Matthew 10:22: “And you shall be hated by all for My Name’s sake. But, he who shall endure to the end shall be saved”.

Revelation 3:8: To the overcoming remnant: “I know your works—see, I have set before you an open door, and no one is able to shut it. You have a little strength, yet you have guarded my Wordand have not denied My Name.”

Malachi 3:16: “Then shall those who fear Yahuweh speak to one another, and Yahuweh shall listen and hear, and a book of remembrance be written before Him of those who fear Yahuewh andthose who think upon His Name. `And they shall be mine’ says Yahuweh of hosts, `on that day that I prepare a treasured possession. And I shall spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wrong—between one who serves Elohim and one who does not serve Him’”.

Psalm 103:1: “Bless Yahuweh, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His Set-Apart Name!” Psalm 34:3: “O magnify Yahuweh with me, and let us exalt His Name together”.

Whether you are aware of it or not, those that love Messiah and are eagerly awaiting His return, those who guard Yahuweh’s Torah/Tenach, and use His Hebrew Names and titles, are now already hated --especially for using the Hebrew Names of Yahuweh (Yahweh/Yahuah) and Yahushua (Yahshua) Yahuweh.

We are hated for teaching the Torah to our children and grandchildren. To do so is becoming more and more “illegal” in our world today. Yet, Malachi 4:4-6 and Luke 18:8 lets us know that unless He finds the teaching and obeying of Torah (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) on the earth when He returns (the outward proof that He has a people in Covenant with Him), he will have to destroy the earth and all its inhabitants. The Hebrew understanding of faith is found in Ja’cob (misnamed “James” at the mandate of King James) 2:14-26. If we do not live what we say we believe in outward obedience (“works”) to Elohim, then our faith is a farce—fake. If we say we believe in the Elohim of Israel, Yahuweh, and His Messiah/Savior, Yahushua, then we must obey His Covenant directives for right-standing in His Kingdom as good citizens--obeying the Torah—the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of Heaven for our good on this earth given to us in the first five books of the Bible, as well as maintain a good relationship with the King.

We are hated for being set-apart from the world system in order to love and obey Yahuweh and His Son, Yahushua, our Savior and soon-coming Messiah. Yet

Ja’cob 4:4 tells us quite bluntly that if we are friends of the world, we are enemies of Elohim. I John 2:15-17 tells us that if we live for the lusts of the

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flesh, the pride of life and the lusts of the eyes, then the love of the Father is not in us.

We are hated for having the fruit of a re-born spirit—love, joy, peace,

goodness, kindness, patience, long-suffering, and faith, faithfulness and self-control. These are the characteristics of Messiah and Yahuweh—which can only be in operation if a person is being changed into Their image by the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-24; IICorinthians 3:17-18)—born from above (John 3:3, 5). The Arab Muslim world of the Middle East (most, not all) thinks that to be kind, gentle, loving, considerate, and compassionate, loving ones neighbor as one loves themselves, makes one a weakling, and laughably pathetic. Most of the world’s people mock a person who has the nature of Yahuweh/Yahushua, because their nature is rooted in the mind-set of Lucifer/Satan. The one rule of Lucifer is this: Above all things, get what you want, anyway you want, no matter who you hurt. An ex-satanist told me that this is message of the Harry Potter stories.

Thus, those that walk in His maturity (Matthew 5:43-48)—His set-apartness, His perfection--being separated from the world’s lusts and fleshly sin nature, are also marked to be hated by the evil one and his followers. If in any way, we show signs that we have come out of the kingdom of darkness and been “translated into the kingdom of His Dear Son”, (Colossians 1:13-15) then we are marked for destruction by the evil one.

Do Lucifer, his angels and his human followers know who is born of Yahuweh’s Spirit and who is not? Oh Yes! They know who belongs to Yahuweh, and they know who are obedient and Torah guarding—thus, they have marked His set-apart ones for their evil. If you are obedient to His Torah, loving Messiah Yahushua, and are experiencing an increase in demonic attacks on your life and in your family, plus more and more rejection and isolation from family and friends, remember Daniel 7:21 and 25, Matthew 24:13, and all the promises to the overcoming ones in Revelation 2 and3. If you side with Yahuweh and Yahushua, it is “par for the course”. I John 5:3-4 tells us that it is our faith that overcomes the world. I John 3:13: “Marvel not, my brothers, if the world hates you”. Read the book ofI John, and chapters like Matthew 10 and I Peter 4and 5: We need to understand that suffering goes with siding with Yahuweh and Yahushua…it is not something to fall apart over—it is just the way it is. In over forty countries, like China, where believers are persecuted and killed for their faith, they receive the Savior knowing that they will be marked for prison, torture, and death. Philippians 1:29, Acts 14:22, I Peter 4:1, and a myriad of other Scriptures tell us that suffering for His Name’s sake is part of the deal. We must accept it, as did the Apostles—read Acts chapters 4 and 5.

