These are low cost games that could be arranged around a hall, with prizes of chocolates, lolly pops or other small gifts for winners. Alternatively, winners could receive tickets and use their tickets to claim a prize. To help cover costs, you could charge for the children to try certain challenges.
1. Quick Sort
Equipment: Shape shorter, stopwatch
Challenge: Get all the shapes into the container in 30 seconds
2. Target Toss
Equipment: Chalk or masking tape, bean ball
Instruction: Draw a circle (10pts on outside, 20 pts for inner circle
and 50 pts for centre target)
Challenge: Stand 3 feet away. Toss the ball 2x to get 100pts
3. Pin the flame on the candle
Equipment: A picture of a candle on the wall
Instruction: Blind fold player and give them the ‘flame’. Spin them
around a few times.
Challenge: Player gets 3 tries to pin the flame in the right place
Variation: Use picture in line with your theme (eg Heart, cross, star)
4. Guess how many
Equipment: A container filled with something
Challenge: Guess how many then write down your guess on the sheet,(the winner to be announced during get together time)
Variation: How many balloons are in the hall, How many lollipops in the container, how many washers in the jar etc
5. Quoits
Equipment: Quoits set or make your own
Challenge: Get 3 hoops on stick to win a prize
6. Skittles
Equipment: Skittles and ball
Challenge: Get a strike to win a prize
Variation: Use dominos and marbles
Rockets made from soda bottles and a tennis ball
7. Shot Put roll
Equipment: Heavy ball such as a shot put or Bowling ball
Instruction: Draw circles with scores and a line 5-8m away
Challenge: Roll balls from behind a line and try to get them to stop in a specific circle or to add up to a certain score.
8. Apple box bounce
Equipment: Apple box, inner tray, hoop, tennis ball
Instruction: Spray some dents of the inner tray yellow
Challenge: Bounce the ball in the hoop so it bounces into the box and lands on a yellow hole.
9. Swing bulls eye
Equipment: Tyre hung on a soccer goal
Challenge: Kick ball through tyre, (swing tyre to make it harder)
10. Grab the loot
Equipment: Elastic or bungy cord, ‘loot’ (lollies or whatever)
Instruction: Tie cord to something firm (a tree or other anchor), make loop at the other end for the challenger to hold. Place ‘loot’ at a distance.
Challenge: Stretch the cord to try and get the loot
11. Mousetrap
Equipment: Mousetraps, ping pong balls
Challenge: Players throw ping pong balls to try to snap the traps.
12. Mini golf challenges
Equipment: Jars, boxes, ramps etc, golf ball, golf club
Challenge: Put the ball up the ramp and into the jar or box
13. CD smash
Equipment: CD’s threaded on a string and hung on a line
Challenge: Throw soft ball from a distance to try and hit CD’s
14. Tower Power
Equipment: Blocks or anything that stacks
Challenge: Stack the blocks 1 metre high in 15 seconds without it falling.
Variation: Have two children challenge each other to see who stacks the highest before the buzzer goes off.
The ‘loser’ faces the ‘wet sponge’ board (see No 19)
15. Marble tunnels
Equipment: Marbles, a container with holes for marbles to go in
Challenge: Roll marbles towards the container to try and get into the ‘target hole’.
Variation: You can make this fancy (like a small version of miniature golf), or simple (using cardboard boxes with holes).
16. Toss madness
Equipment: Chalk or masking tape, bean ball
Instruction: Draw a square, with another inside and another inside
that. The outside square = 10pts, the inner square = 20pts top and bottom, 0 pts left and right, the target = 50pts)
Challenge: Throw ball 3x to get 80 pts (no more, no less).
Variation: Adjust the points and the score to make it easier or harder.
17. Boat race
Equipment: Spouting filled with water, polystyrene boat
Challenge: Blow the boat from one end to another in 10 seconds
Variation: Place two pieces of spouting side by side and have two children race each other.
18. Treasure Hunt
Equipment: Clam shell sandpit, sand, ‘treasure’ (like chocolate, candy, party favours wrapped in gold paper, ‘fake treasure’ (like plastic dinosaurs, rocks wrapped in coloured paper).
Challenge: Use a teaspoon to find 5 pieces of treasure in 30 sec.
19. Sponge Throw
Equipment: Draw a cartoon character on a board. Cut out the face
to leave a hole for someone to fit their face into.
