2004 Chicago Open

Editor Packet 5 – Tossups by Ezequiel Berdichevsky and Subash Maddipoti

1. Disappointed with Kruschchev’s dismissal of Stalin he sided with China and at the height of the Cultural Revolution called his country the world’s first “atheist” state. His execution of defense minister Koci Xoxe [Kochi Dzo-dze], only hinted at the atrocities committed at the state sponsored internment camps. Replaced by his follower Ramiz Alia in 1981, he first served as prime minister from 1944 to 1954 after spearheading the battle to remove Italian influence and King Zog. FTP, identify this totalitarian ruler of Albania.

Answer: Enver Hoxha

2. The protagonist of this novel is haunted by the death of his sister Henrietta for which he blames his hypocritical mother, now president of the Executive Committee of the Societies for the Reconciliation of Racial Differences. He finds little solace aside from sitting in a bathtub, reading newspapers and drinking, and he is shocked to find out that Herbert Kalick, once the leader of a local Hitler youth group, has received an award. The novel uses a series of phone calls as flash backs to such scenes as the title figure’s realization that Zupfner has tricked him and to memories of his once successful act based on pantomimes that exposed the absurdities of life. It ends in a Bonn railway station with the realization that Marie will never return to the life of Hans Scheiner, the title character of, FTP, what Heinrich Boll novel?

Answer: The Clown

3. They are all tetracyclic diterpene acids possessing the namesake skeleton, with the only variance being those with 19 carbons and those with 20. Among their common uses are the reduction of rind discoloration in citrus fruits and the increasing of barley malt yields for brewing. More than 70 of them have been identified and many of those are produced by the fujikori fungus that gave them their name. This is due to the fungus’ causal involvement in “foolish seedling disease,” which these compounds can regulate. FTP, name this group of plant hormones, commonly symbolized by an uppercase “G.”

Answer: gibberellins

4. Inspired by and dedicated to George Butterworth, the third movement is a nocturne followed by a scherzo, and its playful sounds of crowded streets include a simulated mouth organ. The second movement is slower as an idyllic grey-skied afternoon flies by, interrupted occasionally by a hansom cab’s jingle. The finale consists of an agitated theme with a march, suggested by a passage in Tono Bungay. Its rippling flutes, violins, and violas represent the Thames and complement the earlier references to Westminster and Bloomsbury Square. FTP, name this work, a symphony in G major, by Ralph Vaughn Williams.

Answer: The London Symphony or Williams’ Symphony No. 2 (don’t need name or genre after they are mentioned]

5. In 1974 he appeared on the cover of British Vogue with Angelica Huston, becoming the first man to get the cover. Born and raised on a Banana Plantation in the Canary Islands, his move to London and work at Zapata caught the attention of the glitterati and he soon found himself designing for Perry Ellis and Calvin Klein. The latter taught him about designing for a wider market and the first of his namesake boutiques opened in Hong Kong in 1991. A self-described master of “toe cleavage” his work is currently more popular than ever due to a certain HBO show. FTP, name this shoe designer whose strappy styles were coveted by Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City.

Answer: Manolo Blahnik

6. The Trinobantians joined in this event, which was exacerbated by the building of a Temple to Claudius. The insurgents sacrificed captured women to the goddess Adraste and laid waste to Cerealis’ 9th Legion. Precipitated by the death and subsequent deception of Prasutagus’ people by Nero’s forces, its leader was described by Dio Cassius as tall, with bright red hair, and a powerful voice. Though eventually ending with defeated at what is now Fenny Stratford by Suetonius Paulinus, FTP, identify this event led by the namesake Queen of the Iceni against the Romans in 60 AD.

Answer: Boudicca’s Revolt (also accept Boadicea)

7. Though neither of them appears onstage, the characters of Liz and Honoria Fraser are compared throughout. Conflict in this play occurs after the Reverend Samuel comes to the summer cottage in Hasslemere where George Crofts unwittingly reveals that the former’s son, Frank Gardner, may be related to the protagonist, making him unsuitable as a love interest. Meanwhile the anarchist Praed is telling the heroine to be pragmatic and accept the title character’s love and money. Vivie does eventually come to respect her mother, who had much earlier in life chosen to avoid death in a white-lead factory by choosing to exploit men’s sexual desires. FTP, identify this play about Kitty’s revelation that she is a prostitute, a work by George Bernard Shaw.

Answer: Mrs. Warren’s Profession

8. This phenomenon is important in the distinguishing the different types of neutrinos, as an energetic muon will stay intact and produce a well-defined light cone, while an energetic electron will give rise to more electrons, and thus more diffuse light. Sometimes referred to as the optical equivalent of a sonic boom, it arises when a charged particle travels faster than the speed of light in some medium. FTP, identify this bluish-white radiation, often seen in "swimming pool" nuclear reactors, and named for its Russian discoverer.

