Chapter 17 Social Studies

  1. Why did King Henry VIII start his own church?
  2. What does the term annul mean?
  3. Who were Petrach and Boccaccio?
  4. What is humanism?
  5. What is a theocracy?
  6. What was the Reformation?
  7. What 4 important steps did Pope Paul III take in reforming the Catholic Church?
  8. Name a couple of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous works.
  9. What does the term Renaissance mean?
  10. What is Martin Luther credited with starting?
  11. What does the term heresy mean? Who was tried for heresy and why?
  12. Name two of the woman Italian painters?
  13. What major event had shattered the population of northern Europe by 1450?
  14. What invention helped to spread secular ideas and asked the individual to challenge Church authority?
  15. What is a patron?
  16. What was the Act of Supremacy?
  17. Where there Renaissance women? If so name one.
  18. Who is perhaps the most famous German painter to help spread artistic ideas?
  19. Define the term vernacular?
  20. What was Martin Luther’s reaction to the peasants’ revolt?
  21. How did the Renaissance spread throughout Europe?
  22. What book did John Calvin publish in 1536 and what did it express?
  23. In what country did the Renaissance period begin? What direction did it spread?
  24. What were some of the political, social and economic forces weakening the church?
  25. How was the term Protestant used in Germany in the 1500’s?
  26. What is the definition of predestination?
  27. Where does the term “universal man” come from and what was it later changed to?
  28. What was the Catholic Reformation?
  29. Who was the first great Flemish Renaissance painter?
  30. What does the term utopia mean?
  31. Why did King Phillip II of Spain attack England?
  32. What were the key techniques of perspective?
  33. What two countries fought in the Hundred Years War?
  34. Who became known as Presbyterians?
  35. What were the beliefs of the Anabaptists?
  36. What were Martin Luther’s 3 main ideas of his teachings?
  37. What effect did the bubonic plague have on economics in northern Italy?
  38. Who was Raphael?
  39. Who was Machiavelli?
  40. What was the Peace of Augsburg?
  41. Who were Marguerite of Navarre, Katherina Zell, and Katherina von Bora?
  42. Who is regarded as the greatest playwright of all time?
  43. What were the 3 advantages that Italy had over the rest of Europe that helped foster the Renaissance?
  44. Who was Vittoria Colonna?
  45. What was an indulgence?
  46. Who invented the printing press, in what country and what was the first full-sized book printed.
  47. Did any of King Henry VIII’s children rule England?
  48. Who are the Jesuits?
  49. Who were the Huguenots and why were they persecuted?
  50. What was the name of the castle rebuilt by Francis I of France?
  51. What was the last name of the powerful family that ruled FlorenceItaly for 30 years acting almost as a dictator? How did he “buy” his power?
  52. What is a secular society?
  53. What was the Elizabethan Age?
  54. How did the pope and emperor respond to the claims of Martin Luther?
  55. What spurred the growth of large city-states in northern Italy?
  56. What book taught individuals how to be a Renaissance Man?
  57. What is the meaning of Calvinism?
  58. How did Queen Elizabeth seek to restore religious peace in her country?
  59. How did the development and spread of oil painting change the art of painting?
  60. Name 3 of the works that Michelangelo create?
  61. What were the major effects of the invention of the printing press?
  62. How were French humanist Francois Rabelais different from Erasmus and More?
  63. What were the Jesuits major 3 accomplishments?