Auckland Regatta

23-25 March 2012

Notice of Regatta

Venue / Te Haruhi Bay, Shakespear Regional Park, Whangaparaoa Peninsular
Date / To be held at over the weekend of 23 - 25 March 2012
Registrations Close / An entry form is attached, please complete and return it no later than Friday 09March 2012. Entries after this date may not be able to be accepted. Please ensure a contact name and phone number is included.
Camp Fees / Camp fee options are set as below:
$25.00 per person if staying the full weekend.
$15.00 per person if only attending for one day and not staying overnight.
No charge for parents or visitors who are not staying overnight.
Campsite Opens / The campsite will be open from 1500hrs on Friday 23 March. You will be allocated your camping space based on your registered numbers. Please do not turn up early and set up where you choose as you may find you need to move.
After Hours Access / The main park gate is locked at 2100hrs each night. Therefore please advise if you will be arriving late so you can be given instructions on how to get in. Please do not disturb the park ranger!
On Arrival / Please report to the Regatta Controller, Richard Moyle on arrival to be allocated your camp site.
Opening Ceremony / The regatta program will likely start at 0730 hrs on the Saturday with a parade, briefing and the commencement of regatta events. Dress standard to be advised.
Closing Ceremony / Regatta will close with the prize giving at 1500hrs on the Sunday. Please wear full uniform. Departure approx 1545hrs.
Program / The program will be advised at the Friday Evening Troop Leaders meeting. Program is subject to change based on the weather.
Troop Leaders Meeting / A Troop Leaders meeting will be held at 2130hrs on the Friday Evening. You should have with you:
Group name list;
Any final payments; Cheques are to be made payable to 'Scout Association of New Zealand- Northern Region'.
Final copy of the entry form;
We Provide / The grass to camp on, toilets, water, program and regatta administration.
You Provide / Transport to/from camp, all camping gear, food, boats, first aid, and fire protection for your camp and the removal of all rubbish from the site. There is no electricity, refrigeration or shop on site.
Trophies / Please return all trophies at the Troop Leaders meeting. Please ensure silverware is polished and has been engraved.
Boat Surveys / Boats that do not have a current boat certificate will not be allowed in the water. (Please do not request boat surveys during the 3 - 4 weeks prior to the regatta as your request may not be able to be met).
Further Inquiries / Any further inquiries should be directed to:
Richard Moyle
24 Glengarry Road, Glen Eden, Auckland 0602
Phone: (09) 818 2595 (hm) or 027 558 7547 (wk),

If you want to attend but your group does not have the equipment required, please ring ASAP so we can assist you.

Entry Form

Group Name:______

Event Entries
Age Group / Rowing / Cutter Sailing / Seaman-ship / Iron
Man / Tug of War / Sunburst Sailing / Cater-pillar Race / Rafting
(10½ - 13½ yrs)
(13½ - 15½ yrs)
(15½ - 19½ yrs)


Please indicate the likely number of entries (Teams / Crews) in the boxes above.

For event notes please see following page.

Boat Numbers:Cutters: ______


Anticipated Contingent Numbers
Male / Female

This information is required for ensuring sufficient toilets are on site & to assist with programming

And will be used to allocate camp site space

It is accepted that your final numbers may vary from that shown above

Group Contact Person


Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______




Event Entry Notices

Further details are contained in the Regatta Notices Document

Age Groups

The age Groups applicable as of 1 March 2012. This will enable the same crews to compete in the Northland Regatta earlier in the month.

Junior10½ - 13½ yrs
Intermediate13½ - 15½ yrs
Senior15½ - 19½ yrs
OpenRovers, Leaders, Adults


You may enter in both Cutter and Sunburst sailing, but you may only helm in one class.

Cutter Sailing

Juniors – min crew size 4, maximum 7 (including any safety person)

Intermediates – min crew size 4, max 7 (including any safety person)

Seniors – min crew size 3, max 7

Open – min crew size 3, max 7

Sunburst Sailing

2 per crew

  • 2 per crew. .
  • Open – the combined age of the crew is open – perhaps a spot prize for the crew with the maximum combined age.


Junior – 6 plus cox,

Intermediate – 6 plus cox,

Senior – 4 plus cox.

Open – 4 plus cox.

Tug of war

Team of 6; (2 Junior, 2 Intermediate, 2 senior)


Junior – 7

Intermediate – 7

Senior – 4

Open – 2

Exceptions will be looked at on a case by case basis.

The Iron Man

All age groups team size is 6


All age groups (register on the day)

Individuals– 1

Relay– 4

Caterpillar Race

As many people as you can fit into a cutter from any age group. The cutter is to be propelled using paddles (like a waka) – Rudder may not be used for steering. Oars may not be used.

