Academic Senate Minutes
May 8, 2007
Academic Senate Minutes 05/08/07
Chair Mortazavi called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. on Tuesday, May 8, 2007, Nelson Hall East, Room 102, Goodwin Forum.
Members Present: Bliven, Chaney, Chesbro, Fulgham, Haag, Henkel, Kornreich, Larson, MacConnie, Marshall, Meiggs, Mortazavi, Moyer, Paynton, Powell, Riordan, C. Roberts, D. Roberts, Rypkema, Sanford, Shellhase, Vellanoweth, Virnoche, Vrem, Wieand, Woodstra, Yarnall.
Members Absent: Butler, Coffey, Dunk, Gunsalus, Holschuh, Paoli, Rawal, Richmond, Schwetman, Van Duzer.
Proxies: MacConnie for Cheyne, Fulgham for Thobaben.
Guests: Ayoob, Goodman, Ward, Zoellner, Snyder.
Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of April 24, 2007
M/S/P (D. Roberts/Paynton) to approve the minutes from the meeting of April 27, 2007 as written, with 1 Abstention.
Reports, Announcements, and Communications of the Chair
Chair Mortazavi reported on the last campus senate chairs meeting in Long Beach on April 12. Most of the meeting time was spent discussing the reaction of different campuses to the approved tentative agreement.
A large group from HSU attended the CSU summit on Access to Excellence in Long Beach. The two-day event included opportunity for dialogue and discussion on six identified themes. Discussion groups were a mix of individuals from different campuses. All discussions were recorded and summarized and will be made available on the Chancellor’s Office web site. The process will continue over the summer. A first draft of the strategic plan will be posted and campuses will be invited to comment and provide input. The final draft will be submitted to the Board of Trustees sometime next year.
Proxies for the meeting were announced.
The results of the General Faculty election held on May 1-2 were reported.
Reports of Standing Committees, Statewide Senators, and Ex-officio Members
California Faculty Association (Chapter President Meiggs): The tentative agreement was ratified last week with 76% of CFA members voting. It was asked whether or not campuses will be expected to fund part of the faculty salary increase. There hasn’t been a clear answer yet from HSU. Other bargaining units in the CSU have already been approved to receive a 1% increase and there is a rumor that may have to come from the campuses as well.
Associated Students (President Chaney): The newly-elected AS president is Terra Rentz. AS recently passed two resolutions: Resolution in Recognition of the Value of HSU’s SCUBA Program for Current and Future HSU Student Enrollment and Resolution in Support of Student Elections. The latter cited the high voter turnout (31%) in this year’s student elections; the highest AS has ever had. Two students attended the Access to Excellence summit at the CO and AS hopes to work with faculty and administration on the process.
Staff Council (Rypkema): Staff Council members will be distributing service pins next week to many long-term staff members.
Senator Fulgham made two announcements: 1) a memo has been sent out to faculty, from the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, regarding notification letters that were sent to all admitted graduate students, providing them a registration access code, and 2) information on the enrollment management web page, including confirmation of freshman and transfer students, indicates that enrollment is up, which is good news for many programs.
Approval of 2007-2008 Academic Year Calendar
Senator Fulgham reported that the Senate does not need to approve the calendar, since the Senate already approved a perpetual calendar. However, the perpetual calendar needs to be revised in order to accommodate the Veteran’s Day holiday change.
