East Coast accessibility experts: update 15 Nov 2016
Why We do What we Do
What can we do for you
Who can we help
Building Works
What changes do I need in my home?
How can I change what I am getting?
How do I pay for my service?
We want to hear from you
Government Report
Can we cancel your service?
Can you cancel your service?
Do you smoke?
Do you own a dog?
Your Rights and Responsibilities
We will keep your information private
Tell us if you are not happy
Bring someone to help you
Contact Details
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- You are the focus
- You arean individual and have different needs determined by age, gender, cultural background and life circumstances;
- Youhave a right to make choices in your life;
- You have a right to be treated with dignity, respect, privacy and confidentiality;
- You have a right to access supports on a non-discriminatory basis;
- The Community has a right to expect East Coast Accessibility Experts to be an accountable service
East Coast Accessibility Experts provides threesupport services to you and carers in the Coffs Harbour LGA region.
East Coast Accessibility Experts provides minor modification and maintenance supports to frail aged people, younger people with disabilities and their carers to assist them to continue living independently at home. This includes:
- Minor modification installation to support your independence in your personal care activities, such as showering,by installing grabrails and handheld showers
- Maintenance in and around the home where you need it
- Assistance in the yard, such as lawn mowing
- Major modification installation to support you at home, such as, and not limited to, bathroom modifications, kitchen modification, ramps, lifts
East Coast Accessibility Experts can provide a discount if you are:
- Living in the community and have an ongoing functional disability that impacts on your capacity to live independently or
- Are a carer of an eligible person.
- Fee Schedule and discounts applied are as follows:
Minor Modification and Low Level Maintenance fees are subsidised based on the Government Fees Framework for work carried out under $10,000, as below:
Band 1 (full pension) / 70% of total costBand 2 (part pension or low income) / 75% of total cost
Band 3 (no pension and medium income) / 85% of total cost
Band 4 (no pension and high income) / 95% of total cost
- You will need to completean income assessment
- East Coast Accessibility Experts will run through this with you at the time of assessment.
- You are asked to advise us of any changes in income within 30 days of the change.
- Contact the Client Liaison + Admin Assistant on 6651 2143 to discuss payment options
Paying your fees, You must tell us
- If you need to change your payment plan.
- We do appreciate your feedback
- We give you a stamped addressed envelope making it easier for you to return it to us
- Government would like to know how services support people in their homes and communities.
- You will be asked to give information for this purpose only, includingyour gender, postcode, suburb, state, age and birth date, whether you identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Your Name and Address will not be passed on.
- If you move away from our service area
- You move into a hostel or nursing home
- Another agency provides you with the service
- You no longer require support
- Your behaviour is not appropriate towards staff/contractors
- You have the right to refuse or cancel your service at any time.
- If you do refuse services you can reapply for it at a later date.
- You will be assessed again and services provided will be subject to availability.
- Our staff will not smoke in your home.
- We ask you not to smoke when ourstaff memberis in your home.
- Make sure that your dog, other than an assistive dog, is restrained whilst our staff members are in your home.
- Our staff and contractors are instructed to leave a home if your dog is not restrained.
Your rights are:
- You will be treated and accepted as an individual, and have your individual preferences respected
- You will be treated with dignity, and your privacy respected
- You will receive a service that is respectful of you, your family and home
- You will receive services without being obliged to feel grateful to those providing your service
- You have full and effective use of all your human, legal and consumer rights, including the right to freedom of speech regarding your service
- You will be treated without exploitation, abuse, discrimination, harassment or neglect.
- You will be involved in identifying the service most appropriate for your needs
- You will choose the service that best meets your assessed needs,
- You will participate in making decisions that affect you
- You can have your representative participate in decisions relating to your services if you do not have capacity.
- You will receive reliable, coordinated, safe, quality service which is appropriate to your assessed needs
- You will receive services as described in the plan that takes account of your lifestyle, other service arrangements and cultural, linguistic and religious preferences
- We will carry out ongoing review of the support you receive
Your Personal Information
- We will maintain privacy and confidentiality of your personal information
- You have access to your personal information.
Talk With Us
- You will be helped to understand any information you are given
- You will be given a copy of the Charter of Rights and Responsibilities for Community Care
- You will be offered a written agreement that includes all agreed matters
- You can choose a person to speak on your behalf for any purpose
- Your fees will be determined in a way that is transparent, accessible and fair
- You will receive invoices that are clear and in a format that is understandable
- You can have your fees reviewed periodically, and on request when there are changes to your financial circumstances
- You will not be denied services because of your inability to pay a fee forreasons beyond yourcontrol, this will also be determined by service available resources and guidelines.
