Nevada Academic Content Standards- Resource Page
The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.
CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: RL.4.3-Describein depth a character,setting, or event in astoryordrama, drawingon specific details inthe text (e.g., acharacter’sthoughts, words, oractions).
R.CCR.3 Analyzehowand whyindividuals, events,and ideas develop and interact over the courseofatext. / Questions to FocusLearning
Howdo specific details in astoryor dramadevelop the narrative elements? Howdo thesedetails enhancethe overall storyor drama?
Understandingthe characters, setting, andevents in astoryor dramahelp the readers to see relationshipsbetween the storyelements. Good readers understand that details in a storyor dramafit togetherto develop theoveralltext.
Student FriendlyObjectives
Iknow that a drama is astorythat is portrayedbycharactersthroughaction and dialogue.
Iknow a charactercan bedescribed based on his/her thoughts, words, actions, decisions, physical attributes, and interactions with others.
Iknow asettingcan bedescribed based on the time and place.
Iknow an event can bedescribed based on the characters, action, impact onother events, and thelocation within the timeline ofastoryor drama.
Reasoning Targets
I can describea characterusingspecificdetails from thetext regardingthecharacter's thoughts, words, actions, decisions, physical attributes, orinteractions withothers.
I can describeasettingusingspecificdetails fromthe text regardingthetime and place.
I can describean event usingspecificdetails fromthe text regardingthe action and sequenceof thestory.
dramaevent interaction
physicalattribute setting
Teacher Tips
Character Consideration—This FloridaCenterfor ReadingResearch (FCRR) graphicorganizer helps students to
identifyacharacter’s thoughts, feelings,actions,goals, and direct quotesfrom thetext.
ChartingCharacters—Thislesson plan can beused with anytext to help students comparetwocharacters’ perspectives
in a text.
ExploringCharacter Development in Fiction—This Read Write Think lesson plan usesSingDowntheMoon byScott
O’Dellto teach students how to usetextual support to defend theircharacter analysis.
GraphingPlotand Characterin a Novel—This Read Write Think lesson plan helps students to create abasic plot diagram of abook theyhave read.
LiteraryElements Mapping—This Read Write Think online tool allows students to map literaryelements. Plottingthe Plot—This FCRR activityhelps students to identifythe rising and falling actions within theplotof a literarytext.
StoryPieces—ThisFCRR activityprovides discussion cards that students could use in asmall group discussion to reviewthe keycomponents of aliterarytext.
TrackingCharacter Development--ThisLearnZillion video helps students to ask, "Whyis the character feelingthis way?Could therebe another reason?"
TrackingCharacters'Actions and Feelings--In thisLearnZillion video, students develop ideasabout characters by trackingtheirfeelings and actions.
Trackingthe Setting--ThisLearnZillion video shows students how to trackwhere a characteris in the text usingthe setting.
Understanding LiteraryTheme—This PowerPoint presentation providesanoverview oftheme in literarytexts. VisualizingSettingin a Poem--ThisLearnZillion video helps students to visualizethe settingin a poem bythinking
about what it looks like and sounds like usingevidencefrom the text.
What Can You SayaboutaBook?—This article explains thedifferent dimensions of character analysis.
Vertical Progression
RL.K.3 -With promptingand support, identifycharacters, settings, andmajor events in astory. RL.1.3 -Describe characters, settings, andmajor events in astory, usingkeydetails.
RL.2.3 -Describehow characters in astoryrespond to major events and challenges.
RL.3.3 -Describe characters in a story(e.g., theirtraits, motivations, or feelings) andexplain how their actions contributeto thesequenceof events.
RL.5.3 -Compare and contrast two ormore characters, settings,orevents inastoryor drama, drawingon specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact).
RL.6.3 -Describehow aparticular story's or drama's plot unfolds in aseries of episodes as wellas how the characters respond or changeas theplotmoves toward aresolution.
RL.7.3 -Analyzehow particular elements of astoryordrama interact (e.g.,how settingshapes the characters orplot). RL.8.3 -Analyzehow particular lines of dialogueorincidents in astoryordrama propel the action,revealaspects of
a character, orprovokeadecision.
RL.9-10.3 -Analyzehow complexcharacters (e.g., thosewith multipleorconflictingmotivations)develop overthe courseofatext, interactwith other characters, and advancethe plot or develop thetheme.
RL.11-12.3 -Analyzethe impact of the author's choices regardinghow todevelop and relate elements of astoryor drama (e.g., whereastoryis set, how theaction is ordered, how the characters areintroducedand developed).
The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: RL.4.3