School Notices

Reminder - Calf/Lamb Scheme

Thank you to those families/community members who have generously donated a calf/calves to our 2017 Calf/Lamb Scheme.

We are now asking our sheep farming families to get in touch if they would to donate a lamb to this scheme. If you would like to please leave your name and contact information at the school office: or 205 3857.


Save the Date:

End of Year Break Up

When: Monday 4 December 2017

Time: Beginning 6.00pm

Venue: Pukerau Community Centre

Please bring a plate for a shared supper at the end of the evening


What’s Coming Up?

Week Two:
Wednesday: / Appraisal meetings with staff throughout the day
Thursday: / Lisa Office
Fiona Reading Testing all day
Appraisal meetings with staff throughout the day
Lisa Reading Testing throughout the day
/ Lisa Office
Lisa in meetings: 9:00 – 10:00am, 11:00-12:00pm, 1:00-2:00pm
Reading Testing in between meetings
Week Three:
Monday: / Pet Day entries due in:
Students entries for the optional sections: Lego Creation, Decorated cupcake, Christmas decoration, Detailed drawing, Decorated rock
Family entries for the optional sections: Decorated piece of footwear, Sculpture made of recycled materials
Staff meeting 7:30pm
Tuesday: / Baking for Enviro Fair due in ~ thank you to those families generously donating to this.
Leah Maths Testing all day
Angie Maths Testing all day
Lisa in Dunedin at ERO feedback workshop all day.
Wednesday: / Pet Day / Enviro Fair (see timetable below)
Book Bus
Thursday: / Pet Day / Enviro Fair postponement day

Longford Intermediate School – Contributing Schools
Parents of your Year 6 pupils are included on the Longford Intermediate School Board of Trustees Electoral Roll.
Nominations forms will be posted to all eligible parents and caregivers next week If anyone has not received their envelope would they please contact me as soon as possible.
Nominations close on Friday 17 November 2017.

Regards, Colleen Allison - Returning Officer - Ph/Fax 208 7416

Pet Day and Enviro Fair

Wednesday 1 November

See the timetable below.

If it is wet we may have to postpone it to the Thursday or Friday

of that week, but we hope the weather will be kind to us and it’ll be on the Wednesday.

Students are to bring their entries for the optional sections to school:
Lego Creation, Decorated cupcake, Christmas decoration, Detailed drawing, Decorated rock
Students are to bring their family entries for the optional sections to school:
Decorated piece of footwear, Sculpture made of recycled materials
Baking items being donated to the Enviro Fair to be sent to school.
Timetable / Important Notes
8:45-10:30am / Students making Vegetable Creations and Sand Saucers in class. / Please send vegetables and flowers for your child to use (on the day).
Spend time discussing or Googling creation ideas prior to the day.
Components of their creations are not to be made prior to the day.
Provided By School:
Bamboo skewers and toothpicks
10:30-11:00am / Creations transported and set up in the Community Centre. / Morning tea for students
11:00 - 11:30am / Judging taking place.
11:30-12:00pm / Pets arrive at the Community Centre and are tied up in the appropriate areas. / Year 5-6 students will be standing at the bottom of the driveway to direct you to the designated area of your child’s pet.
Students are to stay with their pets once they arrive.
Please ensure you bring a container to be filled with water for your child’s pet.
12:00-12:45pm / Student’s pets judged.
Judges will be talking to individual students and watching them lead (where appropriate) their pet around a basic track.
Free sausage sizzle put on by Westpac Bank. / Parents/visitors are welcome to wander around and see the students with their animals while they are waiting to be judged.
Please note that your child needs to be able to handle and be responsible for the care/wellbeing (on some level) of the animal they bring on the day.
12:45-1:00pm / Dog display by Rae Evans
1:00-1:30pm / Running races for lambs, calves, dogs.
Lamb drinking contest.
Grand parade (for pets on leads)
1:30-1:45pm / Pet Day prize giving
1:45-3:00pm / Enviro Fair / Community Centre opened up.
Student’s pet day entries can be viewed.
Families and community members to view and hopefully purchase the various products the students have been making.
Profits made will be funding the students’upcoming projects around the school.
3:00pm / The day finishes

School PTA Update
Vanessa Rufford is our new President and I’m the Treasurer and Secretary all-in-one 
We’re not planning any new fundraisers in the near future … we have some regular fundraisers such as catering for Jeff Farm planned … we will be asking for helpers early next year to help.
FRIDAY PIES at school are proving popular and generate easy profits for the PTA, this fundraiser will be on-going.
We’ve got the bus/transport to Ed Sheeran organising for this is in the early stages …
At our last meeting we agreed to give $500 toward plants/shrubs etc. for the beautifying of the school that is currently underway.
We would LOVE you to come and join us at our meetings … we are efficient and fun! Come along and see …
Cheers, Wendy Den Hertog


Scholastic Book Club Brochures

These are being sent home with students today. If you would like to place an order, your cheques need to be made out to Scholastic NewZealand Limited by Friday 3 November.


Touch Rugby
Last week the Years 3 & 4 team won their first game of the Term against
Mataura 8 – 1. Jack Kelly from Otama School was Player of the Day.

Community Notices

KaiweraPukerau Playgroup

Mondays 10am at the Kaiwera Hall. Come along and meet some other awesome mums and let your kids run around and try different activities – from painting and dress ups to swinging and playing in the sandpit. Call Liz for more information 0274 428 701