2017 SoAZHCC Annual Report
Executive Board
To: Southern Arizona Health Care Coalition
From: Steve Nash, Executive Board Chair
This past year showed through fire, shooting, inundation and hurricane that what we all do is real and can happen any time. Throughout the year the Executive Board attendance grew stronger and each member willingly tackled the complexity and demands that swirl throughout any collaborative that must meet the demands from funding sources and the pressing needs of hundreds of partner agencies throughout our beautiful region. From applying for funding to developing processes to spend that money in order to meet program goals, individual executive Board members stepped forward to work on task forces or spend time learning at the national meeting. We ask a lot from the Executive Board and our coalition coordinator Dan Stanley. They deliver.
Your all-volunteer Executive Board is just like you, working to make our region better prepared. Below is a list of 2017 accomplishments.
- Approved
- New General Body Membership Chair and Co-Chair
- Colaition Administrative Policies
- Coalition Shelter Medical Plan
- Coalition Coordination Plan
- Coalition Preparedness Plan
- 2016 Strategic Plan
- 2016 Coalition Annual Plan
- Coalition Organization Chart Revision
- Coalition By Law revision
- 5 year Coalition Strategic Plan
- Coalition name change to SoAZHCC
- Coalition web site development process
- Coalition Communications Plan
- HPP BP-1 FundingWork Plan and Spend Plan
- Ebola / Infectious Disease Funding
- Coalition Coordinator Contract
- Coalition Exercise and Training Contract
- Coalition Plan development Contract
- Coalition MOU revision
- Coalition Participation Agreement
- 2016 HVA
- Sierra Vista – Bad Day at the Mall exercise documents
- Tucson – Game Changer Exercise documents
- Skype equipment purchase and process
- Coalition Contracting Process
- Completion of Health Care Coalition Development requirements
- Improve meeting participation through Skype and call in capabilities
- Obtain completed NIMS certificates from leaders
- Review, update, and communicate information, especially in clear minutes, regarding the SoAZHCC operations to its members, guests, potential members, and allied support organizations
- Weekly Leader meetings on Coalition Contractor progress
- Approved Coalition meeting report out process
- Coalition Coordinator
- Funding progress
- Exercise and Training
- Membership
- Plan development
- Sector activity
- Project progress
- Increased participation of Executive Board members
General Body Membership
Letter from Chair
- Increased Membership
- Approved
- New Chair and Co-Chair
- Coalition Administrative Policies
- Coalition Shelter Medical Plan
- Coalition Coordination Plan
- Coalition Preparedness Plan
- Coalition Communications Plan
- 2016 Strategic Plan
- 2016 Coalition Annual Plan
- Coalition Organization Chart Revision
- Coalition By Law revision
- 5 year Coalition Strategic Plan
- Coalition name change to SoAZHCC
- Coalition web site development process
- HPP BP-1 FundingWork Plan and Spend Plan
- Ebola / Infectious Disease Funding
- Coalition Coordinator Contract
- Coalition Exercise and Training Contract
- Coalition Plan development Contract
- MOU revision
- Coalition Participation Agreement
- 2016 HVA
- Sierra Vista – Bad Day at the Mall exercise documents
- Tucson – Game Changer Exercise documents
- Skype equipment purchase and process
- Coalition Contracting Process
- Completion of Health Care Coalition Development requirements
- Improve meeting participation through Skype and call in capabilities
- Review, update, and communicate information, especially in clear minutes, regarding the SoAZHCC operations to its members, guests, potential members, and allied support organizations
- Weekly Leader meetings on Contract progress
- Completed education in all meetings
- Obtain completed NIMS certificates from leaders
- Conducted Sector and Committee Activity Reporting
- Set up new process for meetings
- Bi Monthly schedule
- Call in capability
- Skype capability
Ambulatory Care Sector
- Worked on redefining membership
- Increased CMS Rule requirements across membership
- Increased participation in Regional Exercises
- Increased HVA participation
- Changed meetings to Bi monthly
- Incorporate the use of Communication (AzHAN) during an exercise.
- Change meetings from quarterly to Bi Monthly
- Identify participant to meet with the Exercise Planning Committee to assure relevance to Ambulatory Sector participants.
- Identify, as a group, how the Ambulatory Sector will participate in future exercises. Focus all energy on that participation, and refine.
