Lesotho Permit Number ………………….
I ______the undersigned veterinarian/official authorized by the Director of Veterinary Services in South Africa attest to the following;
Day Old Chicks:
6. The chicks originate from an area free from quarantine restrictions for contagious or
Infections, disease and at the time of dispatch are in good health, and fit to travel.
7. The units from which the chicks originate from are regularly inspected by state
8. The chicks have been vaccinated against Newcastle, Mercks and infectious Bursal
9. Within a week of laying the eggs from which the chicks were derived the parent stock
the Breeders Farm did not show any signs of OIE listed diseases.
10. The hatching eggs from which the chicks were derived were disinfected in accordance
with the OIE standards listed in Appendix 3.4 of the OIE International Animal Health
11. The consignment of the chicks shall:
a)On arrival in Lesotho be taken directly to the Quarantine Units at the importer’ farm.
b)Be inspected by the Government Veterinary Officer on arrival at the point of destination.
c)The chicks shall be quarantined for a minimum period of three to thirteen weeks.
d)While in quarantine the attendant, equipment and utensils will not be allowed any contact with personnel, equipment or utensils from other units.
e)The chicks should be shopped in clean and unused packages.
Hatching eggs:
12. The consignment of hatching eggs shall:
a)The hatching eggs originate from birds in area free from quarantine restrictions for contagious of infections disease and at the time of hatching are in good health.
b) The units from which the hatching eggs originate from are regularly inspected by a state veterinarian.
c) The hatching eggs were disinfected in accordance with the OIE standards listed in appendix 3.4.1 of the OIE International animal Health Code.
Point of Lay:
13. The consignment must have been:
a)Vaccinated against MD, IB, NCD, Gumbroo, Infectious Larygnotracheities, Fowl Typhoid and Egg Drop Syndrome dates and nature of vaccine stated in health certificate …………………………………………………………………………………….
b)Originate from an area where larygnotracheites or avian tuberculosis did not occur during the previous 12 months.
c)Originate from an area where no cases of NCD within a radius of 10 km in the past 30 days prior to export of consignment.
d)The birds were examined immediately prior to shipment found clinically healthy and free of external parasites.
e)On arrival the birds will be quarantined for 6 weeks at the point of destination and the nearest government veterinary officer will inspect the flock weekly.
Signed at: ……………………………………………on date: ……………………………………
Authorised Veterinarian/Official
Name in print: …………………………………………
Designated Rank: ……………………………………..
Address: ………………………………………………….
……………………………………………………………….Official Stamp