That great missionary to India, Amy Carmichael, once said: “Those who are closest to the Captain are a sure target for the archers”. How true! Get used to it if you are close to the “Captain of the Host”. He has promised that we will suffer greatly for identifying with Him. It is part of our purging, to prepare us for the Kingdom.

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If in any way we display characteristics that are of Elohim—loving others as we love ourselves, studying His Word, meeting to talk about Him, praying to Him, praising Him, giving offerings to those who spread His Word, or to bless the Jews, or to bless the poor, the orphan, the widow, the homeless—anyone who is helpless—those that love life instead of violence and death, those with high standards that keep them morally pure, those who listen to music about Him, read books that inform as to what the evil ones are up to, and who understand what He is up to -- anything that marks us as having anything to do with Him, makes us hated by Lucifer and all other people. It is so sad that other so-called believers despise, even hate, His set-apart ones because we are not “with them”.

John 16:1-4a: “These words I have spoken to you, so that you do not stumble. They shall put you out of the congregations, but an hour is coming when everyone who kills you shall think he is rendering service to Elohim. And this they do to you because they did not know the Father, or Me. But, I have said these words to you, so that when the hour comes you remember that I told them to you…”

Who comes to the real Messiah of Israel? John 6:45: “It has been written in the prophets, `And they shall all be taught by Yahuweh’. Everyone, then, who has heard from the Father, and learned, comes to Me”. Without obedience to the Father’s teachings, we can’t personally know the real Yahuweh, or the real Savior. Their real nature cannot be known outside of the Tenach (an acronym for the Torah, Prophets and Writings—misnamed the “Old Testament” by the Greco/Roman church).

We read in Mark 13:9-13 that we will be betrayed into the hands of evil men—by our families, our friends, and other believers in general, as well as by fearful people and evil people of all types. (Matthew 10:34-39) Even children will betray parents, and parents betray their children. Mark 13:13: “And you shall be hated by all because of My Name. But, he who endures to the end shall be saved”.

In my travels around the world, I find that those who guard His Torah according to Scripture, without compromise, without Jewish tradition, additions or subtractions, are all hearing the same things from the Spirit of Yahuweh—all are learning the same things, receiving the same warnings, and knowing what He is about to do, as well as knowing what the evil one is about to do. They are wise, understanding, and preparing for what is ahead. It is amazing that when the Spirit of Yahuweh is allowed to teach, He tells everyone the same thing—and all are in unity with Him. How wonderful! I find that the ones who are walking in light—understanding and wisdom—are the ones who are outside of the control of man’s religions/organizations, and learning from His Spirit.

The world’s leaders are in great trauma about His coming to take over “the kingdoms of this world” – Revelation 11:15-19. The world’s people are in trauma because Lucifer/Satan is in trauma. He knows that once Yahushua

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Yahuweh return, he is finished, and so are his fallen angels. (Revelation 19and 20,Isaiah 14:11-17, and Ezekiel 28:12-19, which pictures Lucifer/Satan as the king of Tsor/Tyre) But, he’s not telling of his end in the lake of fire to his human agents, of course, for to his great glee, they are working furiously to rid the earth of everything to do with Yah, even His image—mankind. His plan, thus the world’s elite’s plan, is to rid the earth of 98-100% of humans—and create a race in Lucifer’s image. (For more information on this, please read the article: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”) Yes, his agents—scientists, government leaders, his priesthood, and his servants who worship him among the common-man citizens of the earth--are all working furiously to do his will.

In the days of Noah, His Name was not used because of man’s breeding with fallen angels, producing hybrids and giants, extreme violence, and hate for Yahuweh, which Nimrod brought full-force into the earth with his “tower”. We are back full blown “in the days of Noah”! (Luke 17:26-33)

In approximately 167 BCE the Greek ruler, Antiochus Ephiphanes from Syria, declared it illegal in Israel and throughout his Greek empire to guard Torah in any way, shape, or form, under penalty of death. He was out to “Hellenise” (to impose Greek culture, language and religion) the Jews, and those Israelites (Ephramites) who also guarded the Torah of Yahuweh. He slaughtered a pig on the altar of the Temple, and placed a statue of Zeus on the lid of the Ark. The Name of the El of Israel became illegal.

In the second century CE, the Emperor Hadrian outlawed the Torah, making it

illegal to meet in order to even read it, illegal to circumcise boys, illegal to not eat pork, illegal to keep Shabbat, the Festivals, the new moon, and etcetera, under penalty of death. Synagogues were closed, and the believers in Messiah Yahushua were also driven out—thus at this point, approximately 133 CE, we lost our Hebrew roots--our roots in Yahuweh’s Covenant.

