Month 8, Week 3
Author, Researcher, Facilitator & Teacher
[These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this audiocast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.]
[Theme song playing]
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this audio cast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease…
Robyn: Hello everyone and welcome to month eight of the Self-Care Revolution, where our topic this month is empowerment and we’re off to an amazing beginning here. We just got off a call with Dr. Clifford Kuhn, a medical doctor whose whole last 30 years in his profession has been about humor and bringing that to his patients, into cancer clinics. He was awesome.
Kevin: When we were finishing up with him he said there’s nothing wrong with being in over your head just as long as you know how to swim. I love that.
Robyn: And always go the extra smile… We’re excited now to interview Dr. Sam Berne, thank you for being here.
Sam: You’re welcome.
Robyn: My name is Robyn Benson, I’m a doctor of oriental medicine as well as the Founder of Santa Fe Soul Health and Healing Center and what I love to do for 21 years and beyond is to help people achieve optimal health and sustain it. The Self-Care Revolution is one of the best ways to learn about all the strategies, to learn from all the experts, having had over 70 experts this year and to say it’s pretty easy if we just follow suit.
We also have to realize that the best pharmacy going is our inner pharmacy. If we get our body working right it’s an amazing vehicle, to provide only good things if we take care of it.
Kevin: Absolutely. I’m Kevin Snow and I’m a practitioner here at Santa Fe Soul. I’m an intuitive counselor and my passion is to help people create clarity for themselves, and I think the topic today of vision is great and I’m excited to hear what Sam has to say.
Robyn: I think your clarity messages are going to be even better after our hour with Dr. Sam Berne.
Dr. Samuel A. Berne, a pioneer in vision science, integrative health, and subtle energy therapies has been a leader in the field of Behavioral/Neurodevelopmental Optometry and Vision Therapy for over 29 years. Dr. Berne is an internationally-known author, researcher, facilitator, and teacher who uses a multi-disciplinary approach applying many disciplines some of which include biofield analysis, quantum physics, psychology, Continuum movement, craniosacral therapy, dolphin-assisted therapy, and photo (light) therapy with respect to expanding human potential.
He’s a faculty member at the Esalen Institute, has written four insightful books and provided a DVD on autism. He is licensed to practice optometry in Hawaii and New Mexico. Again, thank you for being here with us.
Sam: It’s great to be here.
Robyn: It’s so fun, because not only do I know you but I know you even better now I have to say. We’re fortunate to have you in our community Dr. Sam. We have so many patients in common over the years and you’re like the go-to person when people have challenging autoimmune diseases.
I remember when my daughter, who’s now 12, when she was only three or four months old and we consulted with you because she had a hemangioma on her eyelids, which is an irregular growth of blood vessels which was a very scary time for us in her earlier life. I know another client who’s working with you right now who has dry eye syndrome, it’s a great gift that you have in your holistic approach to eyes, vision, eye therapy and this whole empowerment message through eyesight.
Could you give us a little more of an introduction as to how you got into this field and how you’ve come to do the work you’re doing now?
Sam: I was my own first test case. I developed nearsightedness myopia when I was about eight years old. When I graduated optometry school I began searching for ways to improve my vision even though myelopathic education said there’s no way you can improve your eyes, they’re only going to get worse and so on with the usual company line.
I actually met a doctor and was able to completely reverse my nearsightedness. It was very much a mind/body/spirit healing it wasn’t just in the eyes. What I realized even back then was that when you go to the eye doctor what happens is they want to blame the deteriorating vision on a faulty eyeball. I’m here to say that it’s not the faulty eyeball but the programming behind the eyes that causes the deterioration in the eyes.
What I mean by that, and I’ll use my own case of nearsightedness to explain. When I was a young child there was a lot of chaos going on, so my mind started to tell my eyes it’s really scary out there so I started to pull in my world. I kept programming my eyes to do that and lo and behold when I went to the eye doctor he just validated what I was programming to myself.
So allopathic eye care, what it really does is it’s treating the symptoms but doesn’t get to the cause or the factors of why a person’s eyesight or vision starts to change and my approach is to look at many factors for the causes of why our eyes are letting us down and to recognize that the eyes, for example, are connected to our liver meridian in acupuncture. So we can look at it that way or the eyes originate from brain tissue so when we work with the eyes we’re actually working with a connection to the brain.
So there are a lot of different factors involved and I say one of the biggest is the psycho emotional component, in terms of how we see. Many people I’ve worked with over the years who have had a breakthrough of an emotional release and then their eyesight returns to 20/20. It’s pretty dramatic to recognize that vision is more than an eyeball experience, but that’s what it’s all about.
Kevin: Wow! I think that highlighting what you call the eye mind body connection is enlightening to me. I’ve been nearsighted since grade school and again thought there wasn’t anything I could do about it and having to wear glasses. I read something somewhere that basically the glasses I’m wearing bring the whole world about 15 inches from my face. Can you elaborate on that concept about glasses?
Sam: Yes. Again, when you go to the eye doctor and have a blur, the first thing they want to do is get rid of it. The way you heal your vision is actually to go into your blur, it’s very interesting. You do that in a safe environment and guided situation. Most of the lenses that are prescribed are compensating or embedding you for the problem you already have.
For example, with nearsightedness, when you look through that nearsighted lens it’s actually called a negative lens, so your consciousness will be more negative. Another thing about the nearsighted lens is it compresses your perceptual world and makes you tighter.
