STEP ONE: Can you identify the topic of the question?
Read answer choices for cluesProceed to Step2
Identify the topic of the question
Proceed to Step2
STEP TWO: Are the answers assessments or implementations?
A mix of assessments and Are answers all
Implementations?Assessment or
Read stem of question to
Determine if you should Proceed to Step3
Assess or implement
Select correct answer.
STEP THREE: Does Maslow fit?
Are all answers physical? Eliminate Psychosocial answers
Proceed to Step4
Are all answers psychosocial? Do the physical needs make Proceed to Step5 sense?
Apply ABCs.
STEP FOUR: Are all answers physical?
Proceed to Step5 Apply ABCs
STEP FIVE: What is the outcome of each of the remaining answers?
Determine outcome of each answer. Is it desired?
Select correct answer
- Read word for word.
- Determine what the question is asking…>FIGURE IT OUT, ANALYZE, THINK!
- Picture the question, use imagery
- Clang Association- sometimes a word/phrase in the question comes out exactly at the correct answer
- Hold the phone- if the doctor is on the phone, you should not answer it, care for the PATIENT FIRST
- Think before calling physician- do independent nursing actions first then assess outcome then report to physician.
Ie: If px has fracture on upper and lower extremity, assess first for neurologic/circulatory defects. If px complains(subjective assessment), do an objective assessment (vital signs) THEN call doctor.
Tip: get complete assessment, subjective and objective…if subjective only, it’s unreliable.
- Know what’s normal, know lab values
- Look for clues, DO EVERYTHING BY THE BOOK!
- Reword/rephrase the question
- 2 choices of same content, ELIMINATE!
- Umbrella answer is the right answer
- Choose HERE and NOW answer
- Use nsg process
- Use Maslow
- Real prob is a priority vs. potential prob
- Predict outcomes
- Ask yourself, “does this answer make sense? Does it answer the question?”
- Don’t choose answers with absolutes: ALL, ABSOLUTELY, ENTIRE, ONLY, ALWAYS, TOTAL, EVERY, EACH, MUST etc.
- Chain of Command- probs associated with co-workers>inform to YOUR NSG SUPERVISOR BUT if the outcome of the action of the co-worker is harmful to the patient’s rights in the HERE and NOW, you can call their attention.
Ie. If you hear two nurses talking about a patient in the elevator, mentioned the name and case, you call their attention then report to nsg supervisor.
- Rule of Cohorting- patient with infection put in a room with another patient with the same infection.
- Rules of Delegation
- RNs: a. don’t delegate assessment, teaching, evaluation to LPN, UAP (unlicensed assistive
personnel), Nsg aide
b. delegate STABLE patient with EXPECTED outcomes
TIP: 24hr post-op patient is considered stable
c. delegate tasks that involve STANDARD UNCHANGING tasks ie. Bed bath, feeding, bed
- RNs communicate to health team about changes in patients condition
- LPNs CAN: a. perform STERILE dressing changes, sterile technique
b. give SQ, IM, PO meds but NOT IV, NEBU & TOPICAL
c. give supplementary health teachings
d. do suctioning, catheterization
- Pleur-Evac Dislodgment
- If you’re asked what to do when it’s dislodged FROM THE PATIENT:
Question asks What to do: a. FIRST: choose Cover opening on patient’s chest with any CLEAN
Material possible.
b. BEST: choose Cover opening on patient’s chest with STERILE
GOAL: prevent air from entering
- If you’re asked what to do when it’s dislodged FROM THE CHAMBER:
Question asks What to do: a. FIRST:choose Insert/Submerge tube tip in a container with STERILE
b. BEST: choose CLAMP tube farthest from the patient.
V. Fetal Heart Rate
1. Early deceleration- normal finding; due to head compression
- FHR decelerates at the BEGINNING of contraction then return to baseline AFTER
- Variable deceleration- due to cord compression
- FHR decelerates without regard with the contraction
-Intervention: decrease perineum; knee-chest position, elevate foot of bed
3. Late deceleration- due to utero-placental insufficiency
- FHR decelerates at the PEAK or AFTER peak of contraction then returns to baseline
after contraction
- Intervention: turn mom to left side
VI. AV Fistula
Assessment for: a. Thrill- put finger over fistula and feel
b. Bruit- auscultate
VII. Immunization
Birth- Hep B1 mo- Hep B2 mos- IPV, Dtap , Hib
4mos- IPV, Dtap, Hib6mos- IPV, Dtap, Hib, HepB12-15mos- Hib, MMR
12-18mos-Dtap, Varicella Zoster 4-6yrs-IPV, Dtap, Hib11-12yrs- MMR(if not given at 4-6yrs)
11-16yrs- Td
Legend: IPV-Inactivate Polio Virus (via IM)Dtap-Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis
Hib- Hemophilus Influenza BTd- Tetanus toxoid
Types of Vaccines:
- Component Vaccines- Hib, Pneumococcal, Hep A/B
- Live Vaccines- MMR, OPV, Chicken Pox/Varicella
*can’t be given to immunocompromised patients
c. Killed/Inactivated Vaccines- Inactivated influenza vax, IPV(Salk Vaccine)
d. Toxoid Vaccine- DPT, Td
VIII. Cultural Differences
- Chinese Amer – may nod head to indicate yes or shake head to mean no
-Excessive eye contact means rudeness
-Excessive touching is offensive
-Nsg implications: ask questions carefully and clarify responses
-YIN- cold/ negative force
-YANG- hot/positive force
- Islam- no pork and alcoholic beverages allowed
- prefer foods with HALAL seal
- prior to death, family members are asked to be present so they can read the Koran and
Pray with the client.
- must face Mecca(where the sun rises) and confess sins, beg for forgiveness in the
presence of the family
- burial is done ASAP before sundown
-donation of organs is prohibited
C. Amer Indian/ Native Amer
- prone to accidents, alcohol abuse, TB, arthritis
-lactose intolerant
-does yoga (mind body therapy)
D. Jehovah’s Witness
- blood transfusions violate God’s law, prefer to die than transfuse blood
-food with blood is prohibited
-can consume animal meat that has been drained from blood
-give plasma expander instead of blood transfusion
E. Orthodox Jews
Kosher Diet- prohibit mixing of meat and milk in one meal
-if both meat and milk eaten at the same meal, body should not be touched for
-utensils used for meat can’t be used for milk or non-kosher food
-fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains can be eaten with either meat or dairy
-meats allowed: animals that’re vegetable eaters, cloven-hoofed animals,
animals that’re ritually slaughtered (sheep, cattle, goats, dear)
-fish with scales are allowed
-During Yom Kippur-24 hour fasting
- Passover week, only unleavened bread is eaten
F. Russian Orthodox
-abstain from meat and dairy products on Wed, Fri and Lent
-during Lent, all animal products, including dairy are prohibited
-fasting during Advent, exception are illness and pregnancy
-can transplant organs except HEART