Week 13
Sermon Series:LivingWisdomin a FoolishWorld
SermonTitle: Honest Work
SermonText: Ecclesiastes 11:1-2
StudyHandoutDate: Week of 11-19-17
GroupDate: Week of 11-26-17
SermonDate: 12-3-17
BEFOREWEBEGIN:Whatwasyourtakeawayfromthis pastSunday’ssermon?
Ephesians 2:8-10 mentions “works” twice. Verse 8 tells us, “It is by grace you have been saved…not by works, so that no one can boast”, and verse 10 tells us, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works”. The first verses talk about salvation, with works being excluded. No one is saved by human works. In verse 10 Paul speaks about works to be done by the person who has been saved by the blood of Christ Jesus. For that person, works are absolutely necessary, ordained by God for the believer. The proof of a changed life and of salvation is a life of good works. (Romans 11:6; Galatians 2:16; 2 Timothy 1:9; James 2:14-18)
In His goodness God gives to others, not according to what they deserve, but according to His good will and kindness toward them. (2 Chronicles 5:13; Psalm 106:1) Precept Ministries International
DAY1 Read: Proverbs 11:24-31 and Ecclesiastes 11:1,2
1. Carefully read these verses and note contrasting and parallel thoughts.
DAY2 Read: Proverbs 11:24-26; Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 5:7; 25:34-40
1. Reading these verses in Proverbs one might think of words like “generous” and “miserly”. What are the results of these character traits?
2. Think of how “hoarding” and “stealing” could be similar?
3. How is the generosity in verse 25 illustrated by the actions of the man in verse 26? Relate this to the verses in Leviticus and Matthew.
4. How might a Christian generously put the needs of others ahead of his own needs? Would God call you generous or would He call you miserly? (Personal)
DAY3 Read: Proverbs 11:17; 27-28; Matthew 5:6; 6:24-34
1. The three verses listed from Proverbs express a theme of desires, whether good or evil, and the outcomes of those desires. Make a list of these desires and outcomes in your own words.
2. Using all the above passages, list daily opportunities we are given to seek good rather than evil.
3. The seeker in verse 27 can receive either community approval or approval from God. Explain this verse in light of this statement.
4. Is it a bad thing to have nice possessions? Can possessions be seen to ensure position in society? How, then, do you seek to show integrity and character that is pleasing to the Lord in light of the resources God has given you?
DAY4 Read:Proverbs 11:29-31; Ecclesiastes 5:16b; 11:1,2
1. If the first line of verse 29 means a reckless use of the family wealth, what is the result of such behavior? What does the fool inherit (Think of another word for “wind”), and what becomes his livelihood?
2. What do you think is meant by the tree of life? Explain verse 30 in your own words.
3. Verse 31 suggests the righteous are sometimes guilty of folly and must accept responsibility for it. Define folly. When have you been guilty of folly? Did you accept responsibility for it or did you just think of it as humor or a mistake or even stupidity?
4. The verses in Ecclesiastes 11 tell us life and wealth are uncertain. In thinking of this, how will you choose to put your trust in the Lord Jesus as you face uncertain times?
DAY5 Read: Proverbs 11:24-31 and Ecclesiastes 11:1-2
1. What have you learned from these verses about righteous character and generosity toward those in need?
2. Where will you this week exhibit generosity in putting the needs of someone else ahead of your own?