Commendation Resolution for Academic Senate CSU Chair, Marshelle Thobaben
The following resolution was distributed and read aloud:
Commendation Resolution for Academic Senate CSU Chair, Marshelle Thobaben
#28-06/07-EX – May 8, 2007
WHEREAS, Marshelle Thobaben has served on the Academic Senate CSU as one-of-two statewide senators for the past 17 years; and
WHEREAS, Marshelle Thobaben has served on the Academic Senate CSU Executive Committee for the past four years and has been the Academic Senate CSU Chair for the past two years, demonstrating extraordinary leadership under challenging times; and
WHEREAS, Marshelle Thobaben has worked tirelessly on all manner of issues brought before the Academic Senate CSU in a serious and thoughtful manner and has been an effective advocate, led or been instrumental in the passage of over 75 resolutions during her tenure as Academic Senate CSU Chair; and
WHEREAS, Marshelle Thobaben has made outstanding contributions to the Academic Senate CSU as a representative to more than three score committees, councils, task forces, panels, study groups, and workgroups, as well as countless ad hoc entities and legislative hearings including the Board of Trustees’ strategic planning initiatives, Cornerstones and Access to Excellence; and
WHEREAS, Marshelle Thobaben has served and held many leadership positions during 21 years on Humboldt State University Senate and 22 years on California Faculty Association; and
WHEREAS, Marshelle Thobaben has remained a productive scholar in the discipline of Nursing, publishing a textbook “Fundamentals of Nursing: Caring and Clinical Judgment, 3rd Edition, 2007”, plus dozens of other booklets, peer reviewed articles, textbook/manual chapters, and auxiliary textbook resources during the past two years while carrying out her duties as Academic Senate CSU Chair; and,
WHEREAS, Marshelle Thobaben has continued to produce scheduled articles as the Section Editor, Psychosocial Perspectives Column in Home Health Care Management & Practice Journal during the past two years while carrying out her duties as Academic Senate CSU Chair; and,
WHEREAS, Those who have worked with Marshelle Thobaben have benefited from her concern for colleagues and have been inspired by the solid values and principles that underlie her commitment to and actions in support of shared governance; and,
WHEREAS, Marshelle Thobaben has conducted herself as a caring and intellectual member of the Humboldt State University faculty; therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate and General Faculty Association of Humboldt State University recognizes Marshelle Thobaben for her manifold contributions to the enrichment and success of the faculty, students, staff, and administration of Humboldt State University; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate and General Faculty Association of Humboldt State University recognizes the tremendous effort expended and the sacrifices made by Marshelle Thobaben on behalf of the faculty, students, staff, and administration of Humboldt State University; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate and General Faculty Association of Humboldt State University acknowledges and commends Marshelle Thobaben as an asset and friend to the faculty, students, staff, and administration of Humboldt State University; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate and General Faculty Association of Humboldt State University expresses gratitude for Marshelle Thobaben being a respected and contributing member of Humboldt State University faculty; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate and General Faculty Association of Humboldt State University recommends in the strongest terms possible that the Administration give her all the Merit Raises missed and due her.
M/S/U (Fulgham/Kornreich) to approve the resolution.
M/S/U (Fulgham/Larson) to make it an emergency item for immediate transmittal to the President.
Seating of New Senators and Election of New Senate Officers and Members of the Senate Appointments Committee for 2007-2008
Senator Mortazavi extended thanks to the outgoing senators and to all of the Senate standing committee chairs. There was a round of applause for all.
The following newly-elected and re-elected senators were introduced and invited to be seated at the table:
Ken Ayoob, Music (AHSS)
Michael Goodman, Philosophy (AHSS)
Carolyn Ward, ENRS (NRS)
Bob Zoellner, Chemistry (NRS)
Saeed Mortazavi, School of Business (PS)
Chair Mortazavi began the election process and called for nominations for Chair of the Academic Senate.
M/S (Kornreich/Moyer) to nominate Mark Larson.
M/S/P (MacConnie/Powell) to close the nominations, with 1 Abstention.
Larson was elected to serve as Chair of the Academic Senate by acclamation.
Newly-elected Chair Larson thanked retiring Chair Mortazavi for being a positive role model in addressing many issues on behalf of the HSU faculty for the past two years.
Chair Larson called for nominations for Vice Chair of the Academic Senate and Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee:
M/S (Mortazavi/Meiggs) to nominate Sue MacConnie.
M/S/P (Riordan/Powell) to close the nominations, with 1 Abstention.
MacConnie was elected to serve as Vice Chair of the Academic Senate and Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee by acclamation.
Chair Larson called for nominations for Secretary of the Academic Senate and Chair of the Educational Policies Committee.
M/S/P (Kornreich/Mortazavi) to nominate Cindy Moyer.
M/S/P (Powell/Riordan) to close the nominations.
Moyer was elected to serve as Secretary of the Academic Senate and Chair of the Educational Policies Committee by acclamation.
Chair Larson called for nominations for two members of the Senate Appointments Committee.
M/S (Mortazavi/Meiggs) to nominate Craig Riordan.
M/S (Fulgham/MacConnie) to nominate Marshelle Thobaben.
M/S/P (Fulgham/Kornreich) to close the nominations.
Riordan and Thobaben were elected to serve on the Senate Appointments Committee by acclamation.
Senator MacConnie presented a gift to outgoing Chair Mortazavi, with thanks and appreciation from all for his hard work and dedication on behalf of the faculty and the Senate for the past two years.
M/S/P (Fulgham/Meiggs) to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.