Answer: Cerenkov radiation

9. It has eight peaks rising a short distance from its 90 square kilometer plateau and it was first climbed by the Clinch expedition in 1966. While the nearest town is Ushuaia, most planes trying to reach it leave from Punta Arenas. It is actually named after a Congressman from Georgia who supported research done there during the International Geophysical Year. Mt. Mohl and Mt. Tuck joint it as part of the Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains. FTP identify this tallest peak in Antarctica.

Answer: Vinson Massif

10. When her widowed mother Eutychia was healed of a continuous hemorrhage at the tomb of Agatha, this young woman revealed her vow of virginity. Unfortunately her former suitor betrayed her to the authorities, who came to take her to a brothel. But God would not let them budge her and when they decided to set her on fire she was impervious. She is sometimes portrayed holding two eyes on a dish, and in honor of her feast day on December 13, the eldest daughter in the family wears a crown of leaves studded with candles. FTP, identify this patron saint of Syracuse and Sweden.

Answer: Saint Lucyor Saint Lucia

11. This one time editor of the North American Review saw his four terms as governor end when Marcus Norton exploited restrictive liquor laws to unseat him. Though he earned his doctorate in Germany he is most affiliated with Harvard where he taught Greek and served as president. As a politician he replaced Daniel Webster as secretary of State to Millard Fillmore, served in the Senate as a Whig, and ran for vice-president on the Constitutional Party ticket. Although his grandiose Orations and Speeches for Many Occasions reached a ninth edition, FTP what man may be best remembered for preceding a terse speech by Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg?

Answer: Edward Everett

12. In the book, it is John Olding who discovers the shocking details of a plot that was suggested by the author’s aunt. Minor characters include Bartle Massey, a schoolmaster who teaches the title character math, and Jonathan Burge, who employs him. As the novel goes on, the bleakness of Snowfield and Stonyshire is contrasted with the fertility of Hayslope and Reverend Irwine finds out the truth about Martin Poyser’s niece. She had been abandoned by Arthur Donnithorne when she was pregnant. Eventually Hetty Sorrel is eventually deported and Dinah Morris marries the title village carpenter in, FTP, what 1859 work by George Eliot?

Answer: Adam Bede

13. It causes a slight irregularity in the precession of the Earth’s equinoxes, which would make perfect circles every 26,000 years without it. In the case of the Earth, it happens because the plane of the moon’s rotation about the Earth is 5 degrees off of the plane of the Earth’s rotation around the sun, so a small oscillation with period 18.6 years and amplitude of around 9.2 seconds of arc is superimposed with the normal precession. From the Latin word meaning “to nod,” FTP name this physical phenomenon that subjects rotating objects to a small, bobbing motion.

Answer: nutation

14. Though Lorenzo de Credi was charged with finishing this piece, it was Alessandro Leopardi who designed the base and signed his name on the underside of one of the figures. Unlike its more famous counterpart in Padua, its subject wears contemporary armour, has his shoulder thrust forward, and sports a contemptuously curled lip. Located in front of the Scuola di San Marco in Venice, its the beast turns and raises one hoof without support, while the rider, a mercenary from Bergamo, stands erect in his stirrups. FTP, identify this statue of a condotierre on horseback by Andrea del Verrocchio.

Answer: equestrian (accept equivalents) statue of Colleoni

15. Lebniz discussed this man’s views in “Conversation of Philarete and Ariste” while Hume’s “Of the Idea of Necessary Connection” framed its discussion of causality with his arguments in mind. In his own time the criticism of Antoine Arnauld led him to pen Principles of Nature and Grace, about the nature of evil. But it was a chance reading of “Treatise on Man” that led him to write such works as Christian Meditations and Dialogues on Metaphysics and Religion, in which he argued that human knowledge is impossible without a relationship to God. FTP, identify this French Cartesian philosopher best known for The Search After Truth and his philosophy of occasionalism.

Answer: Nicolas Malebranche

16. It was the site of two battles fought within seven years of each other. During the first encounter, one side used catapults to throw exploding metal balls at the defenders and loosed clouds of arrows until Shoni Sukeyoshi’s men were forced to retreat to Dazaifu. The second battle was fought mostly along the Shiga peninsula, at a weak spot along the newly built shoreline wall. While the first force was led by impressed Korean sailors, the second had at its disposal the navy of the recently defeated Sung dynasty. Yet both met their end at the hands of inclement weather during, FTP, what battles that saw the destruction of the Mongol fleets during attempts to invade Japan.

Answer: Hakata Bay (prompt on Mongol Invasion of Japan)

17. The first section ends with a discussion of “pissing on people” and taking them for granted, as Lena upbraids her brother for not allowing his sister to have a relationship with the lower class Henry Porter. The novel begins in Michigan, shifts to Pennsylvania, where the protagonist moves after discovering his grandfather’s skeleton at his aunt’s house, and ends at Shalimar plantation where he finds out about his great grandfather, the legendary title figure, a slave who flew back to Africa. The journey convinces the protagonist not to take after his father Macon Dead and to abandon the violent ideology and his friend Guitar. Instead Milkman embraces the folk values of his aunt Pilate in, FTP, what novel with a Biblical name, a work by Toni Morrison?

