Email conversation between Lucero and Romero confirming receipt of email to be sent on her behalf to New Mexican.

This was perfect, I just sent it. what is FOIAs?

Josette Lucero, MAOM

Executive Director, NCRTD

505-670-0682 cell

505-438-3257 office

505-438-0351 fax

-----Original Message-----

From: Rosemary Romero

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 20114:45 PM

To: Lucero, Josette

Subject: here ya go...... for whatever

Dear Phaedra - You are absolutely correct in your statements and you have my commitment to be a better communicator. If only one could stand in my shoes they would understand the years of frustration in working with officials who don't read their materials and make comments that meant to be demeaning or undermining, thus my expectation that I will not be prepared for the trick questions that are inevitable. We also try to get stories out about our successes thus our recent outreach to Julie Ann Grimm about the awards and increased ridership, but if seems these stories don't sell papers. In speaking frankly with our PIO that was a private conversation. Our records will indicate that any all requests made to us have been made in a timely manner and often without official FOIAs so we will continue in our quest to be better communicators and try to build the trust that goes both ways. I'm still surprised that you did not quote the Mayor about SF Trails audits or other information about the difficulty in developing new organizations and the audit issues faced for many years with SF Trails. As a reminder, our audits have been "unqualified" as noted by Commissioner Mayfield and this is good. We plan on having an Attorney General representative at one of our upcoming board meetings to discuss how we can better improve the communications around our audits which seems to be the concern of a limited few.

The NCRTD is a brand new government -- we have 22 routes in the district where service had never been before. Our "stellar" customer service has increased our ridership and our administrative costs on the dollar compared to operating is less than .17 cents not .78 that was reported in the Journal. The $.78 is specifically for federal dollars that encourage administrative cost allocation to these dollars so in effect the member entities are not charged for these costs so that services can be further provided. I am working closely with Annette so that she can better understand the differences and can explain them in a clear way. As the Mayor noted these are complicated issues -- much less explaining the funding for the future. The organization has taken the issue very seriously in developing models that can be explained and will ensure that we meet the mission of the organization. This is good strategic planning and we are on the right track. Tony's financial experience has been invaluable and I hope that the information he provided was helpful in understanding the future challenges.

I have given my heart and soul to this district and perhaps I am overly sensitive to the negativity, but I want to leave a legacy that can be built upon. I struggle to keep my hope up when I am bombarded day in and out with absolute meanness and when our Chair is treated as disrespectfully as she has been when she has only worked hard to create success. I act out my disappointment and this is something I will need to work on no matter what the outcomes are. My hope and expectation is that some day the RTD will have a good story printed.

Please allow me some time to get the other information that you have requested, I will work on it right away.

Email conversations between Lucero and Romero referring to the email sent by Raymond to Romero and forwarded by Romero to Lucero.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----

From: Rosemary Romero

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 201121:36:04

To: Lucero, Josette

Subject: Re: Fwd: You're my Councilor

I'm cuckoo for cocoa puffs!

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 9:18 PM, Josette wrote:

Yuk, yuk and more yuk. She is really full of it. I can't believe how she talks to you!! She believes that she is really giving u good advice!! I still say ooooweeee.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----

From: Rosemary Romero

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 201121:17:28

To: Lucero, Josette

Subject: Fwd: You're my Councilor

yeah right!

------Forwarded message ------

From: Carol Raymond

Date: Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 9:08 PM

Subject: You're my Councilor

To: Councilor Rosemary Romero

I voted for you and I still believe in you. Yes, this is a trial, but you could come through this as a champion for the right of all

citizens to have a voice. For fairness and honesty. For deep


A true stateswoman. It's what I saw in you when you ran. It's what I

saw in you when you became our representative on the RTD.

We all have good and bad in us. Ultimately, what makes the difference

are the choices we make. Turns out, the means ARE important.

We all have our roles to play. You are in the middle of an amazing

morality play. Your choices effect thousands. YOU (and eight others on

the council) make policy. YOU and the other members on the NCRTD

Board make policy. Others, including me, watch, learn, advocate,

advise, shine light and support.

Do not underestimate your power. We gave it to you. Use it for good.

Call me.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry