbria County Council 01228 606752