Medieval Times Webquest

Directions: You are going to research different aspects of the medieval time period, answering questions with provided websites as you go.

  1. Feudalism


  1. Define feudalism. What are its benefits?
  2. How did the practice of feudalism begin?
  3. Define these terms:

Vassal -

Lord -

Peasant –

Serf -

  1. Explain the oath of fealty.
  1. Medieval Housing: (Castles, huts, etc.)


  1. What is a manor? What are its benefits?
  2. Describe the different types of housing in medieval times.
  3. Compare the homes of the wealthy to those of the poor.
  1. Clothing


  1. Describe the clothing of medieval times.
  2. What differences were there between the different classes?
  3. How did peasant male clothing differ from peasant female clothing?
  4. Describe medieval jewelry.
  5. Describe the clothing of a young medieval boy and girl.
  1. Medieval entertainment & leisure


  1. What did medieval people do for entertainment?
  2. Describe the music of the time period and its importance.
  3. What did children do for fun?
  1. Medieval Daily Life


  1. Describe the food in medieval society.
  2. Did they go to school?
  3. Name five (5) interesting facts about daily life in the Middle Ages.
  1. Health & Medicine


  1. Describe the general health conditions of the time.
  2. What is a famine? How does it affect the population?
  3. What is the Bubonic Plague? Describe its symptoms, how it was spread, and what people believed caused it?
  4. Describe typical remedies for illness during the time period.
  1. Law & Religion


  1. Describe the religious beliefs of 14th century England. Why was the church so important?
  2. Describe the life of Monks and Nuns.
  3. Describe the system of punishment in medieval times.
  4. List and describe two (2) Torture Techniques From Medieval Europe.
  1. Education


  1. Describe education in the 14th century. Who was educated? What type of education did they receive?
  2. What is illuminated manuscript?
  1. Important Historical Characters & Events


  1. Who was John Ball? Why was he important?
  2. What was the Magna Carta?
  3. What were the Crusades?
  4. What were the Dark Ages?
  5. What was the Peasant’s Revolt?