FROM:Dr. Shiao Wang, Chair


MONDAY, March26, 2012– 3:00 PM


1.0 Call to Order – Dr. Shiao Wang, Chair

2.0 Adoption of Agenda

3.0 Approval of Minutes – February27, 2012

4.0 Course and Program Proposals

4.1.College of Arts and Letters

4.1.1. Department of Theatre and Dance Add THE 688L Practicum in Performance, 1 hr., A-F grading, “face to face”, effective Fa 2012.

4.2.College of Business

4.3.College of Education and Psychology

4.3.1. Department of Child and Family Studies Modify FAM 610, course title from “Marital Therapy” to “Couple Therapy”, effective Fa 2012. Modify MFT – M.S. program by changing FAM 665 Sex Therapy from a required course to an elective course and FAM 663 Professional Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy from and elective course to a required course, effective Fa 2012.

4.3.2. Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education. Modify M.S. in Instructional Technology program by removing the two emphasis areas of “Instructional Technology and Design” and “Business Technology Education” from the program and change the thesis hours from 6 to a range of 3-6 hours, effective Fa 2012. Modify Ph.D. in Instructional Technology and Design program by removing the two emphasis areas of “Instructional Technology” and “Instructional Design” from the program and by changing the dissertation hours from 12 to a range of 9-15 hours, effective Fa 2012. Add IT 797 Independent Study and Research, 3 hrs, Pass/Fail grading, “face to face” and “online” to the Ph.D. in Instructional Technology and Design program, effective Fa 2012. Modify IT 752 Diffusion and Adoption of Technology Innovations course number from 752 to 852, effective Su 2012. Modify IT 758 Web Accessibility Design and Development course number from 758 to 858, effective Su 2012.

4.3.3. Department of Educational Studies and Research Modify ADE 703 Human Resource Development as a Special Form of Adult Education, from “face to face” to “face to face” and ‘online”, effective Su 2012.

4.4. College of Health

4.4.1. Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences Modify Plan of Study for M.S. in Speech and Hearing Sciences (Deaf Education), delete ADE 607and replace with SHS735, and delete CD 628, effective Fa 2011. Tabled, Nov. 14, 2011 pending PEC approval.

4.4.2. School of Nursing

4.4.2..1. Modify NSG 715 Leadership and Organizational Theory in Advanced Practice Nursing from “face to face” to “face to face” and “online”, effective Sp 2012.

4.4.3. School of Social Work Add SWK 627 Social Work Field Education II, 1 hr., Pass/Fail grading, “face to face”, effective Su 2012. Add SWK 630 Professional Social Work Development III, 1 hr., A-F grading, “face to face”, effective Fa 2012. Add SWK 643 Advanced Social Work Practice I, 3 hrs, A-F grading, “face to face”, effective Fa 2012. Add SWK 644 Advanced Social Work Practice II, 3 hrs, A-F grading, “face to face”, effective Fa 2012. Add SWK 645 Management, Supervision, and Leadership in Social Work, 3 hrs, A-F grading, “face to face” effective Fa 2012 Add SWK 646 Program and Community Development, 3 hrs, A-F grading, “face to face”, effective Fa 2012. Add SWK 647 Social Work Integrative Seminar III, 2 hrs, A-F grading, “face to face”, effective Fa 2012.

4.5.College of Science and Technology

4.5.1. Department of Mathematics Modify MAT 515 course title from “Introduction to Differential Equations II” to “Differential Equations and Special Functions”, effective Fa 2012. Modify MAT 526 course title from “Linear Algebra II” to “Advanced Linear Algebra”, effective Fa 2012. Modify MAT 541 course title from “Advanced Calculus I” to “Introduction to Real Analysis I”, effective Fa 2012 Modify MAT 542 course title from “Advanced Calculus II” to “Introduction to Real Analysis II”, effective Fa 2012.

5.0 Officers Report

5.1Chair’s Report – Dr. Shiao Wang

5.2Chair-Elect Report – Dr. Fei Xue

5.3Corresponding Secretary’s Report – Dr. Susan Siltanen

5.4Parliamentarian Report – Dr. Susan Siltanen

6.0 Standing Committee Reports

6.1Bylaws Committee – Dr. Sharon Topping

6.2Credentials Committee – Dr. Sabine Heinhorst

6.3ElectionCommittee – Dr. Monika Gehlawat

6.4Policies and Procedures Committee – Dr. Bonnie Nicholson

6.5Program ReviewCommittee – Dr. Jay Grimes

7.0 Liaisons to University Committees

7.1Assessment Committee – Dr. Fei Xue

7.2E-Learning Committee – Dr. Shiao Wang

7.3Teaching Evaluation Committee – Dr. Shiao Wang

8.0 New Business

8.1 Faculty Senate Resolutions

9.0. Announcements: The next meeting will be on April 16, 2012. The proposal deadline is Friday, April 6, 2012.

10.0. Adjournment