Bill of Rights

The ___________ ___ ______________ is made up of the first 10

amendments of the Constitution. These amendments were passed in _____________ to guarantee each citizen’s _____________ rights.

Amendment 1:

v Congress can’t set up an official national _______________

· guaranteed religious freedom

v Guaranteed the freedom of __________________

· people are free to question the government, express their opinions, etc.

· This freedom does not include ________________(saying a lie meant to damage another person’s reputation)

v Guaranteed the freedom of the ____________________

· This freedom does not include _________________ (slander which is published)

· Printing things that would endanger the nation or the public is also forbidden.

v Guaranteed the right to peaceably ________________.

v Guaranteed the right to _______________ the government to correct a wrongful situation.

Amendment 2: Right to _______________ ________________

Amendment 3: Prevented the forced quartering of troops within private homes.

v Applies in times of ___________________.

Amendment 4: _________________ and Seizure

v Search warrants must be issued by a judge in order to search a home.

v For a judge to issue a warrant, _______________ cause must be shown.

v Specific locations and items to be searched must be listed on the warrant.

Amendment 5: Rights of Persons Accused of a Crime

v No one can be tried for a major ______________ unless they are charged by a _______________ jury.

v Citizens are also protected from _______________ jeopardy.

1. being tried ______________ for the same crime.

v No one can be imprisoned, executed without ___________ process.

v No one can be forced to testify against _________________ in court.

Amendment 6: Right to a Fair and _______________ Trial

v Accused has the right to have their case heard by an _______________ jury in the state and district where the crime occurred.

v Accused has the right to be informed of the _____________ charges, so they can prepare a proper defense.

v Accused must be present at trial and have the right to _______________ witnesses.

v Accused may call witnesses to _________________ on their behalf.

v Accused has the right to be represented by a ________________, even during questioning about the crime.

Amendment 7: Trial by Jury in Civil Suits

v In the case of a civil suit involving more than __________ dollars, the case may be tried by jury.

Amendment 8: _____________ and __________________________

v Both bail amounts and _____________________ must fit the crime.

v Punishments may not be cruel and unusual.

Amendment 9: _________________ Reserved to the People

v This amendment made sure that it was made clear that people’s ________________ listed in the Constitution were not people’s _______________ rights.

Amendment 10: Powers Reserved to the ______________________

v All powers not specifically given to the __________________ government or specifically forbidden to the states, are __________________ to the states or the people.