<Company Name> <Quarter Ending (i.e. Q3, 2008)
Distributor Performance Metricsv1.3
AUCRule 004: AlbertaTariff Billing Code (v1.4)
Provide: Quarter Ending (i.e. Q3, 2008)
Market Participant Name
Submission Date
<Company Name> <Quarter Ending (i.e. Q3, 2008)
1. distributor – Performance Metrics
1.1Currencyof Tariff Bill File Content
1.2File Completeness
1.3Invalid FileRejections
1.4Invalid File Disputes
Distributors must provide metrics to the AUCaccording to the measurement and reporting protocol stated in Section 2.15 of the code for each of the performance monitoring metrics that are the responsibility of the distributor described inSection 2.14 (Table 2-2) of the code.
Presentation of the quarterly report must reflect the formatting described in the templates in this document. In lieu of an annual report, incremental detail is solicited by metric under the heading Year-End Review.
Quarterly reports, as well as quarterly report supporting data, must be provided to the AUCvia the AUC’s IAR system and must adhere to the following naming conventions:
Quarterly Report: CompanyName_TBCPM_YearQuarter.doc (e.g. FortisAlberta_TBCPM_2008Q3.doc)
Quarterly Report Supporting Data: CompanyName_TBCPM_YearQuarter.xls (e.g. FortisAlberta_TBCPM_2008Q3.xls)
For assistance in using the AUC’s IAR system please contact your company’s regulatory group.
1. distributorPerformance Metrics
1.1Currency of Tariff Bill File Content
Measure:Percentage of all sites with a site production reason code of “2020 – Regular Bill Cycle” published in original tariff bill files, where the number of business days from the current bill period end date for each site to the tariff bill file date created is less than or equal to 8 business days.[1]
Reporting Period:Please state the Quarter Ending(i.e. Q3, 2008)
Target Metric: 95.0%
Actual Results:Must be recorded and displayed as per the table below>
Time Period / Distributor ID / Target / Actual / Variance* / Compliant (Y=Yes/N=No)Month1 / 0020 / 95.0% / 94.0% / -1.0% / N
Month2 / 0020 / 95.0% / 96.0% / +1.0% / Y
Month3 / 0020 / 95.0% / 98.0% / +3.0% / Y
Quarter / 0020 / 95.0% / 96.0% / +1.0% / Y
* Variance will need to be included in the explanation of results section and must represent the difference between the target and actual performance (i.e. if target is a percent, represent variance as a percent; if target is a count, represent the variance as a count. Negative variance represents under performance; Positive variance represents over performance.)
NOTE:Provide supporting data for the table above using the Excel Workbook Template that describes detailed data submission requirements and formatting that must be followed before submitting to the AUC.
Explanation of Results:
Month 1
Please provide appropriate commentary to include but not limited to the following:
- Reason for variance
- Issues encountered
- Trending/patterns/month to month comparison by distributor
- Actions taken by distributor to remedy issues.>
Month 2Refer to above comments>
Month 3Refer to above comments>
QuarterRefer to above comments>
Year-End Review (applies to 4th Quarter report)
<Commentary regarding year end performance>
General comments on reporting template modifications/manual intervention>
1.2File Completeness
Measure:Percentage of all sites assigned to bill cycles transmitted in original tariff bill fileswith a site production reason code of “2020 – Regular Bill Cycle” on their scheduled tariff bill file publish date as stated in the tariff bill calendar file.[2]
Reporting Period:Please state the Quarter Ending (i.e. Q3, 2008)
Target Metric: 98%
Actual Results:Must be recorded and displayed as per the table below>
Time Period / Distributor ID / Target / Actual / Variance* / Compliant (Y=Yes/N=No)Month1 / 0020 / 98.0% / 96.0% / -2.0% / N
Month2 / 0020 / 98.0% / 100.0% / +2.0% / Y
Month3 / 0020 / 98.0% / 98.0% / 0.0% / Y
Quarter / 0020 / 98.0% / 98.0% / 0.0% / Y
* Variance will need to be included in the explanation of results section and must represent the difference between the target and actual performance (i.e. if target is a percent, represent variance as a percent; if target is a count, represent the variance as a count. Negative variance represents under performance; Positive variance represents over performance.)
NOTE:Provide supporting data for the table above using the Excel Workbook Template that describes detailed data submission requirements and formatting that must be followed before submitting to the AUC.
Explanation of Results:
Month 1
Please provide appropriate commentary to include but not limited to the following:
- Reason for variance
- Issues encountered
- Trending/patterns/month to month comparison by distributor
- Actions taken by distributor to remedy issues.>
Month 2Refer to above comments>
Month 3Refer to above comments>
QuarterRefer to above comments>
Year-End Review (applies to 4th Quarter report)
<Commentary regarding year end performance>
General comments on reporting template modifications/manual intervention>
1.3Invalid File Rejections
Measure:Count of TRN (reject) transactions produced by a distributor per retailer per calendar month.
