Wasatch Mental Health Building

750 North 200 West

Provo, Utah

June 24, 2015

8:30 a.m.


GOVERNING AUTHORITYCommissioner Larry Ellertson

BOARD:Commissioner Bill Lee

Commissioner Greg Graves

WASATCH MENTALJuergen Korbanka, Executive Director

HEALTH STAFF:Todd Phillips, Financial Director

Doran Williams, Care Management Director

Randy Huntington, Adult Division Director

Ralf Barnes, Human Resource Director

Dawnalyn Hall, Board Secretary

ALSO PRESENT:Diane Orcutt, County Attorney

EXCUSED:Catherine Johnson, Youth Division Director


Started at 8:40

Public Hearing to Discuss Amendments and/or Increases in the Various Budgetary Funds of the Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District Fiscal Year 2015 Budget

Todd passed around the summary of the 2015 Amended Budget. Todd increased the inpatient budget for the expectedexpenditures. We did have some new funding this year. The TANF money is a three year contract. Within the 3 years we can flex people into the center if more money does not come in.

Public meeting closed at 8:54

Meeting called to order at 8:55


1.Approve the Minutes of the May 27, 2015, Governing Authority Board Meeting

Commissioner Ellertson stated the minutes of May 27, 2015 will stand approved as written.


  1. Adopt Resolution Approving Amendments and/or Increases in the various budgetary funds of the Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District Fiscal Year 2015 Budget

MOTION:Motion to adopt the resolution to approve the amendments for the final budgetary fund of the Wasatch Mental Health Services Special service district fiscal year 2015 was made by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Graves. Motion passed 3-0

  1. Adopt Resolution Approving the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2016 for the Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District

Possible 1.5% COLA increase was included in the budget

Cost for new Positions that will not be filled until we have the funding and the need.

Case manager has to have a bachelor’s degree and the three required classes to qualify them for the position.


MOTION:Motion to adopt the resolution to approving the Final Budget for Fiscal year 2016 for the Wasatch Mental Health Services Special Service District was made by Commissioner Graves and seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 3-0.

  1. Approve Agreement with Provo Canyon Behavioral Hospital for Psychological Services (continued from the April 27, 2015 and the May 27, 2015 meetings – need to continue this for another month)

MOTION:Motion to move to continue to our next meeting was made by Commissioner Graves. second by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 3-0

  1. Approve Agreement with Chrysalis Utah, Inc.
  1. Approve Agreement with Carlos Y. Roby dba C.Y. Roby, PhD & Associates
  1. Approve Agreement with Utah Valley Family Support and Treatment Center dba Family Support Center
  1. Approve Agreement with Allyson Guilbert dba Element Counseling LLC
  1. Approve Agreement with Krista Limb for On-Call PASRR Evaluations
  1. Approve Agreement with RISE Behavioral & Mental Health Services LLC
  1. Approve Agreement with Joseph K. Yau, M.D.
  1. Approve Agreement with Robert H. Crist, M.D., for Contracted Psychiatric Physician Services
  1. Approve Agreement with Gerald M. Lazar, M.D., for Contracted Psychiatric Physician Services
  1. Approve Agreement with Cheronne Anderson, M.D., for Contracted Psychiatric Physician Services
  1. Approve Agreement with Tim W. McGaughy, M.D., for Contracted Psychiatric Physician Services
  1. Approve Agreement with Dallas Earnshaw, M.D., for Contracted Advanced Practitioner Registered Nurse Services
  1. Approve Amendment #1 to Agreement #142190 with Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health for Autism Preschool
  1. Approve Agreement with Joel Hanson MD dba Sane n Sober PC
  1. Approve Agreement with Michelle McNew dba Arizona Innovative Psychiatry LLC
  1. Approve Agreement with Preferred Family Clinic
  1. Approve Agreement with Utah Family Institute
  1. Approve Agreement with England Counseling Services LLC
  1. Approve Agreement with Dustin Bassett dba The Connecting Place Counseling Center
  1. Approve Amendment #1 to Agreement #151562 with Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health for CABHI
  1. Approve Agreement with Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health for Local Mental Health Authority

MOTION:Motion to approve items 4 through 24 as stated on the regular agenda was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion carried 3-0

  1. Review and Acceptance of Expenditure Report Summary for the month ending May 31, 2015

Reviewed the expenditures including the additional cost of pipes breaking and the Center conference in May

MOTION:Motion to approve the Expenditure Report was made by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Graves. Motion approved 3-0

  1. Financial Report
  2. Review and Acceptance of May Financials
  3. Cash flow is based on when state paid us.
  4. No surprises. WMH had a reduction in expenses.

MOTION:Motion to accept the financial report was made by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Graves. Motion approved 3-0

  1. Director’s Report
  2. Briefing / QUAPI Report
  3. An invitation was extended to the commissioner to attend the GIANT Steps graduation. Juergen and Larry asked to be excused
  4. Adult reorganization is completed but there is a little fall out, as things settle down.
  5. Wasatch House – we have some people coming from the national organization and they will be able to see what we are starting to do.
  6. Productivity – Is a little closer together Adult coming up and youth going down. We will review with the summer billables.
  7. Nestles Fair asked us to put up an information booth for their event.
  8. Discussed Aspire and how the clients are able to graduate and be placed back into foster care.
  1. Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting to Discuss the Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual or Individuals (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each


MOTION:Motion to set a closed meeting for items 28 to be held on this date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion approved 3-0

  1. Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)

MOTION:Motion to strike items 29 was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 3-0

  1. Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss the Purchase, Exchange, or Lease of Real Property, Water Rights, or Water Shares (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)

MOTION:Motion to set a closed meeting for item 30 to be held on this date, at this location, following the completion of the prior closed meeting was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion approved 3-0

  1. Approve and Set a Date, Time and Location for a Closed Meeting for a Strategy Session to Discuss the Sale of Real Property, Water Rights, or Water Shares, Previously Publicly Noticed for Sale (Suggested for today’s date, at this location, following the completion of the regular agenda and work session agenda items) (Announce the vote of each Commissioner)

MOTION:Motion to strike item 31 was made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Lee. Motion passed 3-0

The closed session was completed, Commissioner Graves left for another appointment then we moved back into completing the director’s report at 10:01 a.m.

Commissioner Ellertson moved the next Authority Board back to July 29 at 8:30 a.m.

MOTION:Motion to close the meeting was made by Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Ellertson seconded the motion. Approved 2-0

Meeting adjourned at 10:34 a.m.

Wasatch Mental Health Authority Board June 24, 2015page 1 of 5