Gunnison City Council Meeting
Wednesday, May 9, 2012- 7:08 p.m.
Gunnison City Hall-38 West Center
Gunnison, UT 84634
Present: Mayor Lori Nay, City Council Members: Blake Donaldson, Brian Jensen, Melissa Judy, Recorder Janell Braithwaite, Garrick Willden with Jones & DeMille Engineering, Mark Henline with the Gunnison Gazette and Shannon Miller representing Pioneer Heritage Gardens, High School students Tyrell Winters, Ty Blackburn, Joe Avila, David Avila and Austin Kitchell
Presiding: Mayor Lori Nay
Prayer: Council Member Melissa Judy
Pioneer Heritage Gardens – Shannon D. Miller
Shannon Miller, President of Central Utah Pioneer Heritage Association, explained the project of the Pioneer Heritage Gardens in Manti, and how it has been funded. The Association has been in place for 35 years, and has recently been working on the Pioneer Heritage Gardens.
7:15 p.m. Council Member Jeremy Pickett, student Brandon Wegener and Police Chief Trent Halliday arrived
She noted the gardens would be completed on June 2, 2012, and invited the Mayor and Council to attend the dedication, leaving tickets for those interested in attending. She explained the Mormon Tabernacle Choir would be performing at the Snow College Activity Center at 2:00 p.m. that day with Marlin K. Jensen, the church historian, dedicating the gardens. This is not a city ownership or a church ownership, but has totally been a project of the Central Utah Pioneer Heritage Association, and will be maintained by the Central Utah Pioneer Heritage Association.
7:22 p.m. Shannon Miller left, Karen Kitchell, Carolyn Childs and Council Member Powell arrived
Award Bid for Main Street Water Project – Darin Robinson, Garrick Willden, Jones & DeMille Engineering
Garrick Willden handed the Mayor and each Council Member a copy of the tabulation of bids for the water project. He then reviewed the bids and explained the position of each bidder. Mayor Nay reminded the Council the City did not have to take the lowest bidder, and could take another bid with “good cause”. Garrick pointed out the number one bid had 12 items out of the 38 items that were under 75% of the average of the bidders together. The bid coming in second only had 4 items out of the 38 items under 75% of the average.
7:30 p.m. Gary Keddington arrived
The Council voiced their concern of change orders in this water project, and the extra burden of costs this would put on the City. Garrick explained the costs of doing 4 blocks vs. the cost of only completing 3 blocks at this time where the costs were so much higher than they were originally expected to be. Council Member Donaldson presented a bucket of broken water line to those in attendance showing the breakdown of the old cast iron pipe that is in the ground. Council Member Donaldson stated he had spoken with a gentleman at UDOT regarding the UDOT slurry seal project this year . The UDOT employee issues permits at UDOT, but relayed to Council Member Donaldson he has seen UDOT change their projects before due to various problems the Cities may incur. Mayor Nay will schedule a meeting with UDOT to see what can be done to assist Gunnison City with the pressure being put on the City time wise for the water projects. Council Member Donaldson stated he had been informed by Curt Ludvigson with Utah Rural Water that the Bureau of Reclamation may have some funding available to help with the City’s water
project. Discussion ensued regarding funding and time frames. The Council unanimously agreed to table
awarding the bid for the Main Street project until the Council meeting next week to allow for more information to be gathered from UDOT to see if their project can be delayed.
7:47 p.m. Tyrell Winters left
Mayor Nay announced the Main Street project will be put out for bid on May 18th and will be awarded sometime within the first week of June. The Council voiced their concerns of getting the water system/project taken care of. Garrick then explained the storm drainage information he had gathered to this point and the plans that were being put in place for storm drainage. He also stated it had been determined UDOT was responsible for 50% of the storm drainage.
7:53 p.m. Diana Spencer and Kirk Rasmussen arrived
Garrick noted at this time the water would be collected on Center Street, piped to 200 South, taken to 200 West then to 300 South and piped to the river. The estimated cost for this was figured at $440,000 which included the $82,000 storm drainage study cost. It would be an extra $100,000 to include 300 South. This will be discussed at the next Council meeting. Mayor Nay will contact UDOT to schedule a meeting to discuss all of these issues affecting the water project and storm drainage that involve or affect UDOT at this time. Mayor Nay also informed the Council there would be a UDOT meeting Tuesday, May 15th at 9:00 a.m. at the County Courthouse regarding enhancement money. She will be attending if any of them would also like to attend.