On the other end of the spectrum is the farsighted lens where at age 40 you start losing your ability to focus, that’s a magnification lens, so it’s altering your perceptual world by making things a lot bigger than they really are. It magnifies things and disconnects you from your eye muscles, in terms of their ability to work.
In both cases, when you start wearing a lens it actually embeds the imbalance that’s going on and takes you further away from balance. There are actually lenses you can use, prisms and other techniques like this which can actually move your vision more into balance with the proper guidance and awareness.
I once did a research study where I found that 95% of the people that came to see me were over prescribed, meaning they were wearing a prescription that was way too strong for them. Because the standard test that we use is the eye chart, the 20/20 reading which means 1/3 inch letter at 20 feet. That’s not actually our vision that’s our eyesight. Vision is a dynamic, creative process being in the here and now if we cut to the case.
Robyn: Do you think most people really could, by following your guidelines, reverse their eyesight issues?
Sam: At this point I probably have 5000-7000 test cases of people who have come in, and we’re talking about things like the eye disease world, macular degeneration where we’re losing the center part of our vision and cataracts. We’re very good at reversing early stage cataracts by using different kinds of essential oils and homeopathic eye drops, and glaucoma, which is an increased pressure inside the eye.
The point is, and I heard you say this at the top of the show, that if you can connect somebody to their own biointelligence for healing than you’ve got it. So, what I see with a lot of eye problems is that there’s a starvation going on in the eye tissue for one reason or another and with that lack of nourishment, what happens is the eye tissue starts to change, whether again it’s a more structural issue with refraction or eye disease.
My job is to help people reconnect to their biointelligence for healing and once you do that basically they’ll heal and it doesn’t matter whether it’s their eyes, their hearts, whatever it is. My deal is that I come at it from the eyes and that’s unusual within the eye care field, because we’re trained to look through a lens to detect and look for disease. That’s what we’re trained to do, it’s a narrow lens and there are many others that you can look through.
And what about saying gee I can improve my vision, nobody really talks about that but you see it all the time. You probably see it al the time in your practices where people are ready to make a shift in terms of their health.
Kevin: Absolutely.
Robyn: I love that message, biointelligence for healing. That is so true, just getting back to your own inner nature.
Kevin: The words, GDV biofield analysis was interesting to me. Could you cover some of the modalities that you practice?
Sam: It’s interesting that the retina of the eye is made up of about 135-137 million photo receptors. The job of the retina is to capture the light and the more light we can take in the more we can radiate out and that’s our health and wellness.
A few years back I met a biophysicist from Russia, Constantine Korotkov, who actually developed a biomedical instrument that measured the biophoton discharge that comes off the body, because we are made of photons. I bought this instrument where I could measure the photonic energy that not only comes off the eye but off the body to see energy patterns/imprints that affects what happens to us in gestation, in birth, in bonding, looking at our childhood patterns and seeing how they affect our adult health.
It’s getting back to this mind body medicine and I remember Dr. Korotkov saying that the GDV camera is a way to measure medicine of health, that we’re looking at energetic patterns way before they’re going to show up in the physical body. Now in terms of the eyes, of course, I’m looking at a lot of the acupuncture meridians through this biophoton measurement and the data.
I’m looking to see where the places are in these meridians, where they’re shutdown and it’s affecting things like floaters, cataracts, macular degeneration or glaucoma. I’ve become somewhat of a CSI detective in saying let’s look not only at the physical body but the energetic body also, which is where the action is and then we can apply certain subtle energies to help reverse these imprints that are reducing energy flow in the body.
You know all about this, this is exactly what we do.
Robyn: I’ve seen the GDV and the results you get from that. Where do you take a person from those results, so it looks like you get an auric picture around the body, for everyone to get a general idea? Can you speak to that and how do you apply what you learn in that bioenergetic test to your patients?
Sam: The way the instrument works is it’s basically a digital Kirlian camera where you’re putting each of your fingertips on the camera lens and there’s a high voltage electrical charge that comes through the camera lens, which creates a discharge of energy in each of the fingertips.
Once you’ve collected the fingertip readings, and by the way we use the fingertips because they’re the end points for the 12 major acupuncture meridians, we then through a sophisticated software program can convert those energetic imprints to a whole body, physical, emotional, spiritual energy field picture. We also get data on acupuncture meridians and the chakras.
So Dr. Korotkov has taken Chinese and Ayurvetic medicine and put it together in this software so we can look at the pictures. In terms of how I use this, there are two ways. You commented on my website that I’m doing a lot more workshops, because what I find is when I get into a group dynamic and you become of one mind, the unified field amplifies the healing that goes on and people that can be very ill who come take my workshops, only need to do is be in the energy field. It’s the unified energy field that actually does the healing.
In the one-on-one it’s not quite as easy because you don’t have that field necessarily as present there to support the group. In either case, I’m going over the picture in terms of okay what’s going on? What’s the deepest physical, emotional, spiritual issue that you’re dealing with from a symptom place as well as a cause and factor place? Once we identify those there are certain processes that I take people through that will help them reconnect to their own biointelligence for healing.
There’s this model that says we can regenerate the body and that’s true, we can. What I’m talking about is that if we can create a more fertile, internal environment for nourishment, what we do is create innovation. So an alternate system can be created and we don’t even have to regenerate, which is what I’m seeing more and more, that these alternate systems are occurring because of the internal nourishment that’s created from the processes I’m doing.