Book Club Discussion Sheet

Before beginning your discussion, work through the following steps…

1.) Introduce yourselves! This will be your book club group for the next 2 weeks so it’s important that you get to know each other.

The group members in attendance today are:

The book we are reading is:

2.) Elect a facilitator and a scribe. The facilitator will lead the discussion today, but a new facilitator will be elected each week. The scribe will write down the group’s answers to the discussion questions provided on this sheet and will also rotate.

3.) The following three “norms” are expected to be followed as part of a successful book club. Have the newly elected facilitator read the rules out loud to the other members of the group. Create a fourth rule that your group has decided to follow that will make your group run more smoothly or make your group more fun.

a.) Only one person talks at a time – No interrupting!

b.) You can read ahead, but you can’t “talk ahead” of the assigned chapters

c.) We don’t always have to agree, but we will treat each other with respect


You may now begin your discussion! While you are required to discuss and record your answers to the questions on the back of this paper, you are more than welcome to discuss any topics you wish (about the book!) that are not addressed on this sheet.

1.) What do you think so far about the main character? Can you relate to him or her? How has this character, already in the first half of the book, changed?

2.) Would you want to live in a setting/society like this one? Why or why not?

3.) Discuss the basic plot points of your novel so far, as well as character development. What has been happening? Who do you like or not like in the book? Where do you think the book is headed? (No spoilers if you have read ahead!)

4.) What are some of the themes you are seeing so far in the novel?

5.) Provide a list of any of the other topics that you discussed today in your group. Ask each other questions, talk about specific passages, discuss things you didn’t understand, etc.