C-ABA Reinforcement Strategy Template

Reinforcement Strategy _Template.

. / Identified Function
Evidence gathered from the Individual FBA form and analysis of ABC data collection suggest that the communicative function of this behaviour is:
  • Escape/Avoidance from … identify if task demand and or aversive stimuli in the environment.
  • Access to a tangible………………………………………..identify the tangible or the tangibles.
  • Recruitment of sensory feedback from…………..identify the source of the sensory feedback.
  • Recruitment of attention………………………………..peer or adult or both.
State what the function of the behaviour is provide details using the prompts above.
Alternative Behaviour
The student will be taught to request or recruit the desired maintaining consequence for example
  • Escape/Avoidance from … Use an I need a Break card.
  • Access to a tangible………..Use a picture to request.
  • Recruitment of sensory feedback from………Use I want my “sensory box” or other proposed sensory alternative..
  • Recruitment of attention……Use appropriate social initiation skills.
When teaching the new alternative behaviour consider and describe the following:
  • Objectively define the new behaviour.
  • How will the new alternative behaviour be taught.
  • Outline what prompts will be applied-See Day 4 notes.
  • Reinforcement schedule
Initially the student will be prompted to use the new alternative behaviour. The student will be immediately reinforced by access to the maintaining consequence on a continuous schedule of reinforcement.
State the criteria and the plan for fading prompt levels.
State the criteria and the plan for fading reinforcement.
  • State a rationale for using a DRO at this time.
  • State a proposed plan for how a DRA for this behaviour will be implemented in the future.
  • Identify an appropriate Sd, /contextual cue to prompt the student to engage in the desired behaviour. See Day 4 notes.
  • Calculate the inter-response time for reinforcing zero levels of the behaviour.-See Day 3 notes
  • Identify a valuable reinforcer that will be used for reinforcing zero levels of the behaviour. –See Day 2 notes.
  • State a plan for increasing the intervals.
  • State a plan for pairing the raisin reinforcer.-See Day 2 notes.
/ Example.
An orange bracelet was used to support the student to identify when the DRO contingency was in place.
The inter-response time calculated for hitting behaviour was calculated at 7 seconds.
The identified reinforcer was access to the kooshi ball .
The timer will be set at 5 second intervals, the student will be reinforced by access to the kooshi ball immediately after 5 seconds has elapsed if he/she has not engaged in hitting behaviours.
Following three consecutive sessions of no-hitting at 5 second intervals the interval will be increased to 7 seconds.
NCR / Identify the maintaining consequences/function of the problem behaviour.
  • Escape/Avoidance from … identify if task demand and or aversive stimuli in the environment.
  • Access to a tangible………………………………………..identify the tangible or the tangibles.
  • Recruitment of sensory feedback from…………..identify the source of the sensory feedback.
  • Recruitment of attention………………………………..peer or adult or both.
Calculate the current inter-response time of the behaviour.
Deliver reinforcement on a pre-determined schedule, regardless of occurrence or non-occurrence of the behaviour. (i.e non-contingently) / Example
Suzie shouts out regularly in the classroom.
Her teacher has identified that Suzie shouts out to recruit attention from her.
Suzie’s teacher has identified that Suzie shouts out on average 10 times within a 10 minute interval, approximately once per minute.
Suzie’s teacher sets a timer at a 50 second interval to remind her to pay attention to Suzie in the following form:
“You are sitting so nicely”
“Good working”
A thumbs up.
Standing beside her….
Suzies teacher gradually increases these intervals to 2 mins/5 mins/10 mins/20 mins/30 mins/1 hour….
Strategies for Generalisation and Maintenance.
  1. Plan
  2. Teach Functional skills. Programme using common stimuli.
  3. Teach and practice in the real environment.
  4. Use sufficient examples & train loosely.
  5. Choose intermittent schedules of reinforcement.
  6. Sequential modifications.
  7. Self-management and generalization.
  8. Criteria for mastery.
  9. Assess regularly after mastery has been achieved.
  10. Prompt others that the skill has been mastered.
/ Describe implementation of Generalisation and Maintenance Strategy.