8:10 p.m. Matt Reber arrived
Garrick then reviewed the MT2 form FEMA required to apply for a change in the FEMA flood map recently put in place -that was inaccurate. He noted it was much more detailed than originally thought. He would need a little more time to give the City a cost for his time to complete this application. This will be reviewed at the next Council meeting.
Possible Approval of the Collaborative Roles of the City and Theatre Foundation partnership Regarding Legacy Plaza
Mayor Nay introduced the members of the Theatre Foundation as Diana Spencer, Director, and Kirk Rasmussen. Kirk stated the mission statement of the Theatre Foundation included serving the community, beautifying the community and giving back to the community. He explained the importance of having a thriving Main Street while showing some of the art tiles that had been completed. They were also planning on applying for another arts/education grant in order to fund another tile project next year as was done this year. Diana affirmed they are a 501c3 non-profit organization.
8:20 p.m. Mark Henline and Ty Blackburn left
Discussion ensued regarding the MOU between the City and the Theatre Foundation that would need to be written. The Theatre Foundation would be the lead agent. The members of the Theatre Foundation Board include Diana Spencer, Kirk Rasmussen, Catherine Wozab, Connie Keisel, Paul Gottfredson and Roland Christensen. Diana announced they would like to have a totally separate bank account to use for the grants that would be received and used to better track and audit the revenues and expenditures. This MOU will be brought forth in July to be approved.
8:30 p.m. Diana Spencer, Kirk Rasmussen, Joe Avila and David Avila left
Proposed Approval of Purchase for Police Dept. – Chief Halliday
Chief Halliday reported his police computer program needed to be renewed, and would be a cost of $3,200 to his department. This had been budgeted in, however he wanted the Council to be aware of the costs. He
also wanted the approval to purchase an AR patrol rifle for $1,250. He stated the other two full time officers each had the availability of these rifles, but he did not. This had also been budgeted in for the year. This will be licensed to the City.
Council Member Jensen made the motion to approve the renewal of the Fatpot Police Computer Program for $3,200 and the purchase of an AR Patrol Rifle for the Police Department for $1,250. Council Member Powell seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 5-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Donaldson, Jensen, Judy, Pickett and Powell.
Discuss Groundbreaking Celebration and Top Stop Demolition
Tabled to a future meeting
Proposed Approval of Amendment – Gunnison City Rules of Procedure and Order, Allowing for Electronic Voting
Recorder Braithwaite explained the need to have the allowance for electronic voting in an Ordinance, Resolution or Rule, and all of the variables this could include. A copy of the Utah Code was given to each member in their packet. This item will be tabled to a future meeting to allow time for the Council members to gather more information.
Proposed Approval City Council Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, April 18, Open and Closed Session, Thursday, April 26, Open Session and Tuesday, May 1, 2012, Open Session
Council Member Powell made the motion to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, April 18, 2012, Open and Closed Session. Council Member Judy seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 5-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Donaldson, Jensen, Judy, Pickett and Powell.
Council Member Jensen made the motion to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes for Thursday, April 26, 2012, Open Session. Council Member Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Donaldson, Jensen and Judy with Council Members Pickett and Powell abstaining as they were not in attendance to that specific meeting.
Council Member Powell made the motion to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, May 1, 2012, Open Session. Council Member Pickett seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 5-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Donaldson, Jensen, Judy, Pickett and Powell.
8:45 p.m. Austin Kitchell, Karen Kitchell and Brandon Wegener left
Proposed Approval Bills and Adjustments
The Mayor and Council Members approved and signed the bills and adjustments.
Adopt Tentative Budget 2012-2013
Each member in attendance had received a copy of a tentative budget for 2012-2013. After much discussion, reviewing each fund and itemized department, it was determined to adopt the tentative budget while continuing to work on balancing the budget prior to the official June adoption.
Council Member Powell made the motion to approve Resolution 2012-2, 2012-2013 Tentative Budget. The general fund budget is $1,107,412, pool is $292,800, pressurized irrigation being $61,060, the water budget is $400,300 and the sewer budget 263,500. Council Member Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 5-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Donaldson, Jensen, Judy, Pickett and Powell.
11:30p.m. Adjourn
Janell Braithwaite, City Recorder
Lori Nay, Mayor
Approval Date