Reporting Period:Please state the Quarter Ending (i.e. Q3, 2008)
Target Metric: 0 TRN (reject) transactionsper retailer per calendar month.
Actual Results:Must be recorded and displayed as per the table below>
Time Period* / Distributor ID / Retailer ID / Target / Count** / Variance*** / Compliant (Y=Yes/N=No)Month1 / 0020 / 999999999 / 0 / 2 / -2 / N
Month1 / 0020 / 999999997 / 0 / 2 / -2 / N
Month2 / 0020 / 999999998 / 0 / 2 / -2 / N
Month3 / 0020 / 999999999 / 0 / 2 / -2 / N
Month3 / 0020 / 999999998 / 0 / 3 / -3 / N
Month3 / 0020 / 999999997 / 0 / 3 / -3 / N
Quarter / 0020 / 999999999 / 0 / 4 / -4 / N
Quarter / 0020 / 999999998 / 0 / 5 / -5 / N
Quarter / 0020 / 999999997 / 0 / 5 / -5 / N
* Disclose unique combinations of Time Periodand Retailer ID.
** Report only the occurrences of TBRs (i.e. do not report 0 counts).
*** Variance will need to be included in the explanation of results section and must represent the difference between the target and actual performance (i.e. if target is a percent, represent variance as a percent; if target is a count, represent the variance as a count. Negative variance represents under performance; Positive variance represents over performance.)
NOTE:Provide supporting data for the table above using the Excel Workbook Template that describes detailed data submission requirements and formatting that must be followed before submitting to the AUC.
Explanation of Results:
Month 1
Please provide appropriate commentary to include but not limited to the following:
- Reason for variance
- Issues encountered
- Trending/patterns/month to month comparison by distributor
- Actions taken by distributor to remedy issues.>
Month 2Refer to above comments>
Month 3Refer to above comments>
QuarterRefer to above comments>
Year-End Review (applies to 4th Quarter report)
<Commentary regarding year end performance>
General comments on reporting template modifications/manual intervention>
1.4Invalid File Disputes
Measure:Count of TBD transactions that have been rejected by a distributor per retailer per calendar month.
Reporting Period:Please state the Quarter Ending (i.e. Q3, 2008)
Target Metric: 0 rejected TBDs per retailer per calendar month.
Actual Results:Must be recorded and displayed as per the table below>
Time Period* / Distributor ID / Retailer ID / Target / Count** / Variance*** / Compliant(Y=Yes/N=No)Month1 / 0020 / 999999999 / 0 / 2 / -2 / N
Month1 / 0020 / 999999997 / 0 / 2 / -2 / N
Month2 / 0020 / 999999998 / 0 / 2 / -2 / N
Month3 / 0020 / 999999999 / 0 / 2 / -2 / N
Month3 / 0020 / 999999998 / 0 / 3 / -3 / N
Month3 / 0020 / 999999997 / 0 / 3 / -3 / N
Quarter / 0020 / 999999999 / 0 / 4 / -4 / N
Quarter / 0020 / 999999998 / 0 / 5 / -5 / N
Quarter / 0020 / 999999997 / 0 / 5 / -5 / N
* Disclose unique combinations of TimePeriod and Retailer ID.
** Report only the occurrences of TBDs (i.e. do not report 0 counts).
*** Variance will need to be included in the explanation of results section and must represent the difference between the target and actual performance (i.e. if target is a percent, represent variance as a percent; if target is a count, represent the variance as a count. Negative variance represents under performance; Positive variance represents over performance.)
NOTE:Provide supporting data for the table above using the Excel Workbook Template that describes detailed data submission requirements and formatting that must be followed before submitting to the AUC.
Explanation of Results:
Month 1
Please provide appropriate commentary to include but not limited to the following:
- Reason for variance
- Issues encountered
- Trending/patterns/month to month comparison by distributor
- Actions taken by distributor to remedy issues.>
Month 2Refer to above comments>
Month 3Refer to above comments>
QuarterRefer to above comments>
Year-End Review (applies to 4th Quarter report)
<Commentary regarding year end performance>
General comments on reporting template modifications/manual intervention>
1 • Distributor Performance Metrics (AUCRule 004)
[1]Distributors are exempt from including sites belonging to a seasonal bill cycle (i.e. irrigation) and sites dependent on transmission tariff information from the ISO when reporting their performance for this metric.
[2]Distributors are exempt from including sites belonging to a seasonal bill cycle (i.e. irrigation) and sites dependent on transmission tariff information from the ISO when reporting their performance for this metric.