Lufkin ISD Sample Substitution Listing
Please use the samples below to complete Part C foods omitted and substituted on the Eating and Feeding Evaluation: Children with Special Dietary Needs form. If foods are list to be omitted, substitutions must be listed.
Peanut/ TreeNut:
Omit- Omitpeanuts and alltreenuts
- Substitutesunflowerseedbutter
- Substitute Deli meat sándwich
- Substitutepeanut free cookie
- SubstituteCheesestick and yogurt
Dairy (Milk, Cheese):
Omit- Omit fluid milkonly,
- mayhaveproductwithmilkused as aningredient in foods (breadsmadewithmilk, pizza, cheese, battered/breadedmeat ítems, cheese sauce, burritos),
- omitalldairyproducts- maynothavedairyproductsused as ingredients in foods: pizza, ice cream, burritos, cheese sauce, battered ítems, breadsmadewithmilk,
- substituteLactose free milk,
- substitute Soy milk,
- substitute formula, specify ______
Omit- OmitEgg and maynothaveproductswitheggused as aningredient in foods (pancakes, mayo, frenchtoast, muffins, pizza, cakes)
- omiteggs as a menú ítem butmayhaveproductwitheggused as aningredient in foods(pancakes, mayo, frenchtoast, muffins, pizza, cakes)
- substitutesausage,
- Use eggreplacer in récipes,
- cheese sándwich,
- peanutbutteruncrustable.
Omitomitallfish and shellfish and anyproductthatmaycontainfishproducts (fishnuggets, fish Patty, tuna, asian sauces, worcestershire sauce as aningredient in récipe) / Substitute
cheese sándwich
Soy: Note: Most of our food ítems contain soy or soy oil.
Omit- omit soy proteinproducts and anythingmadewith soy products;
- omit soy proteinproductsonly,
- mayhaveproductscooked in soy oils;
- substituteany 100% meat ítem; breads and otherproductsmadewithout soy.
- substitute deli meat and/ orcheeseslices, stringcheese, freshfruits and vegetables, yogurt, Sun Chips, SunflowerSeeds, Entreeswithoutbuns.
Omit- OmitWheat and productsmadewithwheat (baked godos withwheat, baking mixes withwheat, crackers, casseroleentrees, ookies/cakes, pizza crust, buns/breads, pastas, breadedentrees, breakfastcereals and entrees, gravies/sauces, frenchfries/tots),
- substitute rice, hard taco shellsor nacho chips, oatmeal, rice cereal, plainmeats and cheeses, freshfruits and vegetables, fruits and vegetables withoutwheatthat do notcontainwheat in theallergenstatement
- mayhave gluten free products
- musthave gluten free products