Chapter 5 Test BankHansell/Damour Abnormal Psychology
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File: 05, Chapter 5: Anxiety and the Anxiety Disorders
Multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions
1. What emotion is characterized by a general sense of danger, dread, and physiological arousal?
a. anger
b. anxiety
c. fear
d. obsession
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 111 of your text.
2. ______is an unpleasant emotion characterized by a general sense of danger, dread, and physiological arousal.
Ans: anxiety
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 111 of your text.
3. Anxiety is to fear as:
a. immediate is to future
b. future is to immediate
c. general is to specific
d. specific is to general
Ans: c
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 112 of your text.
4. What are the components of anxiety?
a. emotional and cognitive
b. behavioral and physical
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b
Ans: c
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 112 of your text.
5. The text authors suggest that anxiety and fear are normal because:
a. they are adaptive responses to threatening or dangerous situations.
b. they are common responses to a variety of everyday situations.
c. they produce physiological sensations that are normal and common.
d. they occur on a daily basis in most children and adults in the U.S.
Ans: a
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 1
Reference: See page 112 of your text.
6. Ben sees a snake in his yard. Instantly, he feels scared; he thinks that the snake will bite him. Ben runs into the house. Ben exhibits which components of anxiety?
a. behavioral, physical, emotional
b. behavioral, cognitive, emotional
c. cognitive, physical, emotional
d. cognitive, physical, behavioral
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 112 of your text.
7. Shari is experiencing intense feelings of anxiety. What factor determines whether Shari is showing normal anxiety or symptoms of an anxiety disorder?
a. whether she is experiencing physical symptoms
b. whether she recognizes that she is anxious
c. the context she is in when she feels anxious
d. whether other people feel anxious at the same time
Ans: c
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: 1
Reference: See page 112 of your text.
8. True or False: People with anxiety disorders experience anxiety when there is little or no danger.
Ans: true
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 1
Reference: See page 112 of your text.
9. ______is the degree to which an individual is predisposed to respond to a variety of situations with more or less anxiety.
Ans: Trait anxiety
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
10. ______is the degree to which an individual is predisposed to respond to a variety of situations with more or less anxiety.
a. State anxiety
b. Characteristic anxiety
c. Trait anxiety
d. Continuous anxiety
Ans: c
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
11. A transitory emotional experience that occurs in response to a specific external threat is called ______.
Ans: state anxiety
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
12. A transitory emotional experience that occurs in response to a specific external threat is called ______.
a. State anxiety
b. Characteristic anxiety
c. Trait anxiety
d. Continuous anxiety
Ans: a
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
13. Julie feels very anxious most of the time, in a wide variety of situations. Based on this information alone, which of the following best describes Julie?
a. Low state anxiety
b. High state anxiety
c. Low trait anxiety
d. High trait anxiety
Ans: d
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
14. Marcus rarely feels anxious, even when faced with actual danger. However, when he has to speak in public, he becomes extremely anxious. Which of the following best describes Marcus?
a. Low state anxiety, low trait anxiety
b. High state anxiety, low trait anxiety
c. Low state anxiety, high trait anxiety
d. High state anxiety, high trait anxiety
Ans: b
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
15. Abnormal anxiety is defined as anxiety that:
a. occurs in response to a true threat or danger.
b. occurs in an inappropriate context or is overly intense.
c. occurs in an inappropriate context and is overly intense.
d. occurs in response to a true danger but is not intense.
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 1 and 2
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
16. True or False: Anxiety disorders are the least common type of psychological disorder in the U.S.
Ans: false
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
17. Which of the following is true about the category of psychological disorders known as anxiety disorders?
a. This category includes all disorders in which anxiety is the main symptom.
b. Approximately 15% of people in the U.S. have an anxiety disorder in any given year.
c. This category includes six main anxiety disorders.
d. All of the above are true.
Ans: d
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See pages 113 and 115 of your text.
18. In any given year, ____ percent of the U.S. population has an anxiety disorder.
Ans: 15
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 113 of your text.
19. People with anxiety disorders are to high risk-takers as:
a. normal is to abnormal
b. adventurous is to avoidant
c. high anxiety is to low anxiety
d. criminal is to prosocial
Ans: c
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 114 of your text.
20. True or False: A person can experience too little anxiety.
Ans: true
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 114 of your text.
21. Very low levels of anxiety are associated with:
a. High levels of risk taking behavior
b. Low levels of substance-related disorders
c. Low levels of criminal behavior
d. High levels of obesity and eating disorders
Ans: a
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 114 of your text.