Raft Race (if time allows)

This is a group event – unlimited numbers. The pioneering (rope work) may be judged as part of the camp craft component of the camping competition

Camp Rules

  1. Each group will be under the control of their own Group Leader or Contingent Leader, who will be responsible to the Camp Chief.
  1. All leaders will ensure that all personnel are wearing the correct protective clothing for the activity in which they are engaged. This means a PFD when on the water, hats when exposed to the sun, and footwear when appropriate.
  1. The roadways will be kept clear of vehicles at all times. Generally cars are not to be parked within the camp. All cars and trailers are to be in the designated parking area by 2100hrs on Friday evening (you will be advised of this location on arrival).
  1. All personnel will take all reasonable precautions in the prevention of fire. Cooking areas will be as far away from other tentage as is practical. Fire extinguishing devices will be maintained in a state ready for instant use.
  1. First Aid
    (Minor) Each group will provide their own first aid facility and will treat all minor injuries.
    (More Serious) For more serious injuries, the nearest doctor’s surgery is the Manly Medical Centre at 58 Rawhiti Rd Manly– open Saturday by appointment, phone (09) 09-424 9050.

The second option is Whangaparaoa Medical Centre, 16 Wade River Rd Whangaparaoa, 09-424 8618 hours unknown at present

Or to call the Coast Care Accident & Medical Centre – (09) 427 9130, Shop 9 Red Beach Shopping Centre – open 0800 - 2000 hrs 7 days (has X-ray facilities etc).
(Serious & Major) In the event of a major catastrophe call the Ambulance on 111.

All injuries should also be reported to the camp HQ. And the Camp Chief.

  1. The park is an ecologically fragile area. All personnel are to keep out of roped / fenced off areas, especially near the foreshore. All tapu areas are to be respected. Note that the park is now pest free.
  1. No fences, gates or vegetation in the park will be cut, climbed on or otherwise damaged.
  1. Toilets will be placed around the campsite. They are to be used for their intended purpose. They are to remain upright!
  1. Every leader is appointed an anti-vandal warden. If any vandalism occurs the regatta programme will be suspended until the culprits are found.
  1. All rubbish is to be removed from the site. Waste water disposal shall be by way of wet pits (these are to be no larger than 300 x 300 mm square).
  2. The park (which we own) is to be left in a pristine condition. It is not the park ranger's job to clean up your mess!
  1. All visitors must be recorded on the personnel records of the Group they are visiting. Failure to do so will mean that should an accident occur they may not be covered through the Scouting Public Liability insurance cover.
  1. If a neighbouring camp site can hear a radio on your site it is too loud.
  1. The Camp Chief has the right to confiscate any items being used in an inappropriate manner, for the duration of the camp. This may include items such as radios and car keys.

Group Name List

Hand in to regatta headquarters at the leaders meeting on Friday evening.

Please keep a copy for your records

Group: ______

Leader in Charge: ______First Aider: ______

First Aider Mobile No: ______

Juniors / M/F / Seniors / M/F
1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3
4 / 4
5 / 5
6 / 6
7 / 7
8 / 8
9 / 9
10 / 10
12 / Leaders / M/F
13 / 1
14 / 2
15 / 3
16 / 4
Intermediates / 5
1 / 6
2 / 7
3 / 8
5 / Others / M/F
6 / 1
7 / 2
8 / 3
9 / 4
10 / 5
11 / 6

Camp fee attached: $ ______

Proposed Programme (to be confirmed)

Friday 2130Leaders Meeting


Saturday0730Parade (Activity dress plus scarf)

0800Sailing Briefing (All skippers / All Age Groups) on Beach

0830Junior - Seamanship

Intermediate –Kayaking/Iron Man

Senior –Sunburst & Cutter Sailing

1045Junior – Sunburst & Cutter Sailing

Intermediate - Seamanship

Senior – Kayaking/Iron Man

1300Junior - Kayaking / Iron Man

Intermediate - Sunburst & Cutter Sailing

Senior – Seamanship

1500Open - Sunburst & Cutter Sailing

1730Tug of War

1900Evening meal

2100Regional Water Activities Meeting (Leaders)

2330Camp quiet




0830Rowing Briefing

0900Rowing Races

Junior heats

Intermediate heats

Senior Heats

Junior final

Intermediate final

Senior final


1200Rafts for Raft race to be in front of flag pole

1230Caterpillar Race (if all has gone according to plan)

1330Raft race (if all has gone according to plan)

1500Parade, prize giving.


Participant Notices

Iron Man Rules

This will be a timed event (i.e there are no finals).

Order of events is: fireman’s lift, kayak, barrel relay.

Ideally a maximum of 10 teams on the start line at once.

Teams size is 6 people from the age group.

3 members must do the fireman’s lift; the three people carried in the fireman’s life must do the kayaking. All team members must complete the run.

Please bring life jackets with you for your three kayakers. These must be worn correctly or a time penalty will be incurred.

