TO:Honors Program Committee

Steve Beyerlein, Chair John Foltz

Stacy CampAlton Campbell, Director

Allan CaplanRobin Baker, HSAB Co-President

Dale GradenKelly Deobald, HSAB Co-President

Jennifer LadinoChris Price

Sanjay Sisodiya

RE:Jan. 29, 2014Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 10:33a.m. by Steve Beyerlein, with the following members present: Steve Beyerlein, John Foltz, Jennifer Ladino, Dale Graden, Allan Caplan,Robin Baker, Alton Campbell, and Chris Price.

Stacy Camp and Sanjay Sisodiya were absent.


  • Welcome and Introductions: Chair Beyerlein welcomed everyone.
  • Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB): HSAB Co-President Robin Baker reported that HSAB met for dinner at Gambino’s to recap fall semester and finalizeplans for spring semester. They have two service events planned (making Valentines for a retirement home and a Food Drive) and are organizing a Trivia Night and Open Mic Nightfor Vandal Friday.
  • Honors Program Update:
  • Alton: Alton will continue as 80% Director of Honors and 20% Pre-Med/Pre-Health Advisor until June 30, 2014 when a pre-health adviser is expected to be hired.
  • Presidential Scholars and Fellows Program: An email was sent to all honors applicants and admitted students informing them of this distinction and award.
  • Update on Recruiting/Retention:
  • One hundred and six students have been admitted for the 2014/15 academic year
  • Three hundred and eighty-five students are enrolled for the Spring 2014 semester
  • Draft Honors Events Annual Calendar (attachment): Alton highlighted some upcoming events and noted that some dates are still to be determined.
  • Draft Honors Courses for Fall 2014 (attachment): Alton noted that we are still waiting to hear from a few departments to confirm some offerings. We hope to offer one more class for Fall 14 than we offered for Fall 13.
  • Presentations and Fast Facts for Faculty and Department Meetings: Alton has developed a presentation for faculty department meetings to provide an overview of the honors program, how the honors program can assist departments in recruiting and providing scholarships for top students, and for advising honors students. It was suggested that he consider working with Deans to present at college meetings for a larger audience and more efficient coverage.
  • Facilities: Alton urged thecommittee members to look at the new student photos on display in the Honors Office. The photos were taken by Phil Vukelich and Cooper Atkinson, both honors students.
  • Lounge: Alton re-affirmed the decision to release room 327 (the large student lounge).
  • Cultural Trip to Seattle: Students are planning a trip over Labor Day weekend which will likely comprise 12 incoming students and 2 upper class students as leaders.
  • Marketing Intern: We have a student working with us to develop ideas and text for the web page, brochure and other materials that will increase campus awareness and group identity for Honors.
  • Honors Video: A group of four student volunteers are creating a video for Vandal Friday, Honors Orientation, and the Honors web page. Steve Beyerlein suggested that the Video Production Center be consulted for assistance with this project.
  • Honors Upper Division Seminar Proposal (attachment): Bill Smith, Director of International Studies, submitted a seminar proposal to be taught Fall 14.

Discussion:The members agreed that the proposal and class should be accepted. However; there was a feelingthat the title for the course should be modified, and Alton will follow-up with Bill.

  • Honors Graduation/Commencement Ceremony:A student focus group discussed the current format of this event and suggested additions and changes they would like to see as listed below:
  • Add more prestige to the event
  • Get more students involved and encourage moreattendance
  • Specify suggested dress for the event
  • Create a slide show picturing students and activities
  • Have students invite a faculty/staff mentor
  • Provide Honors cords for all students who receive Core Awards and Certificates and also for those who graduateas active members. Ask Provost Aiken to present the Honors Cords.


John Foltz and Steve Beyerlein suggested acknowledging non-seniors in the program. Consider having students display research posters in the lobby or during the reception. Dale Garden suggested asking student to submit 5 great pictures. Allan Caplan suggested “spontaneous interviews.”

  • ConceptProposal for an Honors Thesis/Research Option:


Alton proposed the concept for an optional honors thesis/research project to gauge whether the committee would be interested in his developing a formal detailed proposal. The honors thesis/research project would encourage more students to be involved in research and in-depth projects and would also develop their writing and presentation skills. John Foltz suggested that there be a set of common requirements. Steve Beyerlein suggested a checklist approach; and the student could choose perhaps five components to complete. John Foltz said the focus should be on making the student add to their knowledge base and stretch themselves. The key, according to Foltz, would be to define the value to the student and to the program. Steve Beyerlein asked what students would receive for doing this – what is the incentive? Alton suggested that students completingan Honors Thesis/Research project might receive a Certificate with “Distinction,” but this would need to be discussed further among the committee and approved by the Registrar’s Office. Steve also suggested that a workshop on research methodology and writing in the disciplinemight be offered to students. He emphasized that the students would need to propose and gain approval for a research plan. He also suggested a peer review element be incorporated. Jennifer Ladino said that there are already so many expectationson seniors that this might be overload if it was on top of everything else. Dale Graden commented that the History Department already has this type of research option and has tried many of these same ideas. His concern was that students may want to replicate (double dip) a capstone project they used in their major department; and Dale thought an Honors Thesis/Researchproposal should require more. John Foltz thought that there was no real problem with double dipping and perhaps should be encouraged IF the required extra expectations were clear.Allan Caplan thought that the proposal as currently discussed, seemed to be targeted towards the Humanities and would like to see what the expectations for a student in the Sciences would look like. John Foltz suggested that Alton proceed with writing a formal draft proposal and bring it to the committee for comments.

  • Next meeting Wednesday, March 5th, 10:30 a.m., room 315 UI Commons
  • 11:32 meeting adjourned