HNC3O Fashion Careers Summative #1

Due May 30th, 2012

R. Collishaw

Careers in the Fashion Industry

You will investigate 3 careers in the fashion industry, one from each category.

Research each career using your textbook, career cruising and other sources. Complete the worksheets for each career. You will give an analysis of whether you would or would not enjoy that career. You must also be able to answer the key question in each category.

Retail industry
Possible careers: sales, management, buyers, entrepreneur, franchise, marketing, visual merchandising, event planning
Key Question:
Explain the challenges and rewards of the retail industry.
Textiles and sewing
Possible careers: labelling, regulations, developing new textiles, designing, finishing, sourcing, craftsperson, tailor, dressmaker, upholstering, inspection, layout
Key Question:
What are the agencies and regulations that govern textile production?
Society and Global Connections
Possible careers: modelling, media, magazine editor, journalist, photography, graphic designer, costume design, image consultant, fashion designer, factory work, trade associations, unions, investment, colour forecaster, publicist
Key Question:
How does the fashion industry influence society? How does society influence the fashion industry?
Overall Course Expectations
The Apparel Industry
●identify occupational opportunities in the fashion field;
●demonstrate an understanding of the nature and evolution of the fashion retailing industry;
●identify the agencies and regulations that influence the production and labelling of apparel and textiles;
●analyse the impact of the clothing industry on society, and societal influences on the clothing industry;
Research and Inquiry Skills
●use appropriate social science research methods in the investigation of topics related to fashion, clothing, and textiles;
●use a variety of print and electronic sources in conducting research;
●correctly use terminology associated with fashion, clothing, and textiles;
●communicate the results of their inquiries effectively.

Retail Industry

Career Chosen: ______

Job Description: Give a summary in your own words of this job

Training: What is necessary? What is advised? How can this affect earnings? What schools offer training? What time and financial commitments are necessary? What training would you pursue if you were to enter this career?

Working Conditions and Skills:

What are the challenges and rewards of this career, financial and otherwise? What personal qualities, skills and attributes are required? Do you possess these? Give examples to explain why this career is or is not suited to you.

Textiles and Sewing

Career Chosen: ______

Job Description: Give a summary in your own words of this job

Training: What is necessary? What is advised? How can this affect earnings? What schools offer training? What time and financial commitments are necessary? What training would you pursue if you were to enter this career?

Working Conditions and Skills: What are the challenges and rewards of this career, financial and otherwise? What personal qualities, skills and attributes are required? Do you possess these? Give examples to explain why this career is or is not suited to you.

Key Question:

What are the agencies and regulations that you need to be aware of in this career? How would they affect you?

Society and Global Connections

Career Chosen: ______

Job Description: Give a summary in your own words of this job

Training: What is necessary? What is advised? How can this affect earnings? What schools offer training? What time and financial commitments are necessary? What training would you pursue if you were to enter this career?

Working Conditions and Skills: What are the challenges and rewards of this career, financial and otherwise? What personal qualities, skills and attributes are required? Do you possess these? Give examples to explain why this career is or is not suited to you.

Key Question:

How can you influence society in this career ? How can society influence this career?

Fashion Careers Summative Project Rubric

Criteria / Re-do (0-50%) / Level 1 (50-60) / Level 2 (60-70) / Level 3 (70-80) / Level 4 (80-90)
Accurately identifies opportunities in the fashion field / Identifies no opportunities in the fashion field / Accurately identifies few opportunities in the fashion field / Accurately identifies some opportunities in the fashion field / Accurately identifies opportunities in the fashion field / Accurately identifies suitable opportunities in the fashion field. Original choices.
Marks – 10 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Demonstrates understanding of the the apparel industry: retail, regulations and society. / Demonstrates no understanding of the the apparel industry: retail, regulations and society. / Demonstrates limited understanding of the the apparel industry: retail, regulations and society. / Demonstrates some understanding of the the apparel industry: retail, regulations and society. / Demonstrates understanding of the the apparel industry: retail, regulations and society. / Demonstrates detailed understanding of the the apparel industry: retail, regulations and society.
Marks – 10 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Careers are well-researched and chosen to reflect self. / No or inappropriate research evident with no regard to self. / Limited research evident and little self self-awareness. / Careers are somewhat researched with some self-awareness. / Careers are well-researched and chosen to reflect self / Careers are thoroughly researched and insightfully reflect self
Marks – 10 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Writing is clear and proof-read and includes all required information / Writing is unclear, not proof-read, or missing significant information / Writing has limited clarity, little proof reading, content may be inappropriate / Writing is somewhat clear, some proof reading, includes most information / Writing is clear, proof read and includes all required information / Writing is clear and interesting, thoroughly proof read and includes detailed information.
Marks – 10 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Demonstrates self-awareness and applies skills and attributes to fashion careers. / Demonstrates insufficient self-awareness and does not connect self to fashion careers. / Demonstrates limited self-awareness and applies few skills and attributes to fashion careers. / Demonstrates some self-awareness and applies some skills and attributes to fashion careers. / Demonstrates self-awareness and applies skills and attributes to fashion careers. / Demonstrates deep self- awareness and applies skills and attributes to fashion careers insightfully.
Marks – 10 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Total Marks / /50