Instructions: Don’t paint with tempura! Have towels ready!
Challenge: Throw a sponge (wet or dry) to hit the person’s face.
Variation: Use a large piece of plastic with a hole, or wrap someone in plastic (apart from their head).
20. Chocolate Checkers
Equipment: Checker board, milk and dark chocolate buttons
Instructions: Set up the checker board as usual, but instead of
checker pieces, you place white chocolate buttons on one side and dark chocolate buttons on the other.
Challenge: Play checkers and eat the chocolate you win.
Variation: Have some chocolate and some plastic buttons.
21. Treat or Challenge
Equipment: A spinner, large or small, with equal portions divided
around it. On each portion write a treat or a challenge, eg. You win a chocolate bar, spend 5min in the sponge throw (see No 19), run around the hall 3x, recite a poem or memory verse, No Win, Free drink, try again etc. Decorate each portion.
Challenge: Spin the wheel and see what you win.
Variation: For more intimate groups this could be used as a truth or dare game, or a bible memory test. Have one stand, and spinning wheel, but different faces.
22. Frog Tiddlywinks
Equipment: Make a frog using a balloon and paper mache. (Blow up the balloon. Draw two large circles for eyes and a larger one for the mouth. Use toilet paper/paper towels and pva to paste about 4 layers onto the balloon, avoiding the eyes and mouth. Allow to dry. Pop the balloon.)
Challenge: Use round counters (tiddlywinks) and try to flick them into the frog’s mouth.
Variation. See this link for how to make a frog and put a spinner on top for a balancing game.
23. Rocket catapult
Equipment: Take a large piece of cardboard and cut a hole in the centre. Decorate it. Stand it up using cardboard stands.
Make cardboard rockets (about 5cm high)
Attach a thick rubber band to a launching platform using thumb tacs.
Challenge: Pull back the rubber band, place the rocket in the centre and try to get it through the hole.
Variation: The hole could be a large round pvc pipe, an animal shape made out of paper machet or other ‘hole’. The projectile could be a small soft ball, a ping pong ball, etc. See pics at
24. Balloon hit
Equipment: A large sheet of heavy cardboard or mdf board. A row of balloons blown up only 30% and strung in a line. Make 3 or 4 lines of balloons. A dart.
Challenge: Throw the dart to pop the balloon and win a prize.
(for safety make sure the tips aren’t sharp. It will also make the task more difficult.)
25. Balloon squirt
Equipment: Tie blown up balloons to a string between two poles.
Spray bottle with coloured water.
Challenge: Children squirt the balloons with spray bottles from a certain distance.
Comment: This is best outside so the water doesn’t make a mess and the wind makes it more difficult!
26. Maze Race
Equipment: Set up a maze or obstacle course to make tunnels and false turns etc.
Challenge: Handicap the racer by tying their feet together with a stocking or one hand behind their back and time them to get to the end.
Variation: Blindfold them and have a partner call our directions.
27. Muffin tray roll
Equipment: Muffin tray, cardboard, small ball
Instruction: Tape the cardboard to one end of the muffin tray to form a ramp. Fill each cup in the muffin tin with candies or small prizes.
Challenge: Each guest gets three tries to roll a Ping-Pong or other small ball up the ramp and into the muffin tin.
28. Can stack
Equipment: Cans. Soft ball.
Instruction: Stack cans in a pyramid shape. Four on the bottom, then three on top of that, then two, then one.
Challenge: Throw the ball and try to topple all the cans.
Variation: Use stacks of blocks or other items.
29. Paper plane target
Equipment: Paper plane, hoola hoop or bucket or other ‘hole’ for a target.
Instruction: Set up the bucket or hoop or circle approximately 5 m away from the ‘launch’ point.
Challenge: The child makes their paper plane and then must throw it through the target hoop or into the bucket.
30. Bottle target
Equipment: Soda bottles, plastic rings, cardboard
Instruction: Brightly decorate bottles and stick to cardboard so they don’t fall over. Place far enough apart that the hoop can go over the top without getting stuck.
Challenge: Throw the plastic ring over the soda bottle.
Variation: Three rings successfully gets a prize or place the bottles in a certain shape. Paint the bottles colours to represent prizes or put pictures of the prizes on the bottle. Put a scripture on the bottle and the child has to look up the scripture to find their prize!
FOR MORE GREAT IDEAS (and even pictures!) SEE: