Teaching Special Populations Observation Record
Participating Teacher / Date / Grade and Subject / Inquiry #
Support Provider
Support provider will collect evidence related to the focus question(s), selected CSTP, and Induction Program Standard 6: Teaching Special Populations
Focus Question(s):
Selected CSTP on IIP:
Academic Content Standard(s): / Time Observation Begins: / Time Observation
Observation Data: (How does the teacher implement the standards related to Equity?)
1.2  Connecting learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests / Possible Things To Look For During an Observation:
Conditions That Support
Special Populations
Teacher Creates Effective Environments by:
§ Minimizing time spent on discipline and classroom interruptions
§ Utilizing structures for frequent student response
§ Balancing direct instruction, group work, and/or independent work
§ Providing adequate wait time
§ Providing for student choice
Teacher Utilizes Positive Behavior Support Strategies by:
§ Developing and implementing consistent rules and procedures
§ Planning for transitions
§ Cueing students non-verbally
§ Obtaining students’ attention before giving directions or explanations
§ Moving about room, increasing presence where problems may occur
§ Using calm, quiet voice
§ Reinforcing positive behaviors
Teachers Differentiate the Learning Process by:
§ Using standards-aligned instructional materials and resources during the lesson
§ Using instructional resources (including technology-related tools)
§ Facilitating student use of technology
§ Making accommodations and modifications based on assessed student needs
Teacher’s Lesson Delivery:
§ Taps prior knowledge through pre-assessments
§ Scaffolds instruction
§ Uses meta-cognitive strategies (think-alouds, graphic organizers and study guides)
§ Checks for understanding (e.g., thumbs up, choral response, signal cards, whiteboards, volunteers/non-volunteers) throughout the lesson to monitor student progress and assess student comprehension and learning
1.4 Using a variety of instructional strategies and resources to engage all students
1.5  Promoting critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection
2.1  Creating a learning environment that engages all students, reflects diversity, and encourages constructive and productive interaction among students
2.2  Establishing and maintaining a physically, cognitively, and emotionally safe learning environment
2.3  Promoting social development and group responsibility in a climate where each student is treated fairly and respectfully
2.4  Establishing, communicating and maintaining high standards for student behavior
2.5  Developing and implementing group norms, classroom procedures, and routines to preserve a climate in which all students learn
2.6  Using instructional time effectively
3.1  Demonstrating knowledge of subject-matter, academic content standards, and state curriculum frameworks
4.2  Establishing and articulating goals based on academic content standards for student learning
Focus Student: (English Learner)
Focus Student: (Special Populations)
Focus Student: (Choice)

A seating chart may provide information for additional note taking

Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education July 1, 2011

Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT)

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