SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction (MOI) for National Registry Emergency Medical Technician Basic (NREMT-B) Course at Fort Drum, New York

AFZS-DS 18 Jul 2007


SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction (MOI) for National Registry Emergency Medical Technician Basic (NREMT-B) Course at Fort Drum, New York

1. PURPOSE. This MOI establishes the responsibilities and procedures for National Registry Emergency Medical Technician Basic (NREMT-B) course registration through the 10th Mountain Division (LI) Medical Simulation Training Center (MSTC), Fort Drum, New York.

2. APPLICABILITY. This MOI is applicable to all Active Duty, Reserve Component, and National Guard units requiring NREMT-B courses for their Soldiers at Fort Drum, New York.

3. GENERAL. Soldiers possessing the 91W/68W military occupational specialty (MOS) are required to obtain and maintain certification by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) IAW AR 40-68. Certification will be, at the minimum, Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B). Active Duty medics will be NREMT-B certified and meet all other requirements for their medical MOS NLT 30 September 2007.


a. Phase one: Assessment. This phase begins upon receipt of this MOI.

(1) Commanders must ensure candidates, assigned to 10th Mountain Division (LI), for EMT-B courses are current in their APFT, weapons qualification, and 12-mile road march. Students will not be released or excused from class to participate in unit qualifications, soldier boards, or additional duties.

(2) The pre-requirement checklist (Enclosure 1) and Commander’s Commitment to Training Letter (Enclosure 2) must also be reviewed and signed by the unit Commander or 1SG.

(3) Students will not be assigned to duty rosters during, or on the day prior to the first day of, the class. Potential candidates cannot be pending UCMJ actions, MEB, MMRB, or be assigned to the Medical Hold Company.

(4) This phase concludes when supervisors and commanders identify eligible EMT-B candidates.

b. Phase two: Planning. This phase begins with the initiation of the candidate’s enrollment packet.

(1) Candidates must submit a copy of their medical shot record (SF 601 or Yellow Shot Record) with the following immunizations annotated:

(a) Tetanus/Diphtheria within past 10 years.

(b) PPD within 12 months, with results properly annotated. If PPD is positive then copy of chest x-ray results are required.

(c) Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) within past 10 years.

(2) Copy of current Basic Life Support (BLS) card (front and back). If BLS card is expired, BLS course will be offered during the EMT-B Course.

(3) Copy of the Combat Lifesaver (CLS) course completion certificate is required for Soldiers with a non-medical MOS.

(4) Completed pre-requirement EMT-B checklist (See Enclosure 1) and Commander’s Commitment to Training Letter (See Enclosure 2) signed by unit Commander or 1SG.

(5) Memorandum requesting attendance signed by unit Commander or 1SG (See Enclosure 3).

(6) All enrollment packets must be submitted to the G-3 Schools NCO (315) 772-5155 NLT 30 days prior to the first day of class.

(7) This phase is completed when the EMT-B enrollment packets are FAXed to (315) 772-8124 or submitted, by G-3 Schools, to the MSTC, Building P-1000.

c. Phase three: Execution. This phase begins when EMT-B enrollment packets are reviewed and accepted by the Director, FDMSTC.

(1) Platoon Sergeants will be contacted by the MSTC and provided a student roster. Soldiers will pick up textbooks and course outline at the training center NLT 2 weeks prior to the first day of class. Platoon Sergeant or Platoon Leader may pick up class materials for their Soldiers, if desired, provided they submit a memorandum of request with each Soldier listed by name. The training center will not release class materials to anyone not mentioned above. Students will not be admitted into the class without a textbook in hand.

(2) Students must arrive at 0830 the first day of class to sign in. Class will start at 0900. Any student showing up after 0900 will not be accepted into the class. The class will meet from 0900-1700 each day, with one hour allowed for lunch. The uniform for class is BDUs/ACUs. Students must bring textbooks, notepaper, pens and pencils.

(3) Class size is limited to 25 students in order to meet TRADOC standards of 1 instructor to 25 students for didactic lessons and 1 instructor to 6 students for practical exercises. Priority enrollment will be offered to soldiers with the 68W MOS. NREMT-B is required for 68W transition. Soldiers with a non-medical MOS are also encouraged to apply for this challenging medical course, provided they meet all other prerequisites.

(4) All attendees for EMT-B courses are required to have five patient contacts. This is accomplished through clinical time at the Connor Troop Medical Clinic (CTMC). Students will have the opportunity work with an experienced PA or nurse preceptor to further develop skills learned during the course. The five patient contact requirement is mandatory with no exceptions.

(5) Students must take, and pass, a comprehensive practical exam IAW NREMT standards and a Computer Based Testing (CBT) written exam. The National Registry CBT exam is administered by the Fort Drum Education Center. The test dates for the National Registry are not included in the course dates. Instructors at the FDMSTC will coordinate and reserve seats with the education center for the test two days after the EMT-B Course.

(6) NREMT requires a $70.00 examination fee. The Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG) will pay NREMT examination fees for Soldiers with the 68W MOS, provided it is their first examination attempt since October 2001. All other Soldiers must provide a money order for $70.00 made out to the NREMT or make arrangements for online payment.

(7) This phase is completed when students finish their NREMT written examination. The NREMT will issue certificates to students who pass the practical exam and score a 70% or better on the CBT examination.

5. Point of contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at or (315) 772-6148.



Director, Fort Drum

Medical Training Center

3 Encls

1. EMT-B Pre-Requirement Checklist

2. Commander’s Commitment to Training

3. Request for Attendance for EMT-B