- Regulatory requirements and determine methods to meet requirements that can be adopted by review of all agencies
Behavioral Health
- Built and sent letter to Behavioral Health agencies to build membership
- Increased membership
- Practiced Behavioral Health EOC concept in Regional Exercise
- Examined Joint Commission and other accreditation standards for 2016 related to outpatient requirements for behavioral health providers to participate in Emergency Preparedness activities
- Amended Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be inclusive of integrated health care (medical and behavioral health)
Community Resources Sector
- Set monthly meetings
- Identified community resources
- Determined method for bringing all community resources to table in event
- Building pre credentialed volunteers
- Developed volunteer coordinator center process and staffing
Corrections Sector
- Reset member attendance
- Started process to increase membership
- Working on participation in Correction exercises
Home Health / Hospice Sector
- Built out members to include 99% of all Home Health / Hospice agencies
- Worked on CMS Rule requirements
- Built HVAs
- Full participation in regional Exercises
- Completed training on HVA and exercise participation across membership
- Designated sector leadership
- Identified gaps this sector could use support from the coalition to mitigate
- Assembled list of potential partners from State licensing body
- Drafted goals for sector
- Increased membership by 50%
Hospital Sector
- Worked on Rural Hospital decontamination training
- Participated in Regional exercises
- Working on rebuilding Ham radio program across all Counties
- Reviewed CMS Rule requirements
- Increased member participation
- Identify Sector Chair
- Change meetings to Bi Monthly
- Decontamination Protocols:
- Standardizing equipment (PAPR’s, etc.) as much as possible between hospitals.
- Evaluate opportunities to develop a standardized training template for facilities to use.
- Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA):Evaluate and simplify the reporting form to assist in identifying the top 5 threats/hazards.
- Create trained cadre of evaluators at each hospital, preferably trained onsite
Skilled Nursing / Long Term Care Sector
- Increased Membership
- Completed CMS Rule requirements across membership
- Increased HVA participation
- Improved member participation in meetings
- Defined meeting dates and times
- Attended exercise and training committee meetings to incorporate Long term care and skilled nursing agencies in all exercises
- Drafted goals for Sector
- Maintained education on HICS for long term care
- Reviewed and determined methods for long term care and skilled nursing to meet new accreditation requirements
- Created a plan for continuing outreach and networking with partner LTC centers.
Tribal / County Public Health Sector
- Worked on Coalition Coordination Plan Concept
- Participated in Regional Exercises
- Increased participation in meetings
- Increased participation in HVA process
- Created local public health common operating basis of regional plan and ESF 8 activation
- Define Sector role
- Developed All County Public Health Department communications strategy for disaster
- DevelopedStrategic plan with SoAZHCC Chair and Co-Chair and define goals
- Worked with counties to build border response and intelligence network
Tribal Sector
- Defined tribal partners
- Increased member participation
- Increased participation in meetings
- Increased participation in HVA process
Communications / Web Site Committee
- Coalition purchased and used webnar equipment in meetings in 2017
- Working on Coalition branding concept for web site
- Tested approved SoAZHCC communication plan
- Continued AZHAN drills in 2017 and for any planned functional exercises for our region
- Completed annual communications drill for AZHAN and Communications plan
- Build new web site URL to be consistent with AZ HCC South Region name change to SoAZHCC
- Build out the new website to be a resource and portal to training for SoAZHCC partners
- To set up the website to house documents and resources for coalition membership as well as to share links to partner websites including Tracie
Exercise and Training Committee
- Built 2 regional exercises
- Tucson – U of A Game Changer Exercise – Oct 11, 2017
- Bad Day at the Mall Exercise- Oct 18, 2017
- Trained membership on planning, preparing for, and participating in a regional full scale exercise by executing a progressive series of educational opportunities and coalition-wide drills and exercises using regional HVA
- Hold a TEPW and from the information gathered, develop a 3 year MYTEP to be published and shared with the HCC
- Continue to address the Training & Exercise needs of the HCC
- Evaluated training needs and developed training plan for coalition meetings and other training opportunities
Regional Plan Committee
- Worked with Contractor to define plan design and content
- Preparedness Plan
- Shelter Medical Plan
- Coalition Coordination Plan
- Provided data to contractor
- Reviewed progress and provided edits
- Submitted final draft to Executive Board and General Body Membership and Approved
Task Forces
Administrative Policy Task Force
- Built Administrative Policies based on ASPR Coalition Development template
- Submitted to Executive Board and General Body Membership for approvals
By Law / Organization Chart Task Force
- Reviewed and revised By Laws
- Reduced duplications
- Updated group duties and responsibilities
- Submitted to Executive Board and General Body Membership for approvals
- Revised Organization Chart
- Changed Coalition Name
- Changed outdated Sector names
- Redefined committees
- Submitted to Executive Board and General Body Membership for approvals
Oro Valley Emergency Operations Center project
- Completed equipment purchase
- Completed Equipment installation
- Completed Training on equipment and HICS
- Completed installation of HICS on all equipment
- Tested in Regional Exercise
Sierra Vista Exercise
- Purchase exercise tools
- Paid costs for table top
- Paid full scale exercise costs