Year One Spring 2Newsletter
Year 1 Class Teacher: Miss Chapman
Year 1 Teaching Assistant: Mrs Steele

Welcome back to school after February half-term!


This half term, our topic is ‘Dragons and Castles’. We will be learning about castles and what they were used for, as well as looking at knights, princesses and dragons. This topic is based around the traditional tales we will be studying in Literacy, such as Little Red Riding Hood and Jack and the Beanstalk. This topic will be covered across all curriculum subjects.

Homework and Reading:

The children will be receiving homework on a Friday which should be handed in the followingThursday. The homework set for the Year One children is usually a task which they should be able to complete independently at home. There will be prizes at the end of the term for those children who bring their homework in each week.
The children will also be bringing home a reading book anda reading log, which should be brought into schooleveryday. Pleasetry and listen to your child readas often as possible. Please record any reading you have done with your child in their reading log. Reading logs are checked daily and books changed every other day.


P.E. lessons are on Tuesdaymorningsand Thursdayafternoons this term. This half term, the children willbe doing Multi-Skills led by a PE Specialist andGymnastics with Miss Gaskill. The school has purchased PE kits for all of the children in Year 1, so children will only need to bring in black pumps and/or trainers. All PE kits will be kept in school and will be washed at the end of each half term.

Important Information

Children need awater bottle at school, which should be changed regularly. Please send a bottle with water in daily – your child can then access this throughout the day in the classroom when they require. If your child has medical needs please ensure that the office know and any medication should be left at the office. If your child has asthma please ensure an in-dateinhaler is in school with your child’s name on it.

As always, please don’t hesitate to come and see me if you have
any questions or concerns.
Miss Chapman