Chapter Leadership Workshop Travel Policy 2017
The travel policy below appliesto those traveling to the 2017ONS Chapter Leadership Workshopas a Chapter Primary representative. It is required that each chapter send at least one representative to the ONS Chapter Leadership Workshop to remain eligible for charter renewal. Additional representatives are able to attend by paying a registration fee and are responsible for alltheir own expenses.
Flight arrangements must be made through American Express-Travelink, ONS’s official travel agency.
American Express-Travelink
+1.800.344.8212 press 3 for Executive Travel Services & press 6404
Hours: 8:00am–6:30pm ET – Monday through Friday
Email requests may be sent to .
Flight arrangements must be made as soon as possible after notification of travel dates to ensure the lowest reasonable rates. (The lowest reasonable rate is defined as arrival at the destination within two hours of the desired arrival time, layovers of no more than two hours, and no more than one layover.) The travel agency has been instructed to use the least expensive class of service, including non-refundable fares. Flights should be reserved on the airline with the lowest rates. The travel agency is required to obtain authorization from ONS for approval of fares over $500.
ONS pays the lowest roundtrip fare between the traveler’s home and the meeting destination. Flight itinerary would include arrival on Friday, 7/28/17 no later than 5:00 pm and departure on Sunday, 7/30/17 no earlier than 2:00 pm.
You may retain frequent traveler miles for personal use.
Once your fight arrangements have been confirmed, if you must change or cancel your travel plans, please contact ONS immediately. Most changes or cancellations result in a substantial financial penalty, and should therefore be avoided. Although ONS covers the cost of travel for each Chapter Primary representative, any subsequent flight change or rebooking fees will be the responsibility of the Chapter.
Airline reservations are to be confirmed PRIOR to submitting registration. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, June 21. Chapter Primary representatives that miss this deadline will no longer be able to use ONS’s travel agent for assistance and will not have the benefit of billing the cost directly to ONS. These Chapter Primary representatives will need to pay for their own airline charges and will be able to submit for reimbursement (with a receipt) for up to $500 AFTER the workshop. Costs over $500 will be the responsibility of the Chapter and/or individual.
ONS will cover the hotel room costs and associated taxes for two (2) nights. The hotel will bill ONS directly for those two (2) nights. If additional night(s) are needed due to flight restrictions from your destination, the travel agent will notify Meeting Services. ONS will make the hotel reservation to extend for the full length of stay.
ONS will not reimburse for incidental expenses such as phone calls, personal entertainment (movie rentals), or internet service. You will be asked to provide a personal credit card at hotel registration to cover incidental expenses.
Special circumstances may require an attendee to make travel plans on their own credit card and require authorization prior to purchase to confirm reimbursement arrangements. These circumstances would include an extended stay before or after the workshop that is not required due to flight restrictions, travel from an airport that is not the attendee’s home, and/or a multi-city flight. Please contact Meeting Services () to provide details and request approval.
All meals are provided by ONS (for registered attendees only) with the exception of Saturday’s dinner. ONS will reimburse a maximum of $40.00 for dinner on Saturday, July 29, 2017, for Chapter Primary representatives only.(Additional Chapter representatives are on their own for Saturday dinner). An itemized receipt showing food and beverage purchases is required. ONS does not reimburse for alcoholic beverages.
Attendees Driving to Chapter Leadership Workshop
Parking at Meeting:Parking will be reimbursed for those travelers driving to the meeting up to $25 per day with receipt.
Roundtrip Mileage: ONS willreimburse actual mileage at $.535/mile up to a maximum reimbursement of $500.
Attendees Flying to Chapter Leadership Workshop
Travel to the Departure Airport:ONS will reimburse the equivalent of roundtrip auto mileage to the nearest airport.
Parking at Departure Airport: ONS will reimburse for up to 3 days economy (long term or extended) parking.
Airline baggage fees:ONS will reimburse for one checked bag.
Travel from Pittsburgh International Airport to/from the meeting location:Shuttle service will be provided by ONS.
1.Submit all itemized receipts with your reimbursement form. The summary receipt that only reflects the total charge is not acceptable.The official CLW Travel Reimbursement Form can be found on the Chapter Officers Virtual Community site under the Chapter Leadership Workshop tab.
2.For any receipts covering multiple Chapter Primary representatives, include all covered attendees’ names as well as chapter name on the receipt.
3.Reimbursement forms should be submitted to ONS by Friday, August 25, 2017. Send receipts and completed reimbursement forms to the attention of Brian Taylor (), Manager of Membership and Chapter Relations.
If you have any questions regarding the ONS Chapter Leadership Travel Policy, contact Membership and Chapter Relations at +1.412.859.6100.
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