7th SGA General Body Meeting
Monday, April 18, 2015
5:00-6:00 pm, 2W11
Welcome and IntroductionsHannah Gutjahr, SGA President
End of Semester Items Ms. Theresa Washington and Dean Schafer
- Budget
- Annual evaluation and recommendation report
- Due to Dean Schafer by May 6th
- Will be posted on SGA website under associate group
- Red and White cords were selected for SGA and SGA-supported groups
- Purchase at SMC Campus Center Bookstore from Jennifer Stevens () Deadline: April 22nd - $15
- Student, field, and faculty awards
- Macro- Amanda Miller and Porsche Johnson
- Clinical- Kenneth Gray
- Field Education- Tracie Doherty and William Hebert
- Student speaker
- Kenneth Gray
- Extra Tickets
- Will be handed out May 9th if any are available
Leadership for SGA and SGA-supported groups
- All positions are still open for SGA executive board
- Hope to gain to gain interest by planning recruitment fair, comprehensive db post, talking in classes
- President
- Vice President
- Recording Secretary
- Corresponding Secretary
- Treasurer
- Ongoing leadership for groups
- Contact the Corresponding Secretary, Valeria, to post DB post about leadership positions
Campus to Career Events
- Alumni Resume Review – Month of May
- Networking Event – Tuesday, May 17th at 5:30 – 7:30 PM in Pratt St Ale House
USGA ReportElizabeth KonKolics, USGA Primary Senator
- Check out ALL the UMB activities by o your calendars.
- You can also post any events you would like to advertise!
- April 21 12PM-1PM - Puppy Love in the SMC
- April 22 11:30AM-2PM- Halai on the Nursing Lawn
- Bring a piece of clothing or toiletry for the Spring Grove Psychiatric Hospital
- Enjoy free food, games, and music
- April 22 7PM-11PM - Rock the Smokeout—Battle of the Bands
- Pickles Pub $3 for UMB students
Upcoming Events
- LASO will be hosting an End of the Year Social on May 13th
- CAN is having a Food Tour on April 26th 4pm to 5 pm at the Hollins Market
- There will be a Movie Screening of a Black Panthers film on May 2nd from 12 PM to 1:45 PM
- AOWG is hosting an Anti-Racism Panel with alumni at 12:30 PM
- The Office of Student Services and the Diversity and Anti Oppression Committee is showing Live Young Bloods documentary, film screening on April 25th from 12:10 PM to 2 pm
- I heart UMB Day is on Friday, April 29thfrom 11 AM - 2 PM
- There will be a Coloring Contest on April 25th at the Student Center
Open Discussion/Closing
- Goals for next year?
- Start thinking for the next meeting!
- Alternative Spring Break
- Leadership Retreat for Student Leaders
- Class Gift for next week
- Books Scholarships and Keurig
- Hopeful everyone will contribute to our class gift!
- Google Calendar
- We are hopeful that next year, student groups will utilize the Google calendar to post their upcoming events
Final SGA meeting will be held on Monday, May 2th at 5:00 PM in Room 2W11