Your responsibilities are:
- You will respect the human, legal and industrial rights of East Coast Accessibility Experts staff and contractors including the right to work in a safe environment
- You will treat East Coast Accessbility Experts staff and contractors without exploitation, abuse, discrimination or harassment
- You will abide by the terms of the written agreement
- You will acknowledge that your needs may change, and you will negotiate modifications of service, when your needs do change
- You will accept responsibility for your own actions, and choices even though some actions, and choices may involve an element of risk.
Talk To Us
- You will give enough information to assist the East Coast Accessibility Expertsto develop, deliver and review your service plan
- You will tell East Coast Accessibility Expertsabout any problems you may have with the service.
Can We Come In To Do Our Work?
- You will allow safe and reasonable entry to your home for staff and contractors, at the times specified in your service plan or otherwise by agreement
- You will provide reasonable notice if you do not require services.
- You will pay any fee as specified in the service plan or negotiate an alternative arrangement with East Coast Accessibility Experts if any changes occur in your financial circumstances
- You will provide enough information for East Coast Accessibility Experts to determine an appropriate level of fee.
To ensure your privacy:
- Your files and other information are securely stored
- We only collect information about you that is relevant to the provision of service and we explain to you why we collect the information and what we use it for
- We seek consent from you to provide your records to government officials (or their delegates) in the conduct of quality reviews or the investigation of complaints.
- We advise you that these individuals are required to keep all information accessed through this process confidential
- Your consent to share personal information can be withdrawn at any time by you
- You can ask to see the information that we keep about you and are you will be supported to access this information if requested. You can nominate a representative to look atyour records held by East Coast Accessibility Experts.
- East Coast Accessibility Expertswould like you to provide feedback on the service we provide. This assists us to better meet your needs and to plan for the future.
- If you are unhappy with any of the services you receive, please let us know.
- Any complaint will be treated in confidence and will not affect the quality of service you receive
Complaints Procedure
- You are encouraged to raise your complaint with the staff member/contractor concerned if you feel comfortable to do so.
- If you are not happy to discuss the issue with the staff member/contractor or are not satisfied with the outcome you can contact the Works Supervisor. Use an advocate to assist you. Phone numbers are:
- CEO and Works SupervisorP: 6651 2143
- If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved you can submit your complaint in writing to: CEO, East Coast Accessibility Experts, PO Box 1436,Coffs HarbourNSW2450
- We are happy to assist you with this if you phone the office.
- If you are unhappy with the CEO’s decision you may wish to place your complaint in writing to East Coast Accessibility Experts, Chairperson, PO Box 1436, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450.
- If you are unhappy with the Board’s decision you may wish to contact someone outside of Home Modification and Maintenance Servicesuch as one of the advocacy and external complaints contacts listed over the page.
- Once your complaint has been finalised someone from East Coast Accessibility Experts will be in touch to make sure you still feel comfortable to access services and to ask for your feedback on the complaint process.
- You have a right to use an advocate of your choice to negotiate on your behalf with East Coast Accessibility Experts.
- This may be a family member, friend or advocacy service.
- A list of advocacy services is provided below. We can help you contact a service if you like.
What is an Advocate?
- An advocate is a person who, with your authority represents your interests.
- Advocates may be used during assessments, reviews, and complaints or for any other communication between you and East Coast Accessibility Experts.
Appointing an Advocate
- If you wish to appoint an advocate let us know in writing, the name of the person you wish to be your advocate.
- You can use the form - Authority to Act as an Advocate.
- You can change your advocate at any time using the Authority to Act as an Advocate form.
The Aged Care Complaints Scheme is a free service available to anyone who wishes to provide information or raise a complaint or concern about an Australian Government funded aged care service, including residential aged care homes, community aged care packages and flexible care. / Phone:1800 550 552 (an online complaints form is available)
Postal: Aged Care Complaints Scheme, C/- Department of Health and Ageing GPO Box 9848 in your capital city
National Disability Insurance Scheme /
National Disability Insurance Agency /
P. 1800 800 110 (Monday – Friday)
NSW Ombudsman
available to investigate complaints community service providers and licensed service or staff of the service. The Ombudsman can also inquire into major issues affecting clients and services. /
P: 02 92861000; 1800 451 524 (regional)
F. 02 9283 2911; TTY 02 9264 8050
TIS 131 450 (Interpreter)
Level 24, 580 George Street, Sydney
Commonwealth Ombudsman /
P. 1300 362 072
Physical Address:Postal Address:
Unit 12, Lot 5 Druitt Court, PO Box 1436
Coffs Harbour.Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Phone: (02) 6651 2143Fax: (02) 6652 9430
Office Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
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