Answer: Song of Solomon

18. One form of this functional group is the intermediate product in the Strecker synthesis of alpha-amino acids. They can only be protonated by extremely strong acids, and their low reactivity makes them good solvents as in their aceto- form. Commonly produced by the dehydration of primary amines, they possess many of the double bond features of imines and the triple bond features of alkynes. FTP, name this functional group whose simplest member is cyanide and which consists of a carbon triple bonded to a nitrogen.

Answer: nitriles (accept early buzz of “cyanides”)

19. It avoided the fate of its four companions by escaping to a namesake mountain bordering Achaea and Arcadia. Though it never tired, a stop to drink water at the river Ladon, nearly a year after the chase began, allowed its pursuer to shoot it in the leg with an arrow that had been cleaned of deadly hydra blood. Larger than a bull and brazen hoofed, in some stories Heracles completes this third labor when he confronts its owner and her twin to explain the situation, while in others he simply brings Eurystheus the huge golden horns of, FTP, what creature, a female deer sacred to Artemis?

Answer: Ceryneian Hind (prompt on Artemis’ stag)

20. The ideas of this group were promoted in works like On the Development of the Monist View of History. Banned after the Kronstadt Rising, some of their members such as Tsereteli and Dan served in the Provisional Government, while others joined the white army. Taking up many of their issues in the journal Iskra, they believed in a larger pool of active revolutionaries, like those found in other European socialist parties, and that Marxism could only be successful after the development of capitalism. Led by Jules Martov and George Plekhanov, FTP, identify this faction of the Social Democratic Worker’s Party who opposed the Bolsheviks.

Answer: Mensheviks

2004 Chicago Open

Editor Packet 5 – Bonuses by Ezequiel Berdichevsky and Subash Maddipoti

1. Answer the following about the literature of Reconstruction, FTP each:

A. This work by Albion Tourgee focuses on Comfort Servosse who moves from Michigan to a Southern Plantation and finds out that Reconstruction is a failure.

Answer: A Fool’s Errand

B. This man wrote about Reconstruction in his novels The Traitor, The Leopard’s Spots, and The Clansman; the last of which was adapted by D.W. Griffith for Birth of a Nation.

Answer: Thomas Dixon

C. In this novel about the intertwined lives of the Carteret and Miller families, Charles Chesnutt depicts a post-Reconstruction race riot in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Answer: The Marrow of Tradition

2. Answer the following about a treaty, FTP each:

A: This 1559 treaty saw Henri II gain Metz, Toul, and Verdun, but forced to cede Savoy and Piedmont.

Answer: Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis

B. A year before signing the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis the French had suffered a disastrous defeat at this battle prompting them to make the deal.

Answer: Battle of Saint Quentin

C: Because Henri was so keen on cementing an alliance with the Habsburgs, the treaty also arranged for the marriage of this woman, his sister, to Philip II of Spain.

Answer: Elizabeth of Valois

3. Identify the following about some related films, FTP each:

A. In trying to get with Lainie Diamond, the loser Bobby Keller somehow gets trapped in Coleman Ettinger’s elderly body and learns that they can solve each other’s problems by sleeping on them. This film was directed by Mark Rocco.

Answer: Dream a Little Dream

B. Beginning with a surreal scene on a school bus where one of the protagonists is chained up, this film quickly gets to the point—to get with Heather Graham you need some wheels—thus Les and Dean end up in a Cadillac for the night without proper certification.

Answer: License to Drive

C. Dream a Little Dream and License to Drive, along with The Lost Boys, starred these two annoying teen heartthrobs with identical first names. Name both, all or nothing, for the points.

Answer: Corey Haim and Corey Feldman

4. Answer these questions about pericylic reactions, FTP each:

A. One of the four classes of pericyclic reactions is cycloadditions, of which the best known reaction might be this one in which a diene is attached to a dienophile to create a cyclic compound.

Answer: Diels-Alder

B. Another class of pericyclic reactions is this one, which involves migration of a sigma bond that is flanked at either or both ends by conjugated pi-systems.

Answer: sigmatrophic shifts

C. Pericyclic reactions can be described as this type of reaction because the bond making and breaking occur in a single step.

Answer: concerted

5. Answer the following about a painter and his work, FTP each:

A. With his brother Cyrus he formed an engraving company that established many of the devices for the national currency. He would become president of the National Academy of Design in 1845 where he would write “Letters on Landscape Painting,” a manifesto for the Hudson River School.

Answer: Asher Durand

B. Asher Durand’s most famous work, it features Thomas Cole and William Cullen Bryant standing on a rocky promontory and gazing into the gossamer Castkill mists and is found on the cover of the Fourth Edition of Benet’s.