PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL - May 14th & May 15th
The life-giving Holy Spirit has visited our Church today, so let us pray for the needs of all...... as we cry out, Lord hear our prayer...
For God’s holy Church, as we rejoice in the life given to us by the Holy Spirit and work to share that life with the world around us…
For our parish as we look to the future: May the spirit of the living God fall afresh upon us as we contemplate and complete the parish planning survey…
For all those who have celebrated sacraments of initiation this Easter season: May they continue to grow and appreciate gifts of the Holy Spirit given to them at their initiation…
For those who are graduating from school this month as they look back on what they have done and look forward to new challenges…
For the poor or the disenfranchised,the discouraged among us; for the intentions in our parish book…We pray…
2. For our brothers and sisters who are ill: ...... especially Jean McNally, Americo Frank Sumo, Richard Kleissler, Cosmo Ferrara, Patricia Darmanin, Lavonia Cisse, Kathleen Harris, Marguerite LaMarque, … all those wounded in the service of our country,..... that they be patient in their time of suffering and soon come to the fullness of health.... we pray....
3. For those dear to us who have died, whose memories are with us at this time, especially,
Sat. 5:30 pm Carmelina Irizarry
Sun. 8:30 am Marilyn Carter
10:00 am Thomas McAnulty
12:30 pmMick Cushnahan
5:30 pm Bill Gasdaska
(For whom this mass is offered)
Kevin Confrey, Margaret Zizzi, Thomas Haaswho died during the past week... all of the victims of war and terrorism – that they may rest forever in the embrace of the one true God, we pray....
4.And let us pause now to present our own personal petitions...(PAUSE ....count to 10)...... We are still a nation at war, let us pray for our president, our elected officials, the members of our diplomatic corps (core) and all those who serve our country in our uniformed services..... may their efforts for peace and justice be fruitful;..... together, let us raise our voices in a prayer for true and lasting peace......
the words are found on the back cover of the hymnal...
Loving God,
your Spirit has filled us with the fire of your love.
Grant that we may do your will on earth
and one day live with you forever in heaven.
Hear this and all of these our prayers
through Jesus Christ our Risen Lord.