E X E M P T U T I L I T Y S H E D P L A C E M E N T & P E R M I T T I N G


Sheds less than 200 square feet in size do not require a building permit but the following requirements must be met. Note that these regulations are not applicable to pergolas, gazebos, greenhouses and the like.

· Regardless of size, no structure can be placed on or project over an easement. All exempt sheds must be depicted on the site plan on file in the City Building Department.

· Sheds less than 200 square feet and not on a permanent foundation, i.e. slab or footing, shall meet all setback requirements on the side or rear of the lot, excluding corner lots.

· The typical setbacks are 5 feet for the side yards and 8 feet for the rear. Easements override all setbacks. Corner lots have different setback requirements. Contact the Planning Department to confirm setbacks in your zoning district and if you have a corner lot. The shed can be no closer than 6-feet to the home without special construction methods.

Sheds 200 square feet and greater require a building permit and all setbacks must be met.

After you decide how large you would like the shed and the location feel free to follow-up with any questions.

Community and Economic Development Department: 967-5902