22. What group of people has been shown to have usually low levels of anxiety?
a. People with antisocial personality disorder
b. Convicted criminals
c. People training to be police officers
d. All of the above
Ans: d
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 114 of your text.
23. How is anxiety useful?
a. Anxiety helps people take risks that they would not otherwise take.
b. Anxiety helps people learn socially appropriate behavior.
c. Anxiety is a feeling and all feelings are useful, even if intense.
d. Anxiety causes people to ignore dangerous or threatening situations.
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 114 of your text.
24. How does anxiety relate to high risk-taking?
a. High risk takers experience intense anxiety, which is “burned off” by taking risks.
b. High risk takers have learned that it is healthy to do things that are frightening.
c. Underaroused people with little anxiety take risks in order to increase arousal.
d. Underaroused people take risks in order to experience pathological anxiety.
Ans: c
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: 2
Reference: See page 114 of your text.
25. What type of anxiety disorder has the highest lifetime prevalence rate?
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. panic disorder
c. phobias
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder
Ans: c
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 115 of your text.
26. The anxiety disorder with the highest lifetime prevalence rate is ______.
Ans: phobias
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 115 of your text.
27. Georgia worries excessively about her finances, the performance of her children in school, and about the health of her parents. She has had such worries pretty much every day for the past 8 months, and she feels that she cannot control her worries. She is tired all the time, has difficulty concentrating, and has trouble sleeping. Based on these symptoms, what disorder does Georgia seem to have?
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. panic disorder
c. obsessive-compulsive disorder
d. posttraumatic stress disorder
Ans: a
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 115 of your text.
28. People with ______experience chronic and pervasive anxiety and feel tense and worried most of the time.
Ans: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 115 of your text.
29. On a regular basis for the past year, a man has experienced fatigue, irritability, and restless sleep, along with persistent worries about a number of different issues in his life. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. dysthymia
b. generalized anxiety disorder
c. major depressive disorder
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 115 of your text.
30. True or False: For most people who suffer from GAD, the anxiety is not limited to a specific situation.
Ans: true
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 116 of your text.
31. How does panic disorder differ from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?
a. Panic disorder involves chronic but mild anxiety, whereas GAD involves acute episodes of extreme anxiety.
b. GAD involves chronic but mild anxiety, whereas panic disorder involves acute episodes of extreme anxiety.
c. Panic disorder includes a variety of non-anxiety related symptoms, whereas GAD includes only anxiety and nervousness.
d. GAD causes impairment in functioning whereas people with panic disorder experience no impairment from the disorder.
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 116 of your text.
32. Nate was riding the bus home one day when he suddenly felt hot and sweaty, and short of breath. He realized that his heart was racing and he felt dizzy. Nate feared that he was dying or going crazy. He got off the bus, went to the emergency room and was told that he was fine. Which of the following best describes this experience?
a. true alarm response
b. phobic reaction
c. panic attack
d. anxious apprehension
Ans: c
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 116 of your text.
33. LaToya has experienced several discrete episodes of intense terror during which she feared that she was having a heart attack. She worries constantly about having more episodes like this, so she has begun to avoid the situations in which she previously had them. Which of the following best fits LaToya?
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. obsessive-compulsive disorder
c. panic disorder
d. posttraumatic stress disorder
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 116 of your text.
34. In panic disorder, the feared object or situation is:
a. being in wide open spaces
b. being embarrassed
c. catching a disease
d. having a panic attack
Ans: d
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 117 of your text.
35. Stella is so afraid of panic attacks that she has become housebound; this condition is known as ______.
a. agoraphobia
b. claustrophobia
c. panic phobia
d. social phobia
Ans: a
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 117 of your text.
36. Gary is so afraid of panic attacks that he has become housebound; this condition is known as ______.
Ans: agoraphobia
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 117 of your text.
37. Of the people who go to hospital emergency rooms complaining of severe chest pain, what percentage are actually experiencing a panic attack?
a. 5-8%
b. 8-16%
c. 16-25%
d. 25-34%
Ans: c
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 117 of your text.
38. Which of the following is NOT true about panic disorder?
a. The feared object or situation is a panic attack.
b. Avoidance associated with panic disorder is called agoraphobia.
c. People with panic disorder are less sensitive to bodily sensations than other people.
d. Effective treatment for this disorder involves a technique called interoceptive exposure.
Ans: c
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See pages 117 & 134 of your text.