Team Member (TM) 1 is to carry TM2 by way of fireman’s lift from the start line to the kayak. TM1 must also carry the kayak paddle. TM2 undertakes the kayak leg. TM1 carries TM2 back to the start line along with the kayak paddle.

The canoe paddle is handed over to TM3 & TM4 who repeat the exercise. The kayak paddle acts like a batten change in a relay. TM5 & TM6 repeat this exercise.

Each time the kayak is returned to shore, it must be turned around before returning to your team. The last pair are to leave the paddle in the kayak. And return it to the start line.

On the return of TM5 & TM6, the barrel relay is to commence. This involves the whole team.

You will be given a water filled barrel. It must be carried to and from the start line and around the marker 6 times. Each team member must take a turn in undertaking the run with the barrel. You may have assistance from the rest of your team in carrying barrel, however, their assistance does not count as their turn at the run.

The time is taken when the last team member crosses the finish line at the end of the run.

Be sure to have your whole team together when reporting to the person recording the finishing times (you require your whole team in order to finish).


There will be 10 identical canoes provided.

Please bring life jackets with you.

Canoe races will take place at the same time as the sailing races.

There will be approximately 1 – 1½ hour for each age group to complete the canoeing.

The number of participants will normally be divided by ten to determine the number of heats.

The finals will be based on taking the same number of place getters from each of the heats so to make up a final race with 10-15 participants.

There will be single events and relay (if time permits).

Single canoes will race first and time permitting a relay event will follow.

The relays teams will comprise 4 members.

Each event will start from the beach and the course will be out and around a buoy(s) and back to the beach.

You will start already seated in your canoe.

The participants in the next heat will hold the canoes steady for the start of the race.

You will not be allowed to give assistance by pushing the canoes on the start.

You may not interfere with any other competitors canoes.

A rope will be laid out or a line marked along the beach and the canoe must be pulled up to that line and the canoe paddle placed in the canoe at the end of the canoe leg.

It will then be a short 10 metre sprint to the finish line.

Once your place has been recorded, you must go back down to your canoe and turn it around ready for the next race. Failure to do so, may result in you being dropped a place.

The relay event will follow a similar format, except that only the last team member will pull the canoe up on the beach. The rest of the team may assist their team members get in and out of the canoe but cannot give it a push start or interfere with any other canoe. The whole team must be together at the finish line to record their finish.

Seamanship (more details to follow)

You may enter as many teams as you like.

This year seamanship will consist of: Heavy Weather Sailing, Weather and Boat Safety

Tug of War

The Tug of war competition will likely take place on the parade ground.

This will be a four way tug of war.

Raft Challenge

You are to construct a raft. The raft is to be paddled upwind and sailed downwind. The sail is to be a standard sunburst spinnaker. The raft is to be lashed together. It is to be constructed by youth members. Only one raft is required per group. Your lashings may be judged. Judging will be carried out on the return to beach.

There are a variety of prizes, but no marks for first raft to complete the course.

Rafts are defined as having at least two separate rigid buoyant chambers (drums and kayaks are acceptable. Raftsmust carry no less than 6 crew with correctly-fitted lifejackets wornthroughout the course. The key object is to maximise fun

Caterpillar race

No rowing, sails, motors are to be used. Propulsion is by paddling only (this may be with hands, paddles, buckets, or the like). Oars are not allowed and no rudder for steering.

Each Participant must wear acorrectly fitted PFD and be dressed appropriately.


If you hit a mark, or incur any other penalty you must complete a 360-degree turn prior to completing the next leg. You do not have to re-round the mark you hit. (Removes boat from area of maximum conflict). You must not impede any other boat while undertaking a penalty turn.

You must obey the patrol boat operators.

All boats are to return to shore after each race. Boats are not to leave the shore until given the all clear for each race by the Beach Officer. This allows the patrol boats to come in at the end of each race if necessary (ie does not leave boats un-supervised out on the water).


We intend to use two poles on the beach to line up rowing finish (the buoys will be a guide only). We recommend you complete 3 – 4 additional boat lengths past the buoys on the water to ensure you have crossed the finish line.

Boats may only leave the beach when instructed to do so by the beach officer. You must go directly to the start line. You may not be towed to the start line. Only the Beach Officer can authorise a boat to be towed. If you waste time making your way to the start line, the race may start without you.

No participant may row in two heats of the same age group. Rowersmust have a correctly fitted lifejacket at hand aboard (spot checks willbe made) and coxswains must wear a correctly fitted lifejacket.

Parade Dress

Saturday and Sunday Morning Parades: Dressed ready for the days activities.

Closing Parade: Parade Dress (full uniform) is required only for the Closing parade on Sunday

Regatta Dress

All participants must be appropriately dressed for the current conditionsand those which might reasonably be expected. This is likely to includelifejacket, sun screen, hat and clothing to maintain warmth when wet andwindy. All Regatta staff can retire individuals and boats from events ifthey believe any individual does not comply.

Competing in more than one age Group