F. P. Walshe School Council
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 @ F. P. Walshe P.D. Room
Attendance: Derek O’Connor, Bill Forster, Cathie Harris, Lori Hodges, Martha Ratcliffe, Michelle MacMillan, Petula Hofer, Carlin Van Driesten
- Approval of Agenda Derek O’Connor
- Approval of Minutes (June 2013) Petula Hofer
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- school council by-law review
- Cathie will send by-laws out to members to be viewed & discussed at next meeting
- By-laws can be accessed through lrsd.ab.ca website: click “Parent” puzzle piece link
- fundraising/sports council and school council
- QUESTION Might school council be too integrated? Is there a need to make each group completely separate?
- RESPONSE Member of fundraising committee may be asked to “report” to school council, but council has no influence in the decision-making process of the fundraising committee. However, the annual general meeting has included both groups as the number of parents attending has been low.
- Correspondence
- Parent Technology Conference WCCHS in Claresholm @ Sat. Nov. 23, 2013
- Issue for discussion: digital citizenship
- $20/person – registration not available online
- Will be advertised on Walshe website
- New Business
- report of regional school council meeting
- A Speak Out conference overview was presented.
- Presentation was made on how to improve participation in and effectiveness of school councils
- Members are encourage to look at workshops available as listed on ASCA website
- tri-school council meeting re January 2013 should be planned & hosted by W. A. Day - Cathie will contact the administration of W. A. Day to assure they are aware
- extra-curricular transportation policy – school division & F. P. Walshe
- Admin Procedure 544 (handout from Bill Forster)
- Main talking points: #12 – Wherever possible & practical Walshe is advocating the use of school busses for transportation
- Provisions for parents have been made for parents to release LRSD from any liability if parents or students drive, however no student is authorized to drive other students
- Provisions need to be renewed at the start of each new extra-curricular “season” i.e. volleyball vs. basketball
- Case-by-case basis is available for parents driving students other than their own children
- The school and divisional policies will be reviewed.
- Reports
- Student Council
- Carlin Van Driesten (co-president) presented overview of how student council works: weekly meetings, planning monthly assemblies
- Activities have/will consist of: Haunted House, costume parade, sucker days, theme dress-up days
- Current planning is focused on possibly having a December dance for all grades (Dec. 13??) & on organizing “Shark Week” activities
- Difficulty in incorporating younger juniors (i.e. grade 7s) while still maintaining organization to be able to achieve the intended goals
- QUESTION Was skeleton box found re Lori Hodges? Skeleton was broken.
- RESPONSE Carlin will discuss issue with Chris Schalk
- QUESTION How does assembly schedule affect VC courses?
- RESPONSE VC courses will not happen until next semester; the issue will be addressed at that time.
- QUESTIONWhy do you think there is a sudden interest from the grade 7s to join student council?
- RESPONSE An invitation was made at the first assembly for anyone who wanted to join; participation increased significantly at the next meeting
- Principal
- Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013 Band will perform their official school concert during the Rotary Carol Festival
- Annual Education Results Report (AERR) due at the end of the week – suggestion to table discussion until next meeting
- Budget finalized as of October 30, 2013 with “healthy” surplus with average CEU = 38/student
- budgeting at an average of 35 seems to be a “safe” method
- majority of Crossroads students are block funded
- current enrollment at Crossroads = 47
- QUESTION Are any Filipino students directly affected by the recent storm in the Philippines?
- RESPONSE Not that we know of, but the staff is on “stand-by” regarding looking for signs of student need re counseling
- Fundraising/Sports Council
- Sports Council is now a sub-committee of the Fundraising Council
- By-laws were signed today to amalgamate the two groups
- Committee will meet with the focus of how to keep coaches “on budget” with their expenditures
- Discussions are also focused on maintenance of the school’s rugby field & track re spring work order priorities (with TSN/Kraft Celebration Tour funds)
- Teacher Representative
- Parent-Teacher Interviews: much busier on Thursday with the drop-in format in the gym (about 60% busier than Tuesday’s scheduled appointment format)
- Scholarship presentation may have also encourage more parents to wait until Thursday to attend
- Trustee
- New trustees were sworn in today; 2 from Granum & 1 from Crowsnest Pass
- ASBA fall general meeting in Edmonton on this following weekend
- Other Questions??
- Next School Council Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.
- Adjournment
Walshe School Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 @ F. P. Walshe P.D. Room
- Approval of Agenda Petula
- Approval of Minutes re Oct. 2012 including sports council & fundraising members Martha
- Business Arising from Minutes:
- Report on Divisional Dance:
- 40-50 kids from around division attended
- volleyball kids were late
- no behavioral issues reported
- Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews:
- no increase in numbers
- Combining sports council and fundraising??
- sports council not an official entity
- fundraising would need to revise by laws\motion passed to pursue combining with fundraising
- Correspondence:
- Cheque from school division
- grade 12 awards $50 for -1 student & $50 for -2 student
- criteria = highest marks in English, Social, and 1 other 30-level core course (Math or Science) & students who have not received another award
- Bookmark
- informational mychildslearning.alberta.ca
- Reports:
- Fundraising casino happened
- Next School Council Meeting:
- Tuesday, January 8, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m. (motion instead of December 11 Petula & Derek)