39. An intense, persistent, and irrational fear of a specific object or situation is a ______.
Ans: phobia
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 117 of your text.
40. ______is an intense, persistent, and irrational fear of a specific object or situation.
a. Agoraphobia
b. A panic attack
c. A phobia
d. A situational fear
Ans: c
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 117 of your text.
41. A man experiences recurrent panic attacks in elevators, rooms without windows, and other small places, and regularly avoids such places, despite the fact that his job requires use of an elevator. In those places listed, he experiences extreme shortness of breath, dizziness, and fear of dying from suffocation. These symptoms don’t scare him, but the situations do. What is his most likely diagnosis?
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. panic disorder
c. posttraumatic stress disorder
d. specific phobia
Ans: d
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 118 of your text.
42. A woman has always disliked clowns. However, she has very little reason to encounter them. When she does, she feels uncomfortable. She makes no effort to approach them, but she also makes no effort to avoid them. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. agoraphobia
b. generalized anxiety disorder
c. specific phobia
d. no diagnosis
Ans: d
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 118 of your text.
43. A person who fears social situations or other activities where there is a possibility of being observed or judged has ______.
Ans: social phobia
Difficulty level: easy
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 118 of your text.
44. Scott is intensely afraid of talking to women he does not know. Specifically, he is afraid that he will say or do something to humiliate himself, and that the woman will think that he is an idiot. This fear causes Scott to avoid talking to women he does not know, even in work situations; his ability to be promoted is limited by this avoidance. In addition, he has never had a date, even though he is 32. Which of the following best fits Scott?
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. social phobia
c. specific phobia
d. no diagnosis
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 118 of your text.
45. People with agoraphobia are afraid of:
a. being embarrassed or humiliated in front of others
b. being in a public place
c. having a panic attack where it might be difficult to escape or get help
d. having anxiety or a panic attack in a closed place
Ans: c
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 119 of your text.
46. Which of the following is NOT one of DSM-IV-TR types of specific phobia?
a. animal type
b. clown and doll type
c. natural environment type
d. situational type
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 119 of your text.
47. The most common fears experienced by children are of which type(s)?
a. animal and natural environment
b. blood-injury-injection
c. situational and natural environment
d. animal and situational
Ans: a
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 118 of your text.
48. Unwanted and upsetting thoughts or impulses are ______.
Ans: obsessions
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 119 of your text.
49. Unwanted and upsetting thoughts or impulses are:
a. anxieties
b. compulsions
c. obsessions
d. schemas
Ans: c
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 119 of your text.
50. An irrational ritual that is repeated over and over again in an effort to control or neutralize the anxiety brought on by an unwanted, upsetting thought or impulse is a(n):
a. compulsion
b. obsession
c. schema
d. worry
Ans: a
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 119 of your text.
51. An irrational ritual that is repeated over and over again in an effort to control or neutralize the anxiety brought on by an unwanted, upsetting thought or impulse is a(n) ______.
Ans: compulsion
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 119 of your text.
52. Julie constantly worries that her house will burn down if she does not unplug and check all of her electrical appliances before she leaves the house. She has developed a routine of unplugging and checking that takes her about 1 hour to complete before she can leave the house. After performing this routine, she feels a little less anxious, although her anxiety quickly returns after she leaves the house. Even though Julie recognizes that her actions are excessive, she feels like she has no control over these behaviors. Based on these symptoms, what problem does Julie seem to have?
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. obsessive-compulsive disorder
c. panic disorder
d. specific phobia
Ans: b
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 120 of your text.
53. A woman is very scared that she will contract a horrible disease so she cleans her house very carefully. She also avoids touching surfaces in public, such as door knobs. She spends about three hours each day cleaning her house and is often late for work because of this. What is her most likely diagnosis?
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. hypochrondriasis
c. obsessive-compulsive disorder
d. specific phobia
Ans: c
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 120 of your text.
54. A disorder characterized by multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics is:
a. anxious tic disorder
b. obsessive-compulsive disorder
c. Tourette’s disorder
d. none of the above
Ans: c
Difficulty level: difficult
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 121 of your text.
55. Tourette’s disorder co-occurs in _____% of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
a. 1-2
b. 5-7
c. 10-13
d. 17-25
Ans: b
Difficulty level: moderate
Core concept: none
Reference: See page 121 of your text.
56. True or False: Compulsive behaviors are always logical (but excessive) attempts to reduce the anxiety associated with obsessive thoughts.