The true believers were not only killed by Hadrian’s forces, but also by the followers of the founder of Rabbinical Judaism, Rabbi Akiva—who exalted rabbinical authority above Yahuweh Himself. Then the Roman emperor Constantine, in 325 CE, founded the Roman Catholic Church, and became the first pope. His church was founded on the sword—killing Jews and Torah guarding believers—as “Christ killers”. Thus, to guard the Torah and believe in Messiah Yahushua was a crime throughout the Roman world.

In the realm of the Roman Catholic Church today—which is simply ancient Rome preserved in the Vatican—the Jesuit Order is throughout the Catholic world killing those who believe in being born again outside of the Catholic Church—also believers in Messiah Yahushua who guard His Torah, as well as Jews. The Inquisition never ended. Now it is about to begin again on a world level that is going to be beyond what the normal mind can comprehend. It is interesting that the current pope, most all of his career in the Roman Catholic Church, has been the head of the “Inquisition Files”. One will come from the Jesuits that will sit on the Temple Mount, and the “Inquisition” will begin in full force.

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Anyone not with the pope—the world ruler—the anti-messiah—the Vicar of Christ who sits in the place of “Christ”—will be marked for death. This is not a hidden thing—the Jesuits have already openly revealed their desire, and they are the head of the Illuminati.

It is also interesting that the chief Jesuit head of the Vatican’s astronomy observatories, has said that when the aliens come from outer space, they are to be regarded as “Christians”, and are friends of the pope. I’m sure these

fallen angels are his friends. (See article: “The Vatican and Extraterrestrials” for more information on that). Knowing these things, the brief article at the end of this article regarding the Vatican’s banning of the Name “Yahweh” in all of their churches will now make more sense to you.

Today we are in a restored Roman world, with Greek culture also prevailing in the western countries. Today, as back then, the guarding of the Torah and belief in Yahuweh and Yahushua is a world crime. The Bible is considered a hate book in many countries because it speaks against sin. It is also outlawed in Communist countries, and in Muslim countries.

Today, in the Amazon Valley of South America, missionaries report that the World Bank Army is going to villages telling the Christians to get naked again and return to their paganism, and give up their believe in Jesus, or else they will return and kill them. In the name of “Liberation Theology” Jesuits dress like guerilla fighters and also threaten Christians to deny their faith or be killed. Groups like “Shining Path” in Peru do the same thing. Jesuits in Africa do the same thing. Communist and Muslim governments also kill Christians.

There have been more martyrs in the last 100 years than in all the history of the faith. Anyone who believes in the One in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is marked for extinction by the Lucifer-united world government.

Therefore the remnant of His set-apart people is small, lonely, isolated and struggling. And the remnant will get smaller as the persecution goes full-blown world wide, and what is deemed illegal—His Name and His Word--becomes the reason for death and destruction.

I had a dream once, in which we would be required by our U.S. government to register our religious “slot”. In the dream, I was coaching a group of believers as to how to get around the survey, as I literally coached believing Jews in Far East Russia, in 1999, who were seeking to make aliyah as to how to get around the Jewish Agency questions on religion. If the Jewish Agency screening program finds that a Jew is “Messianic” or a Christian—they are labeled as a non-Jew, and not eligible for citizenship in Israel. But, in the dream, on the survey was a question: By what name do you call your God? I looked at the names they gave as examples…and one of them was “Yahweh”. I looked at the people and said: “They’ve got us on this one—we cannot deny His Name—prepare for arrest”. No! We cannot deny His Name--Matthew 10:32-34, II Timothy 2:12.

The Jews, as a whole, have rejected the use of the Name of their Elohim, using

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“Yahweh” only one day a year—on Yom Kippur eve. They have substituted the term “haShem” (the name) for His Name, or “Lord”—Adonai, God, or “The Eternal One”. But, He has commanded us to use His Name in praise, and to magnify His Name, and exalt His Name. How can we exalt it, if we don’t use it?

In Isaiah 41:8 we read in the King James English Bible: “I am the Lord, that is My name, and my glory I do not give to another…” Actually that is a lie, as it is written. His Name is not “the Lord”. Correctly written: “I am Yahuweh, that is My Name…” Our name identifies us. His Name identifies Him!

The Jews and Jewish Messianic communities for the most part have rejected the use of the Name of Yahuweh, except for a few people who independently use it. This is breaking the third commandment, which says, “You shall not bring the Name of Yahuweh your Elohim to nothingness”. Rejecting the use His Name is definitely bringing it to nothingness. We honor Him by saying it correctly with reverence, love, respect, and fear. We must “fear His Name”—which means that we don’t blaspheme it in any way—make it nothing, common or profane, or misquote Him, or use His Name to get for ourselves what is not His will.